![Born Of Osiris : Tomorrow We Die ∆live News Added Jul 12, 2013 "BORN OF OSIRIS will release their much-anticipated new full-length album on Aug 20th and you can hear the new track, "M?CHINE" now by heading over to www.youtube.com/sumerianrecords Look for the band performing on this summer's Rockstar Mayhem Festival. For additional information head over to www.facebook.com/bornofosiris and stay tuned for more […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/135960.jpg)
"BORN OF OSIRIS will release their much-anticipated new full-length album on Aug 20th and you can hear the new track, "M?CHINE" now by heading over to www.youtube.com/sumerianrecords
Look for the band performing on this summer's Rockstar Mayhem Festival. For additional information head over to www.facebook.com/bornofosiris and stay tuned for more news regarding the new album over the coming weeks.
A new promo video for "M?CHINE" showcasing the new album's artwork can also be viewed now at the link below."
Lee McKinney (guitars) states: "We couldn't be more excited to not only have a new record coming out this summer, but to have a new single available in time for the start of Mayhem Fest! 'M?CHINE' to me is just a straight up in your face BORN OF OSIRIS song. It's got an epic intro, intense orchestral content, heavy keyboard breakdowns, a great structure, impactful vocals and of course some gnarly guitar shred. It definitely hits hard from beginning to end. We can't wait to head out and play it live all summer long."
M∆CHINE is awesome. I can’t freaking wait to hear the rest!
https://vk.com/wall-45540584_1167 Full album preview is up now.
official preview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qX-Y3-2eNw
After listening to the full album preview, I’m so stoked for this
The Origin
Aeon III
Imaginary Condition
Source Field
So excited for this shit! After listening to MACHINE, I got into Born of Osiris and I got into the whole deathcore genre! Crazy, right? I can’t believe it, but I’m more excited for this than Avenged Sevenfold’s new album, and they’re my favorite band! I hope AEON III and Exhilarating are as kickass as they sound to be in the album preview!
cant wait!
new song out -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k-DsrsmaGE
Can’t wait for this!!
what the fuck why hasnt it leaked
you guys im almost 57% sure its going to leak by tomorrow for sure
i’m gonna die..
LMAO. 57%
LOL. almost
Yeah it’s strange… CAN’T WAIT
How much longer, goddamnit? :D
You have to give them credit for keeping it under wraps for this long. It’s rare that it hasn’t leaked 4 days before release.
Circle of Contempt’s new EP didn’t leak until the night it was released either. I think Sumerian is being way more protective of their releases now.
I think it will leak today
That’d be good! :)
I need this .-.
Ive loved this band since A New Reign but after reading this article combined with the jason BS from last year I may pass on them…
You don’t have to be a good person to make good music. An example Lupe Fiasco terrible person very good lyricist. Same with BoO terrible human beings good musicians.
Please… :(
Why hasn’t this leaked yet? I’m gonna cry :c
Fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck :@
Need it. now:(
this album is gonna suck
Yeah hopefully it’s better than that god awful Asking alexander crap
This, coming from someone with the name ‘WWE_MetalxCore’ and Asking
Alexandria as their profile picture… that alone proves that you have
literally no authority on what decent music is. Go back to your
side-fringe, v-necks and faggy ‘hardcore’ dancing, supercunt.
lol first of all i listen to metalcore, thrash, death, tech deathcore, nu metal. So im sure i have a “decent” taste in music and as for wearing vnecks and “hardcore dancing”, that aint my thing brotha.
and if it wasnt for Asking Alexandria bringing in all the cash for Sumerian Records, BoO wouldnt even be on the label. Didnt you read the article about BoO being a broke ass band. ya get the fuck out.
and if it wasnt for Asking Alexandria bringing in all the cash for Sumerian Records, BoO wouldnt even be on the label. Didnt you read the article about BoO being a broke ass band. ya get the fuck out
BoO were signed to Sumerian looooooooooong before AA even existed, back when they were still Rosecrance. So you might like to actually know what you’re yapping about before you decide to open your mouth.
Ps – The amount of money a band can bring in has nothing to do with how much actual talent they have, take One Direction for a cliche example, close to zero talent, extremely successful worldwide. Same goes for your favorite generic, cookie-cutter douche-core band. Kaboom fuckwad. Don’t even bother replying, all you’ll do is embarrass yourself again. Adios.
one direction does have talent camel clit and have u not listened to the new AA album? sounds nothing like their old ” scene cookie cutter ” music.
One Direction? Talent? Are you freaking kidding me?
And yeah, I gave the new album a chance to give them the benefit of the doubt. It’s different from their old stuff, but it’s still just as lackluster, and they’re still just as talentless.
Anyways, you can’t possibly be over the age of 14, so don’t even bother.
im 22 years old, how can u call AA talentless tho? thats just ignorance.
That’s not ignorance at all, I just choose to listen to decent bands rather than swallow every bit of generic bullshit that the current music scene is constantly vomiting out.
Also, you’re 22, listen to AA, think 1D have talent, are a legitimate WWE fan and you have no clue whatsoever as to proper spelling or grammar. Now that’s actually just so sad. I genuinely pity you dude.
um alright? whats wrong with being a pro wrestling fan? so bcuz im 22, i cant listen to a certain band? and yes 1 direction have talent. i dont listen to pop or watever but they can sing and perform, no need to be ignorant about that.
I’m not saying you CAN’T do these things, I’m just saying that if you do, then you have to expect and accept ridicule unless you’re under the age of 15.
Any sensible human being older than 15 would have grown out of it and realized how pathetic of a phase it was.
hype for this is album is at 29? lol From Death to Destiny’s hype was over 100 on here. Enough said.
The only reason it had so much hype is because these angsty XcoreX nO-oNe-unDer$tandz-meee-nd-all-mii-probl3mz preteens will lap up anything that these generic Hot Topic, only-interested-in-money-and-underage-emo-sluts bands put out.
Your comment is almost a big a joke as you and AA are.
watever dude, Boo will never reach stardom like AA has.
Says the obviously mushy-brained 22 year old man, as he flicks his dyed-black side fringe, reapplies his eye-liner and thinks about how ‘different’ he is from everybody else, and how nobody will ever ‘get’ him.
Lmao, eye liner and dyed black hair…right.
Make music , not money. Boo are maybe big assholes and less famous but their music are much better than AA , sorry. I like AA , but with BOO it’s not comparable ( fuck you for my english i’m french <3 )
As much as I hate AA, I wouldn’t say they don’t have talent. Now I love boo so so much. They clear have more talent than aa. Your point on boo never being as big as them means nothing. AA appeals to a wider range of people because they aren’t as heavy, and they sing. Therefore, females will like it. That’s where the fame and fortune comes from. I’m not saying there’s any thing wrong with that, it’s just how it is. How big a band is doesn’t always equal to talent. You should retract that.
Why are you guys actually arguing about the talent of One Direction?
if this doesnt leak tomorrow… ill die alive
you do realeased, it is released in europe tomorrow anyway, so its not being leaked
Damn it’s out in 2 days…..no fuckin leak
1 Day in Europe, so it will be tomorrow for sure!!!
It’s a joke ? :'(