Album download leak

SITE: Music Blog
REPORTED BY: expassion [Moderator]
SITE: iTunes



New album from Auckland, New Zealand's hardcore band Antagonist A.D. As the vocalist Sam Crocker said, the newest CD "Steps in a more personal direction than our previous releases. here are still the usual themes you can expect from ANTAGONIST A.D. with songs about animal rights, consumerism, and apathy, but where it differs is dealing with anxiety, depression — feelings of alienation. I think for me, being from a tiny town on a small isolated island at bottom of the world I really started to feel that isolation — the lyrics have been a lot more therapeutic than anything I have written before." ''Nothing from No One'' will be released on third of July via Mediaskare.

Track list:


1. A.D.
2. War Crimes
3. Violence
4. I'm Not Here
5. Show Some Heart II
6. Lovesick
7. Nothing from No One
8. Paul Allen
9. Gold
10. Sticks & Stones
11. Epsom





Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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