Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: Riverside



FVNERALS have created an album that turns the emptiness of the void and the depth of the abyss into sound with their third full-length "Let the Earth Be Silent". The duo gives sonic shape to the silence of extinction that humankind brings to all life on earth and itself. Depression, isolation, and existential despair ooze out of every note. FVNERALS came into being when singer and bass player Tiffany Ström met guitarist and songwriter Syd Scarlet in the southern English seaside resort Brighton in 2013. Their joining of creative forces resulted in the formation of a dark doom act that also reaches out to and draws from ambient, drone, and a pinch of post-rock to complement what constitutes a particularly sinister and heavy sound. FVNERALS' first sign of life was the self-released EP "The Hours" (2013), which was soon followed by the debut full-length "The Light" in the summer of 2014 and a first UK tour. In 2015, FVNERALS returned with the second EP "The Path" and relocated to Glasgow, Scotland where they started working on their sophomore album. When "Wounds" hit the scene in 2016, it sparked relentless live activities across Europe in each following year until the pandemic shut everything down. Compared to previous records, FVNERALS have taken an even less optimistic approach to songwriting on "Let the Earth Be Silent". This also means that their third album is an artistic gift of beautiful darkness.

Track list:


1. Ashen Era 07:23
2. Descent
3. For Horror Eats the Light 07:32
4. Annihilation
5. Rite
6. Yearning
7. Barren



Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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