Album download leak

SITE: music4newgen



DREAMS is the supergroup of the Sleepy Jackson/Empire of the Sun and ’90s alt legends, Silverchair. Luke Steele and Daniel John teamed up to create the Australian project.

DREAMS have been one of the most enigmatic entries in the world of Aussie music for quite some time now, having first been teased almost two years ago after a picture of Steele and Johns was posted on Instagram, captioned by the phrase “Early DREAMS”. As time went on, the mystery deepened, with Luke Steele talking about the “Talking Heads-inspired collab” he was working on with Daniel Johns. Nothing much else was said until earlier this year, when a band named DREAMS turned up on the lineup for Coachella, sending the Internet into a frenzy. It was soon revealed that the duo did indeed consist of the Silverchair and Empire Of The Sun members.

Now, the pair are set to drop their debut album.

Track list:


1 Movies
2 No One Defeats Us
3 Numbers on The Board
4 Silence
5 Young Minds
6 Dreams
7 California
8 Love To Live
9 Odd Party
10 Always
11 Into The Wild

Love To Live

Submitted By

No One Defeats Us

Submitted By


Submitted By

Young Minds

Submitted By



Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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