Korn : The Serenity Of Suffering
News Added Jul 22, 2016 KORN will release its new album, "The Serenity Of Suffering", on October 21 via Roadrunner. The follow-up to 2013's "The Paradigm Shift" was helmed by Grammy Award-winning producer Nick Raskulinecz, who has previously worked with FOO FIGHTERS, DEFTONES, MASTODON and RUSH, among others. The CD features a guest appearance by […]

Korn The Serenity Of Suffering

Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: getmetal



KORN will release its new album, "The Serenity Of Suffering", on October 21 via Roadrunner. The follow-up to 2013's "The Paradigm Shift" was helmed by Grammy Award-winning producer Nick Raskulinecz, who has previously worked with FOO FIGHTERS, DEFTONES, MASTODON and RUSH, among others. The CD features a guest appearance by SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor on the song "A Different World".

The official video for the song "Rotting In Vain", which stars actor Tommy Flanagan ("Sons Of Anarchy", "Gladiator"), can be seen below.

KORN frontman Jonathan Davis told Rolling Stone about the track: "'Rotting In Vain' was written about being in that black place, being in situations that I don't like in life — be it relationships, or feeling when you're stuck and you're just being abused or you don't like where you're at, and you just sit there and rot. It takes you years and years to figure out how to claw your way out. That's where 'Rotting In Vain' came from. I'm just sitting there, fucking dying and letting it happen for years and years and not helping myself to get out of that place. That's the vibe that inspired the song."

"The Serenity Of Suffering" marks the second KORN album since the return of guitarist Brian "Head" Welch, who said, "This is a record to me that the intensity of KORN is back, and the live energy. Raw energy is there."

KORN's co-headlining tour with ROB ZOMBIE, "Return Of The Dreads", kicked off on July 19 in Englewood, Colorado. That trek winds down on September 3 in Bristow, Virginia.

KORN will also hit the road this fall with co-headliners BREAKING BENJAMIN for the "Nocturnal Underground Tour", which will kick off on September 24 in Fargo, North Dakota and run through late October.


Submitted By

Track list:


01. Insane
02. Rotting In Vain
03. Black Is The Soul
04. The Hating
05. A Different World (feat. Corey Taylor)
06. Take Me
07. Everything Falls Apart
08. Die Yet Another Night
09. When You're Not There
10. Next In Line
11. Please Come For Me

Track list (Deluxe Edition Bonus Tracks):


12. Baby
13. Calling Me Too Soon


Submitted By

Rotting In Vain (Beyond The Video)

Submitted By


Submitted By

A Different World (ft. Corey Taylor) (Snippet)

Submitted By

Koen - A Different World Feat. Corey Taylor (Official Audio)

Submitted By

A Different World (Feat. Corey Taylor) (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Submitted By

Take Me

Submitted By

Track list ((Japanese Edition Bonus Track)):


14. Out Of You



Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

  • Kody
    @kodebreaker Level 3
    July 22, 2016 at 4:13 pm

    I liked the way they were going with The Paradigm Shift. This should at least build on that somewhat. If it does, this’ll be a great album for sure.


  • Tom
    @t0mmyb0y Level 5
    July 22, 2016 at 9:34 pm

    Fuck ya Korn never disappoints. This sounds old school Korn I like it.


  • brian
    July 23, 2016 at 11:41 am

    Rotting in Vain is a pretty weak and boring song. The chorus is a snoozefest. Hopefully the other songs are a little better and the song structures are different than ABABCCBB.


    • Deonmeh
      August 5, 2016 at 8:49 pm

      Whatever! I thought Rotting In Vain was really good and you say the most butt-wiped shit ever! I’m sorry but your opinion sucks. I don’t see what’s boring about a new song. Oh. Does it sound like Dubstep when it DOES’NT?!!!!!! Sorry for my rage but I hate opinions like yours. Peace. No Hate. I love the new KoRn, not just the old stuff. Thanks. Bye.


      • Deonmeh
        August 5, 2016 at 8:49 pm

        That comment is for brian. By the way….


      • brian
        August 21, 2016 at 7:57 pm

        are you going to be ok, dude? jesus christ. who the hell was talking about Dubstep? i threw that dubstep album away it was so bad. their last album, TPOT was shit too. i’m glad this album seems to have a lot less electronics in it….but RIV was still boring. i personally think your opinion is complete and total shit….no hate though. i can’t stand new korn….they sound like a cover band trying to be Korn. they don’t even know who they are anymore. they haven’t done a plat album since David left. i’m glad you like the new shit….more power to you. I’ll stick to the old, raw, emotional korn….the creative korn….the korn that only new about how to make music….the JD whose lyrics were deep and meaningful and he felt every word he said….enjoy Rotting in Vain…..the song that has practially the exact same lyrics in the 1st and 2nd verse and he just scats in the middle of the song b/c he doesn’t even know what to sing about anymore. it’s a waste of talent. Thanks. Bye

        oh, and this was for Deonmeh by the way


        • Kody
          @kodebreaker Level 3
          August 21, 2016 at 10:22 pm

          You’re allowed to have your opinion, however much people disagree with it. But if all you’re going to do is bitch about the new material, maybe you should take your comments somewhere else.


        • aaron
          September 11, 2016 at 7:12 am

          well guess what brian i have news for you, the path of totalaty isnt even their last album. their last album is the paradigm shift, which is with no exaggeration the single most legendary and incredible album on this planet and by far better than anything korn has ever done. a straight 10/10 album and you have to be a complete retard to disagree. and yet your point is that this album is gonna suck because their last album is shit, well there you go. and on that note, the path of totalaty was still a great album even though it used dubstep and rotting in vain was an amazing song and any korn fan would agree. you have really terrible taste in music and your comments are doing nothing but making everyone feel really sorry for you cause youre missing out so much. honestly you’re just fuckn wasting your life hating on such an amazing band


        • Gerg
          October 20, 2016 at 12:05 am

          I’m sorry but this comment sounds like an ass pretending to be an ass


    • Kornamo
      October 9, 2016 at 11:19 am

      Don’t know why everyone is blowing up at you, Brian. Any Korn fan could tell that Korn sound nothing like what they used to sound like back in the day. I think the people saying that their last few albums are awesome, are probably still teenagers and therefore weren’t around for Korn’s hay-days and don’t really understand why Korn were such a big influence to the older generation.

      I saw an interview with JD about how he wrote lyrics for The Serenity Of Suffering and he says he just blabbered sounds that fit the music and then wrote the lyrics from that. Not exactly from the heart, now is it? Whereas their first few albums, you can hear Jonathan telling a deep story, usually about something from his past that greatly upsets him. Now he just writes words to music for the sake of the music having words.


      • dC
        October 19, 2016 at 12:15 am

        He wrote the lyrics the exact same way for the first albums as well. A ton of singers come up with gibberish to get the melody then go back and write lyrics that say something. Chino from the deftones does this and he is one of my favorite lyricists.


  • Alex
    @dayman87 Level 4
    July 28, 2016 at 8:29 pm

    Hmmm. I think it’s been a while since I’ve heard some good old Korn gibberish. I’ve missed that


  • MusicOnWax
    @musiconwax Level 2
    August 7, 2016 at 10:41 pm

    Excited for this release!


  • Mate
    @harang Level 1
    August 19, 2016 at 11:18 am

    Radio 1 Rock Show will premiere our new track ‘Insane’ on Sunday night at 7pm BST



  • RTBoss
    September 12, 2016 at 5:09 pm

    Insane is insanely amaze-balls.


  • Anthony
    October 6, 2016 at 2:15 pm



  • KREePyKiDD
    @kreepykidd Level 1
    October 9, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    The bonus track “Baby” BETTER NOT be a fucking Justin Bieber cover!


  • Steven
    October 13, 2016 at 10:01 am

    I have never wanted something to leak so badly. I was old enough to remember the video for blind the day it first came out. Has and akways will be a great band. Have to admit they sound totally different now. But i could never disown korn. I always find at least one song on their newer albums to help me emotionally. Excited for this i must say. Whether you remember korn in their hay day or not. Its about the music that brings us together not for us to bash each other in the comments section for somebodys opinion. That being said hope to see yall at the shows rockin out and vibing. Much love and positivity. Seven.


    • Steven
      October 13, 2016 at 10:09 am

      Also just wanna say corey taylor and korn together is a wet dream come true for me. Maybe jd will be on the knots new album or a stone sour song as well? One can only hope.


  • Alex Mallett
    @eck1985 Level 2
    October 14, 2016 at 3:49 pm

    No leak yet and the anticipation is killing me!!!


  • Steven
    October 15, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    We had TPS by now.


  • Anthony
    October 16, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    It’s got to leak either tonight or tomorrow.
    If not, then the day after that, and if not that, then I don’t know.
    I’m buying the CD regardless.


  • Trav
    October 17, 2016 at 2:45 am

    I’m guessing Tuesday or Wednesday.. Anyone else? Also, for some reason, I thought I read somewhere that the last track was a long track. Am I wrong?!


  • Butch
    October 17, 2016 at 5:43 am

    I’m hoping Monday, but you’re probably right, it’ll probably be Wednesday. Ever since albums changed to Friday release dates, worldwide, they don’t leak as early. Guess it’s working too, nevertheless, I’m still buying the album! Just hate all the waiting!!!


  • Rik
    October 17, 2016 at 7:22 pm

    That new Lady Gaga joint leaked today and it gets released the same day as Korn. Can’t be long now.


    • Hunter
      October 18, 2016 at 12:04 am

      It was already being sold in a different country is what I heard, so don’t be surprised if this on holds up till the release date


  • Jlcollision
    @jlcollision Level 0
    October 17, 2016 at 7:24 pm

    The cds are shipping to stores so anyday now it should leak


  • Anthony
    October 17, 2016 at 11:00 pm

    Someone run to a Record Store.
    This website’s twitter just tweeted someone actually buying that new Lady Gaga cd (PHYSICAL COPY)

    Maybe then, there will be a leak.


  • David
    @casjim Level 0
    October 18, 2016 at 12:23 am

    Someone go please and leaked for god sake i will send you a transfer via paypal -_-


  • DiDAS
    @djdidas Level 2
    October 18, 2016 at 2:22 am

    Cant wait for this album! Been a long time Korn fan since back in the 90s and this is probably first album since Take a Look in the Mirror that I have been this excited about. I kind of fell out of listening to Korn after Head left… the direction they went just didn’t appeal to me anymore. I liked a few songs here and there but nothing that blew me away. It wasn’t till The Paradigm Shift that they finally got my attention again. The only disappointing thing about that album was the lack of bagpipes, and Jonathan’s epic gibberish, 2 of Korn’s signature sounds aside from his voice and Fieldy’s unmistakable dirty bass riffs.


  • Someone else
    Someone else
    October 18, 2016 at 5:27 am

    It’s out!


  • Rik
    October 18, 2016 at 1:37 pm

    Yes! Today is a good day! :)


  • Edoardo
    @takabara Level 1
    October 18, 2016 at 5:04 pm

    I buy it, but i hope in a leak! :D


  • Kpw30
    October 18, 2016 at 5:09 pm

    Still no leak?


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