News Added Aug 31, 2012 August 30, 2012 – Grammy-winning alternative rock band Deftones have announced the November 13th release of their seventh studio album, entitled KOI NO YOKAN KOI NO YOKAN was recorded in Los Angeles, CA with Nick Raskulinecz (Alice In Chains, Foo Fighters, Rush) who also produced Diamond Eyes. Front man Chino […]

Deftones Koi No Yokan



August 30, 2012 – Grammy-winning alternative rock band Deftones have announced the November 13th release of their seventh studio album, entitled KOI NO YOKAN

KOI NO YOKAN was recorded in Los Angeles, CA with Nick Raskulinecz (Alice In Chains, Foo Fighters, Rush) who also produced Diamond Eyes. Front man Chino Moreno summed up Deftones‘ sound in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, saying “Obviously we’re an aggressive band – not the heaviest, but there’s a lot of attack. He continues, “But there’s also this lush beauty that flows within everything that we do, and that’s my favorite part of the band. To me, it’s the epitome of what the Deftones do.”

*Credit Official Press Release

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: It has not leaked yet.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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  • @ Level 0
    October 26, 2012 at 11:59 pm

    People shouldn’t blame the website on this false leak. Since this is a community run website, there’s always going to be some jerk who just likes screwing around. The mods take care of them.


  • FattyMA4
    October 27, 2012 at 7:52 pm

    Good Work, Mods….

    There is NO leak. As of yet.


  • Name
    October 27, 2012 at 9:49 pm

    Haha you all are such ignorant fucks!!! I’ve had the album since almost 3 weeks and couldn’t be more in love with it……

    So go ahead waiting for it to leak…..laughing my ass off reading your pathetic posts!!!!!!


  • @dillinger Level 1
    October 28, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    You really do have to give praise where it’s due. The fact that the advanced copies of this album shows the complete dedication to their true fan base. I cannot wait to listen to this and the longer I have to wait the better it will be when I finally get to listen to it.

    You people who brag about being able to listen to it first have some serious small person issues to deal with. In two months time when everybody is listening to it, you’re going to boast about hearing it before everybody else and everybody else is going to think you’re a fuckwit and forget about what you have to say in seconds, just as they do now.


    • fiep
      October 28, 2012 at 4:05 pm

      I don’t get the ones that realy have a problem that it didn’t leak already, but for me ( and i think many others) its not, like you think, that we wana brag about it. We are just excitet to hear it. Not one person did state that they want to be the first to listen to it, so why did you have the urge to call this out?

      For me there are some Bands where i want to wait untill i have the copy in my hands. Deftones isn’t one of these bands for me. Around the Fur, White Pony and Saturday Night Wrist are all here as CDs. s/t and Diamond eyes, even if not bad, just dont cut it for me. So im curious if this record is more my taste


      • @dillinger Level 1
        October 29, 2012 at 5:35 am

        “Name / October 27, 2012
        Haha you all are such ignorant fucks!!! I’ve had the album since almost 3 weeks and couldn’t be more in love with it……
        So go ahead waiting for it to leak…..laughing my ass off reading your pathetic posts!!!!!!”

        That doesn’t sound like bragging to you?


        • fiep
          October 29, 2012 at 9:57 am

          You can only begg if you are “better” oder have something. Beggers want to feel better than others. It has something with the mather ( in this case the record) to do.
          I this case it is just trolling. Having fun in annoying the f. out of people here. so dont give them the attention. ;)

          (At least thats what i see here, sorry if my last response sounded agressiv)


  • Name
    October 28, 2012 at 4:32 pm

    I don’t believe any of these braggers heard it.there are no advance copies.warner had listening parties.a handful probably got handed to some press a few days ago.any nitwit who comes claiming they have it full of it.


  • DaiTheFlu08
    October 29, 2012 at 6:49 am

    The meter is moving again. I know it is probably fake, but I am so pumped for this album! It is really hard to not get my hopes up. Please don’t be trolling :(


  • @jordantw2 Level 1
    October 29, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    i seen it on mp3face. i didnt download it because it asks you to pay or some shit like that. there are 5 comments of people saying that they have it. check it out


  • Name
    October 30, 2012 at 9:42 am

    Oh no my friends it’s not a fake!!

    MP3Faces is the real deal…I have an account there and for a trial-period of 3 days, you pay 2 bucks and get full access to everything, including Koi No Yokan.

    A shame people always claiming they’re right when they’re really full of it!

    Anyhow….give MP3Faces a try and see for yourself….KNY is available ther there and trust me when I say it’s Deftones finest hour alongside Around The Fur!!!


  • Jaythree
    October 30, 2012 at 6:02 pm

    Nice salesman job on the mp3face bud! Pretty obvious it’s fake when your post is more about giving mp3face a try and paying only 2 bucks for a trial for 3 days than actually speaking of the album. I’m surprised you didn’t post the terms and conditions in fine print underneath your post, which goes on to say they automatically charge 70 bucks after the 3 days unless you cancel, which most people forget to do.

    If its legit, tell us something about the album that we can’t find out from reading reviews online.


  • @cidvile Level 1
    October 30, 2012 at 6:19 pm

    Everyone please ignore the post above where the guy claims the album is on MP3Faces. This is a affiliate site linking to a bullshit download of the album. He is just trying to get you to signup and become a member just to find out that the album is not really on the site. It will appear it is until you pay to be a member, then you will see it is not. He also posted the “songs” to the album on YouTube but when you go and listen to them he claims that YouTube muted the sound lol and that you have to go to the site and pay to be a member to get the album. Please be smarter and don’t fall for this guys BS.


  • @cidvile Level 1
    October 30, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    Just to confirm is full of crap I signed up for a trial and was not surprised when they do not have the album. DO NOT BE FOOLED! I have already called and had my trial cancelled.


  • @jordantw2 Level 1
    October 30, 2012 at 7:21 pm

    dont waste ur money on a bootleg.


  • @dillinger Level 1
    October 30, 2012 at 9:18 pm

    I check this site before bed and after I wake up to see if this album has leaked. If we get one more false claim from some moronic keyboard commando, I’m pooling my resources to find them and kill them.

    The only people who have listened to the album are the lucky folks who were able to review the album. One of my friends was able to review it, however he refuses to share the link and will not rip the songs at risk of Warner taking a fat shit on his head. Can’t blame the guy for not trying.

    Gah! I am going on a road trip tomorrow and want this album to leak before I leave!


  • @dlatusek12 Level 3
    October 30, 2012 at 11:17 pm

    Excited for the actual leak!


    October 31, 2012 at 12:19 am

    Obviously the guy’s lying. Sounds like Around the Fur?!? Pssht – Everyone knows Deftones don’t make the same album twice.


  • @rockerl Level 2
    October 31, 2012 at 3:21 am

    Well, obviously some people have it. Let’s hope for a leak by tomorrow..


  • D-Rock
    October 31, 2012 at 7:25 am

    Would it piss you off if the new album leaked tomorrow?

    Moreno: Yeah, it would definitely upset me. I can understand the excitement of people wanting to hear it, but I don’t think people understand what they’re really taking for free. The album is six months of my life, and I put a lot of hard work into creating it. I was at the studio every single day, singing parts 15 or more times to make sure it’s correct, you know? It does piss me off. And it’s not so much about the money, but it’s like “Who the fuck is this motherfucker giving away my shit for free?” It’s like somebody going into your house, stealing something, and then giving it to someone else.

    Vega: People try to act like it’s taking some sort of political stance against the opulence of the music industry, but that’s bullshit.

    Moreno: But once it’s out, it’s out, and people are gonna share it. Our music is meant to be shared, so I don’t really mind. I want people to buy it, of course. But it’s that one motherfucker who leaks it that’s ripping us off. Fuck that shit!

    Vega: Yeah, fuck that shit!


  • D-Rock
    October 31, 2012 at 7:32 am

    More of the interview I found fascinating…..

    I haven’t heard the full album yet, just the two songs you’ve released online, “Leathers” and “Tempest.”

    Moreno: The label didn’t get you a copy?

    No, they didn’t want to share it with me. They must not think I’m cool enough.

    Moreno: They’ve been really tight about it, but you know what? It hasn’t fucking leaked yet. Two weeks out, and no leak. That’s crazy. It bugs me out, because even albums I really like, I find them online months before they come out. Every morning I wake up to see if our album has leaked. There are a bunch false leads, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’m impressed.


    • @kylesams86 Level 1
      October 31, 2012 at 1:53 pm

      Reading that and bitching about false leaks makes me feel like a lame jack ass. I buy everything the ‘tones put out and go to any shows they play around here…but that made me feel like bitch. Lol. I hear what the mans saying. It’s true.


      • D-Rock
        November 1, 2012 at 6:04 am

        Well, it also confirms that these people making claims about hearing the record are just boasting bogus claims. There is no leak yet, and even the Deftones themselves have now stated it. Just understand, when it has leaked… everyone and their mother will know, not just a few dumb toolbags trying to troll a site. Furthermore, if you do get the leak, purchase the record because this is their livelihood. And they deserve to be paid for their hard work and efforts.

        Long live Deftones!!


  • October 31, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    i just want the leak so i can jam to it now , and use it at the gym ive had my pre-order paid off , and most my friends do the same , we buy their albums and dont open them , i have every album sealed since 2000 …

    its just too exciting considering theyre one of the few bands left that are top tier class of music.

    either way i cant wait.


  • Jonesy
    October 31, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    Heck, I’d settle for iTunes 30 second preview snippets …


  • October 31, 2012 at 7:10 pm

    I don’t change my feelings about music just because one of my idols has a standpoint on leaked albums. I do agree that it sucks, because as a musician myself, I have put my studio time into an album. At the same time, if people still come out to shows, buy the album, hell if we only sell 1 album out of the 500 we get pressed, I’m stoked. If people want to steal something and they get it and share it with the world, obviously they need it. In one way it’s kind of pathetic that we have no patients to be able to wait for the shit to at least be released, but in another I think it’s a bit flattering (in a weird way) that someone wants the shit that bad. Personally though, after reading this, I will do what I can to resist the urge to snag the album WHEN it leaks before the 10th. But I am going to buy the fuck outta this shit and bump it till next Christmas. I do what I can to respect the wishes of artists who speak out against downloading and leaks.

    Mad love for Chino and the rest of the Tones. One love for Chi.


    • Jonesy
      October 31, 2012 at 9:35 pm

      I pre-ordered it. I just view a leak as an advance copy FMW.


    • xpmule
      October 31, 2012 at 10:04 pm

      I’ve been a metal guitarist for a decade (stopped years ago) and i have a ton of family members who are in bands etc. one of them who gave me my first burned cd with mp3’s over 10 years ago just recently released a cd with his band and you know what ? EVERY single one of us always and always will download music. ANd what bugs me the most is i grew up recording music off the radio or copying tapes and cd’s etc. and it was no big deal then like its some horrific crime now where people should do jail time lol And the people / sites that index content like Sharereactor or Megaupload etc deserve to be in jail as much as any company that every manufactured BLANK cassette tapes and EVERY single store that ever sold them (including cd’s)
      Its a big deal now and i think because of $$$ and that’s it.


    • @kylesams86 Level 1
      November 1, 2012 at 1:56 pm

      Who is this mother? Talking like he owns his opinions and the rest just don’t matter? Give THIS man $10,000! Before he breaks these fucks and drives them out of the land. You best be coloring fool!


  • Hey
    November 1, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Soooo I just wanna hear this album.

    People turning this into a controversy are fucking stupid.

    Deftones por vida.



    November 1, 2012 at 6:45 pm

    Yet another person with Koi No Yokan freakin 12 days early.
    Leak for crying out loud!!


    • @jaytwo Level 1
      November 1, 2012 at 9:21 pm

      That guy is not right for posting that w/o leaking it. Just ain’t right…


        November 1, 2012 at 11:08 pm

        Yeah, I know right?! Lil bastard.. just adding insult to injury. I’m freakin dying over this album! I gotta hear it ASAP!


        • @jaytwo Level 1
          November 1, 2012 at 11:59 pm

          That’s 2 people (journalists) within the last two days, have posted a pic of it. This is 2012. They KNEW what was going to happen when they posted it. Deftones isn’t a garage band. Everyone and their mother who likes rock music is looking for this leak. Those dudes are aware of that…


  • JC
    November 1, 2012 at 9:33 pm

    I’ll trade my Deftones Covers record store day vinyl that’s sealed for someone to leak this thing already.


  • November 1, 2012 at 10:23 pm

    At least now we know the album will leak soon!


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