The Haunted Aesthetic Colossus



The Haunted is a Swedish melodic death metal band from Gothenburg, formed in 1996. The original members were Anders & Jonas Björler, Peter Dolving, Adrian Erlandsson and Patrik Jensen. Both of the Björler brothers and Erlandsson were members of the seminal melodic death metal band At the Gates, a pioneering force in the Swedish death metal scene.

All members, past and present, are from Gothenburg, Sweden; with the exception of Patrik Jensen, who is from Linköping; Per Möller Jensen, who is from Denmark; Adrian Erlandsson, who is from Malmö; and Marco Aro, who is from Finland.

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  • Album download leak: It has not leaked yet.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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