
Has it leaked wouldn’t be anything without its visitors, members – And certainly not our talented contributors, admins and writers. Below is a list of the people who make the site better. View their profile, send them a message and make sure to follow them on Twitter.

[testimonial company=”Moderator” author=”Jules” image=””]


Julian (AKA Expassion) is our site moderator and a freshman student at Warsaw University (Poland). He’s a metal fan and his favourite bands include The Great Three (at least so he called them) which is Linkin Park, Slipknot and Demon Hunter. His biggest dream is to see of each of those bands live – for now only DH’s left. The other dream is to visit Pitcairn one day.

Visit Jules’ profile.


[testimonial company=”Social Media & Forum Admin” author=”Austin” image=””]


Austin is responsible for creating our group and acts as an admin over at our Facebook page as well as on the site forum. On a majority of days you’ll find him listening to vinyl and drinking orange juice. (mild pulp preferred)

Austin’s articles and account.


[testimonial company=”Writer” author=”Sean” image=””]


Sean May is a music fanatic who is rarely seen without a pair of headphones stuck to his ears. He is also a fiction writer, with the crime novel The Case and the short story collection Crimewave, and a lot more. Find him on twitter with the incredibly creative handle @seanmay or check out his website,

Sean’s articles and Twitter account.


[testimonial company=”Writer” author=”Justin” image=””]


Justin describes himself as a writer and filmmaker who enjoys hammering away on the guitar during spare time. Professionally, he’s a Sports Listings Reporter for TV Guide in Canada.

Justin’s articles and Twitter account.

[testimonial company=”Writer” author=”Matthew” image=””]


Matt is a 21 year old student from Dublin, Ireland. He can generally be found terrorising Irish suburbia and its residents with his silent mimed rapping and convulsive air-drum skills. He also likes ocelots.

Matt’s Twitter account.


[testimonial company=”Writer” author=”Matthew” image=””]


Matthew describes himself as a 21 year old music and history student at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, who’s primary focus remains on musicology. He’s also interested in medieval Scandinavian history, and hope to one day focus his studies on the relationships between medieval Scandinavian cultural practices and modern Scandinavian metal.

Matthew’s Twitter account.

Want to be part of the Has it leaked crew? Send a short album review, or any other text you might find appropriate, to our e-mail address and we’ll get back to you.