Set against the backdrop of war, alliances, intrigue, and betrayal, the nine songs relate the struggle of a people needing to redefine themselves in order to survive this turbulent time. While the band's musical path continues to explore traditional pagan metal, it proves to be much more resolute and aggressive than ever before. The characteristic clean sound of both Heidevolk vocalists recounts the stories comprising "Batavi", while heavy guitars, thundering drums, and folk melodies build the foundation of each track: at times sweeping and at others melancholic.
1. Een nieuw begin
2. De toekomst lonkt
3. Het verbond met Rome
4. Wapenbroeders
5. In het woud gezworen
6. Veleda
7. Als de dood weer naar ons lacht
8. Einde der zege
9. Vrijgevochten