"Like many with me, True Detective season one’s opening credit scene was both eerie and hauntingly beautiful, much thanks to the soundtrack. As the series characters and story developed beyond expectations, so did the connection between the opening’s song and we the viewers. But much like the main characters in the first season, The Handsome Family’s […]"


Like many with me, True Detective season one’s opening credit scene was both eerie and hauntingly beautiful, much thanks to the soundtrack. As the series characters and story developed beyond expectations, so did the connection between the opening’s song and we the viewers. But much like the main characters in the first season, The Handsome Family’s Far From Any Road, was let go.

For season two, we were given Leonard Cohen’s song Nevermind. While still using superimposed, layered photos in the intro sequence, the song added a much more subtle, stripped down narrative. Much like the first few episodes (currently at episode three), the song doesn’t have the same gravitas, and have yet to grow on me as much as The Handsome Family’s soundtrack did.

Lera Lynn

However, in season two there is a bar, where we are introduced to a mysterious singer with a unique presence and song. You might recognize her vocals from the season teaser. Her real name is Lera Lynn and her spooky, noir and Americana style song “My Least Favorite Lie” is my favorite part of the season so far.

With a voice and style Lana Del Rey would probably kill for, she’s brought an alternative to Cohen’s somewhat lackluster opening score. Lynn released an album last year, titled The Avenue, but has yet to reach commercial success outside of the US. She’s currently heading out to tour this summer and you can listen and buy her music on her own website. So far she has been featured twice in the show, and hopefully we’ll see more.


Press play above, and enjoy some stills from the beautiful opening reel below.









And if a follow up to True Detective season one proves difficult, I can’t imagine trying to replace Angelo Badalamenti theme for the upcoming Twin Peaks revival.

Read our previous Has it Leaked Curated articles.
Written by Mojib.

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