![As I Lay Dying : Awakened News Added Jun 23, 2012 AILD is a band that needs no itroduction; Every metal fan at least heard about them. This "San Diego metalcore act is currently holed up in the Blasting Room with producer Bill Stevenson, and mixer Colin Richardson putting the finishing touches on “Awakened,” their new full-length album due out September […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/aildawakened.jpg)
AILD is a band that needs no itroduction; Every metal fan at least heard about them.
This "San Diego metalcore act is currently holed up in the Blasting Room with producer Bill Stevenson, and mixer Colin Richardson putting the finishing touches on “Awakened,” their new full-length album due out September 25th on Metal Blade Records." - according to dyingscene website.
The band's new single "Cauterize" will be released on June, 25th.
and here is the cover for awakened album http://i.imgur.com/weEb9.jpg
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1VteSDwa-w New single
Awesome! Thanks.
01. Cauterize
02. A Greater Foundation
03. Resilience
04. Wasted Words
05. Whispering Silence
06. Overcome
07. No Lungs to Breathe
08. Defender
09. Washed Away
10. My Only Home
11. Tear Out My Eyes
So pumped for this to get released already
New song preview! My anticipation keeps growing and growing for this album <3
Wish this would hurry up and leak so I could get it early. Gonna buy the CD when it come4s out but I want the album NOW! lol.
Man, paralyzed is not a song from the Awakened, is a song from the album DECAS! released in november of 2011…
Ok, you got me here.
As I Lay Dying tease clip of new song, “Whispering Silence.”
Read a great review today that said this will be the band’s most “…cohesive, with their best guitar licks and vocal lines to date.” I’m really excited for this release!
here is the new videoclip
Still waiting on a legit torrent for the album so I can have the songs before release, the wait is killing me lol.
like everyone else, can’t wait for this to leak.
hopefully it will leak this week – i’d bet it’s on the net by tuesday
I’m already checking every day, now even multiple times lol.
leaked on metalminos
Leaked, fuck yeah
full album stream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH2H0rRbHVM
looks like im out of luck cause I have a MAC and nothing is downloading right. Is there anything I can do?
It doesn’t matter if you have a Mac or PC, once you download the zip folder you can unzip it with either operating system
got it to work. the software I had wasn’t responding right. thank you
Can someone just give a hint as to where we can download this? I have been looking… and I cannot find :(
In the realm of metal, one can only guess where to find leaks…
Leaked ..awesome album..downloading now and definitely buying the original
Please let me know when a 320 rip is available.
I agree, 320 is the only safe bet. Anything lower sounds like crap.
wow…..that was an amazing album. First listen through I wasn’t sure what I thought, but after blasting this in a car for the 2nd time, I was sweating from excitement.
In short, Very good album but it’s no powerless rise or ocean between us. I give it 7.5/10
Best songs: Resilience and Wasted Words.
Worst songs: No lungs to breathe and tear out my eyes.
Sounds good. I too would give it about an 8 out of 10 and recommend a higher quality download rip or better yet buy the original.
There’s a Scene version already ripped. I’m not gonna post the link of course. Try by yourself.