Tymon started the topic WTF? in the forum Site discussion & suggestions 10 years, 3 months ago
I’m a new user to the site, and I read all the guidelines and about levels and such. So, I uploaded a photo to get the 10 points, realized I used the wrong photo, so I uploaded another one. Now, that’s fine and well and good and all, but I noticed it was showing ‘updates’ in my page. I didn’t really see any reason to have the updates listed that I changed my profile picture twice so I deleted them… Now, what is RIDICULOUS is that it removes 5 points when you delete an update. This is NOT listed in the community levels page or I’d have just left them there. I would like the 10 points back if possible, or at bare minimum it needs to be added to the point information that you lose 5 points if you delete updates in your profile thing. (Which in of itself is a stupid thing, to be punished by deleting your own posts in the first place)