• Mavoy replied to the topic 2017 Albums in the forum General Music discussion 8 years, 4 months ago

    @Mojib Couldn’t say it better myself.. but wait.. u actually forgot to add Lana to the list :D #truestan

    I think it’s a good timing for idea that I have had in my mind for some time now… I believe Has It Leaked should have its own album calendar. Some websites are doing it, for better or worse (The 405, Consequence Of Sound, Metacritic). I actually have my own here, on my blog http://mavoy-music.blogspot.com/2014/07/kalendarium-albumow.html! But I wonder if it would be possible to get release dates of all added albums automatically, sorted in a calendar form. HIL database is very eclectic and it would bring new interest in the website.