![Asking Alexandria : From Death To Destiny News Added Mar 03, 2013 the long awaited third studio album of the British metal band, Asking Alexandria. (I got the tracklist from Danny's Instagram.) -3/3/13 Submitted By Colton Musselman Track list: Added Mar 03, 2013 1) Sick And tired (3:24) 2) Am I Insane? (4:25) 3) White Line Fever (3:38) 4) All You Got […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/fromdeathtodestiny.png)
the long awaited third studio album of the British metal band, Asking Alexandria.
(I got the tracklist from Danny's Instagram.) -3/3/13
the long awaited third studio album of the British metal band, Asking Alexandria.
(I got the tracklist from Danny's Instagram.) -3/3/13
1) Sick And tired (3:24)
2) Am I Insane? (4:25)
3) White Line Fever (3:38)
4) All You Got To Do (3:23)
5) Dead (3:45)
6) Creature (3:14)
7) The Road (3:27)
8) Burn It To The Ground (3:28)
9) Killing Me (3:14)
10) Run Free (4:14)
11 Moving On (4:01)
12 Don't Pray For Me (3:05)
13 Six (3:03)
14 Am I Insane? (Radio Edit) (3:37)
I can’t wait for this album
i’m pretty excited about it too, but it still makes me mad that they have only released one single in like 6 months.
Check out Danny’s YouTube. It has a video of him in the studio. His channel is Danny Worsnop.
look at these faggots
hey thanks man!
Thanks for checking me out, although last time I checked no one was a bundle of sticks…
They’ve released another couple of songs, including “Life on the Edge”, and “Don’t Pray for Me”.
No they did not it’s just fake.
Nope, the YouTube videos of it are of a band called “SKARLETT” and sometimes they use a song by “SKARLETT” and “Set on Famous”, the song is called “You Only Live Once, So You Can’t Die Twice” (Still an amazing song and I love SKARLETT)
Although Danny did release a 35 second clip of “Don’t Pray for Me” which can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk8htnslrtQ
does anyone know about Danny’s project, Harlot? i follow him on twitter and everything and he says it’s a rock and roll band, but he says the same about Asking Alexandria. He recently said he got his scream on, on one of the songs, so i am pretty optimistic about it. your guys’s opinions, or info?
Harlot is Danny’s side project, its good but its nothing like Asking Alexandria, its like country rock blues stuff, its more of a clean project thing, they are worth checking out, they have like 2 songs…
i am anticipating it being like motley crue and hairbands from the 80’s because it seems that, that is what he is into!
Danny said at one of their live shows before they played Run Free that the albums name is “Don’t Pray For Me” :)
Video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=A47s4NZii7I
but he tweeted like two weeks ago that they just found an album name.
i cant wait anymore! :( :( :(
i predict that this album will be out around august, so a year later than they said. fuck them. It is really getting to piss me off. they have been frugal on any details on the album, we’re the fans. We make them.
Has anyone heard the new song? It’s not bad, it’s called The Death Of Me.
it’s alright, maybe i just have to listen to is more or something but i just wasn’t that into it the very first time i heard it.
Heard The Death of Me earlier, I really liked it! :-D
…. that new song is not that good.. i cant dance to it…. i miss the old electro asking alexandria :( but well.. everything happens for a reason
I like their new sound, they have kind of grown up a little, and no matter what, I will always love anything they release but I think this album will be the thing that makes them really big, they are heavy now, they have put alot of effort into this and I am very excited, I’m not a big fan of Danny’s voice these days but hopefully the songs will sound better in the finished versions, very keen for this album, I check here everyday and a lot of downloading sites claim to have the album already and you download what they say is the album but none of the songs are legit, its on all the sites, fake versions.
Hoping this sounds better than the last album, wasnt a fan of it…
SO Stoked For This Album, They Are Just getting Better And Better
Really wish they’d slap a release date on this. I can’t wait.
YAY <3 :3 AWESOME :)
source impericon.de-catalogue: seemingly album is recorded, but they choose the date of release after playing the big summer-festivals in europe this year…gonna be awesome…of course! :-D
According to this video: albums coming out in July this year. http://www.1065.com/player/?mid=23184442
According to their Facebook page, the streetdate of the album will be announced within the next 48 hours.
Hopefully the album will make early July. That’d be nice.!
8th JUNE 2013! Remember that day!
facebook page says 8.6.13 which i hope means june 6th :D but if its august i swear to god -.-
8/6/13 official release date
So is it the 8th of June or the 6th of August? D;
Is 8/6/13 realy the realse date because their is an interview that they put saying its set for realse in August
that is august…. -_-
Here in NZ our date format goes day/month/year he obviously hasnt taken into account this is an american release date month/day/year so don’t be a twat about it other countries do exist you know
August 6th. (https://twitter.com/SumerianRecords/status/336198920705286144)