October draws near under the sign of a Bethlehem invasion. On the 10th of October, The German legend returns with their first full-length album in ten years, "Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia"
October draws near under the sign of a Bethlehem invasion. On the 10th of October, The German legend returns with their first full-length album in ten years, "Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia"
01. Ein Kettenwolf greint 13:11-18
02. Egon Erwin's Mongo-Mumu
03. Verbracht in Plastiknacht
04. Gebor'n um zu versagen
05. Nazi Zombies mit Tourette-Syndrom
06. Spontaner Freitod
07. Warum wurdest du bloß solch ein Schwein?
08. Höchst alberner Wichs
09. Ich aß gern' Federn
10. Letale familiäre Insomnie
11. Kinski's Cordycepsgemach
12. Antlitz eines Teilzeitfreaks
+1 for Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
means fear of 666
-flies away…