Submit your New front page suggestions

We’re about to update the front page. But first, what do you want? We’re woking on expanding the calendar, I’ve heard some of you think it doesn’t cover the releases well.
Is there something else? Prioritize the “Trending album section?”
Move other things around? Remove anything? Anything new you would want us to add?
Any suggestions are welcome in the comment section below.
All of this when Noel Gallagher’s album info has leaked. It’s going to be a long night…
I approve to do something new like, rating albums (nothing like the stars), but opinions (reviews), and make a classification of the best reviews, opinions, and hype that they get.
and not to forget, Wolf Alice’s new album should be featured in front page, its coming!
Personally, I’d much rather (or along side it) see a “top albums” section like that, based on the RATINGS… which (obviously) would only concern albums that already leaked. I guess on top of such a list, there could even be a “stickie” for (a certain number of) albums that just received their first ratings, so it would simultaneously act as an additional notification display of the most recently leaked albums. This might even persuade users to rate albums more often, as well as more attentively. Heck, I’d probably even be scrolling through the database, to rate most of the albums from previous years when I wasn’t here yet.
As for the calendar, I think I’ve left a similar suggestion somewhere around here before… would it be possible to put some icon next to the albums (or by some other means), to highlight the albums that you (as a registered user) have subscribed to? I dunno if this would even be implementable, but I think it’d be great to have some sort of more personalized list of upcoming releases, sorted by date.
Thanks for asking!
Some great feedback – Thank you!
You’re welcome :)
The highlighting idea for subscribed albums is a brilliant idea, just something to pull your eyes to the albums you really care about.
I don’t know if this is appearing only here, but this thing to complete the survey to continue to navigate is really shit man.
That was only alive for 48h. Never coming back
I would personally love some original articles that explore the industry, trends, music theory, or whatever else. Not necessarily opinion so much as having some research behind them.
Maybe some interviews, too?
Expanding the calendar section, yup. I’d also add a parenthesis with the hype it is getting. Once leaked, substitute the hype with the numeric rating it received by the community.
it would also be interesting to add other info post-release, like trending on charts (billboard, spotify, youtube or others), streaming counts, number of sold copies, etc. In this manner, the album page would potentially live up to its release (as I think in one week from its leak-release, its page gets obsolete). Biggest problem would be finding a tracking system and / or a database from where to collect these info.
Including polls or maybe some sort of interactive quick activity to gauge questions, hype, artist taste, vote on bets new album of month year etc…
Please, a global calendar that goes further than ‘in a week’.
On the popular albums, it would be awesome to see a little number in the corner to show the hype of each album. Maybe with a little fire symbol or the graph symbol from the page so everybody knows what it is.
Also to do with the popular albums, maybe having a system that removes the leaked albums from the list after a week. I come on the site quite often to see if any band I know have upcoming albums and having a load of albums I know that have been out for a while clogging up the section is kinda annoying.
For the love of God, no chat please! I kinda care about my privacy and I really don’t want everyone to know when I’m online. I don’t feel like switching it to offline every single time I log on, and it seems to increase my loading times as well… perhaps not that much, but it’s still noticeable. I, for one, am never gonna use it anyway.
Never mind… it seems to stay offline now.
By the way, I just thought of something else. About the header showing the top of either the recently added, leaked or most popular albums… I think it’d be great if we as a registered user, could somehow “lock” the preferred genre. I realize it’s just one or two clicks, but I believe it would make a nice addition if the website were to remember one’s preference.