Twitter ban, subscriptions and push notifications
Yesterday our official @hasitleaked Twitter account was suspended. Liam Gallagher’s management decided to report a tweet about his solo album leaking, and Twitter’s DMCA rules are pretty straight forward as it automatically suspends our Twitter account. This is the first time this has happened and is likely due to Liam’s management thinking our Twitter account is sharing an actual download link. A counter notification has been sent to Twitter and it’s just a matter of time before the account is unsuspended. But it will take some time. Our backup account seems fine though.
We’ve had similar DMCA reports being sent to Google, resulting in a few of our album pages being removed from the search engine results. We’ve won all of these cases during our six years online and have had all reported album pages reinstated. It’s always the same case, labels and management thinking we’re sharing album downloads. And they have never any legal right to have our site content removed.
But it does highlight a bigger problem, temporary bans can result in Twitter, Facebook and even our own RSS feed being down. To combat this I’m going to offer a $2/month subscription for both email leak alert system and our forthcoming push notifications to phones. While it’s not going to be a popular choice, it will help the site leak notification to stay private, and less likely to be reported. It’s also going to help support the site and us staying away from intrusive and spammy ads. And if there’s any profit, it will go directly to adding new features to the site. Think of it as a Patreon to keep the site alive.

Someone on Twitter not wanting to pay for leak notifications because Twitter is free. Hours later the Twitter account was suspended. Oh, the irony.
For those who aren’t interested in paying, and I assume most of you aren’t, the site’s leak notifications on each album page will stay just like they are. Facebook leak notifications has to be removed and Twitter leak notifications will stay limited. It’s, like I mentioned, not because we’re breaking any rules – But because people misunderstand what the site is actually sharing.
Stay tuned and thanks for your patience.
people should be down for paid notifications!!
Liam gallagher.. always an asshole.
Sadly this is just the way content delivery networks have to be to avoid their own copyright issues. Hopefully it gets sorted fast.
Holy shit it’s still down!
Temporary??? The message I see is that it has been permanently suspended!!!
They’ve got 10 days to counter my claim that we’ve done nothing wrong. They will likely not respond and I have to wait 10 days to get it reinstated. It’s a mess. Irritating since they can do whatever they please by just sending a DMCA.
This is sad :(
5 days to go
It’s a nightmare right? I’m trying to get my suspended account back. I keep emailing an Counter-Notification but nothing happens. It’s been 6 weeks now. Did you get any sort of notifiaction about yours.
I did, after several attempts. And it took 2-3 weeks to get sorted.