New site version “Cat Power” | Has it leaked?
"It's time for Has it leaked 0.5 which brings a handfull of added bug fixes and features"


As summer comes to an end, the site gets some new fresh updates

It’s been a long time coming but finally the site has gotten a few well deserved updates and fixes. Maybe nothing grand or spectacular, but at least we’re fixing the things you’ve been asking for. And for those who keep track, this is site version 0.5, this time honored by the lovely Cat Power.

New features and fixes

  • You’ll get a confirmation when you add an album. A problem which caused users to add album duplicates without knowing.
  • Editing an album now works. Finally! Go to Browse Albums > My Albums and you’ll get to edit the albums you’ve added to the site.
  • Search bar added. Yes, it’s the one on the top right. A lot of people asked for one, so I added one (it did take me five months to add)
  • Genre browsing works, again.
  • No more URLs allowed in reports. This is to prevent members to report and include links to illegal downloads.
  • Forum integrated into My Account. We’ve made it easier to use the forum, go to My Account at the top bar and you’ll notice it now includes a forum section.
  • Server move. We’re now in the states on a dedicated fast server which should increase site speeds.

And for the tech savvy…

  • Ping times have decreased for our US visitors.
  • The site finally gzip:s JS and CSS and we have minimized the html code. There’s a load difference of 70-75% from before.
  • The pages are also cached from now on, making the response times faster.
And there’s new default avatars… ;)
There’s one downside to all of this, you might have noticed that the ads have increased. This is unfortunately necessary until we get a proper sponsor since running the site isn’t free, and I would like to support our fine, fine article writers and site moderators in the future. And yes, if you want to – There’s always adblockers out there, but the ads are actually helping us bring you the site for free.

Anything you would like to see added in the next site update? Leave your comments below and I’ll take it into consideration, and I’ll also promise that it won’t take months for the next update to come out.




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