![Five Finger Death Punch : The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 News Added May 13, 2013 Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/albume-artwork.jpg)
Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, “We came off the road after a couple of great years of touring and were really amped up to write the 4th record. Everybody was in the right headspace and the band tighter than ever so it was a perfect storm. We jumped in head first and found ourselves 12-13 songs deep fairly quick but were still coming up with better and better material so we looked at each other and said…. ok why stop there? Let’s keep going. Once we passed the 24th song we knew we’re going to have to do two albums. We had this massive amount of music that’s very dear to us, possibly the best material this band has ever created. At that point there was no way to decide which songs to leave off one album. So we made the decision to release them all.”
Alright, I want thoughts on Suicide Silence. Should they look for a new vocalist or just give up? Honestly, they should just stop music, they wont ever find someone as good as Mitch! EVER!
Maybe lay suicide silence to rest then go and make a new band but never forget about mitch because they are good artist and not let mitch make them stop, i think he would want the band mates to continue what they love doing most and make music
I agree. Start a new band and find a new vocalist. If they were to continue with Suicide Silence tho I think there is only one vocalist that qualifies to take Mitch place vocal wise and that is Saud Ahmed of The Holy Guile. That man….can fucking scream higher then any motherfucker I’ve ever listened to and has that Mitch sound to him
i still can’t believe he’s gone R.I.P. Mitch Lucker.
I woke up on the first of November and literally cried for like 3 hours straight while blasting all of his music as loud as I could! That motherfucker changed my life and pulled me out of some dark times and I miss him dearly! May he rest in peace and rock the heavens
But what if there is no…. ah i dont want to start this argument
Im not a believer in Christianity or anything like that but I do believe there is a place that all of our souls go to when we die. Whether its heaven or hell or some vast universe I still believe we go somewhere
meh i believe we go 6 feet under :P
i mean ya. we do. but idk. Its nice to believe in some sort of afterlife
I believe it puts false hope and a sense of judgement of others with different beliefs in you
I guess. Idk
If this isnt leaked by the end of tomorrow there are going to be a lot of murders.
Oh trust me! There have already been some
im already ahead of you *slams car trunk*
Hahahaha so late *continues shoveling dirt*
haha thats what you think *knocks over the head*
you just dug your own grave
i was filling a mass grave…
well then out of failure *blows brains everywhere*
Yours or mine….
you guys just blew my mind….. WITH AWESOMENESS
Any thoughts on the Halo Of Blood?
Well….just found a really good copy of Grown Ups 2….so guess i’ll go watch this while I wait for 5FDP
movie2k more then likely
oh ya, whos the uploader?
charlie…. lmao
Not sure who the uploader is. OneClickWatch just puts about 15 links up under the movie/show name. PutLocker & MovReel are always the best one to do.
Is it cam or ripped
most likely cam
It’s cam, but i’d say it’s 9/A 7/V
Guys, have you heard new Ends with a Bullet EP? What do you think about that?
I think get metal may have gotten taken down….
Thats a bigg noo noo
what is….
WE cant lose getmeal
oh yea that yea fuck
Maybe they had to rename it but idk just says webpage is not available
Ya i know. I see that too
well i dont know how long it takes to get posted but i uploaded the file to pb idk where to go from here
I will look for it soon
how do we find it
i named the torrent music stuff or go to the bay and type /user/Zakk45 to go to my profile
and it looks like alterportal has as well
so many fake files this is pissing me off
welp imma get some rest hopefully itll be leaked when i get up or when i get back from the concert
Ima watch Grown Ups 2! I WILL be back when its over! See ya then knuckleheads!
That movie is terrible! haha
ya well i pirated it so i didnt waste any money
haha It’s really bad. Like the first one was good, but the second one makes me want to kick infants.
haha. the stupid uploader only put up half the movie! So i just gave up. Now im trying to find a good link to the internship or something
You should get GU2 from where I got it. Mine is the full 01:34:17
oh god i was refreshing one last time and i lost hardcoreleaksv2 anyone else?
Sorry, the blog at hardcoreleaksv2 DOT blogspot.com has been removed. That is the message I got
hopefully they all shutdown to upload 5FDP
Well, the ones I was on earlier were updating their blogs with the new stuff without having to take down…..OR, they received a DMCA complaint and had to take down the site itself….OR, I am all out of scenarios
Sorry, the blog at ****************************** has been removed. (I used asterisks to cover up the name of the blog so it would post as a comment)
what file did you post Zakk
The new Texas in July album
can someone that wants the texas in july try this torrent i uploaded [Removed]
its still trying to connect to peers on my end it states
im gettin the same thing
if you want it eric get it while you can
srry guys went to lay do and turn off my client try again says its seeding
YAY! Its downloading!
lol how fast might i ask?
about 32.8KBps but thats because there is only 1 seeder
Ususally things download at about 5MBps for me
hmmm i think it sucks a little to much bandwidth on my end how much more you got left?
is yours done yet?
yeah it shows that my upspeed is 60-70kbs
That would also be another factor
i dont know how to increase that any tips?
eh, its just your internets upload speed really. nothing you can do
well the package i got via centrylink is the 12 mbps connection but im also running on wireless i have no idea what the upload speed was
I have comcast and my download is 75MBps but my upload is only like 12-15MBps
damn you live in city or near a server?
I live in a city yes. I also have Comcast and they supply up to 100MBps packages. I have the one right below the 100
yeah i live in town of 1,500 people not very good internet down here
Ya I live in Washington State so like there are tons of people here along with a bunch of HUGE Corporations
yep thats a no no for me i hate people theres way too many of them in cities. you running Utorrent 3.3?
can you still load webpages when its running i cant get it to do anything but post comments here when i have it running and i have nothing downloading
yes. I can view webpages and listen to music off spotify and stuff
did you change any of your settings?
at least. I dont think so. Been a while since I installed it. Ive been using the program for years
Being wireless would also have a factor on the upload speed as well
dont seed for too long tho. I dont want you gettin caught and Brad
yeah thats why i shut it off
only 579 comments until 2000!
What the? Getmetal is down as well as hardcordleaksv2…
yep a little late on the one
hardcoreleaks is up again but under a diff name – hardcoreleaksv3
yeah cant seem to find anything on getmetal though
Is it suppose to be a homepage and nothing else on there or
yeah been out and about the last couple hours… holy brad balls
Getmetal is up again
bah… going to watch melbourne victory get humiliated by liverpool fc… this better be done when i get back… baby seals will be clubbed…
I was sleeping and wake up to 1460 comments lol god damn
LOL i watched a movie and within 2 hours had exactly 408 new comment
gah leak dammit -_-
We gotta hit 2k first!!!
We gonna reach 2000, aren’t we?
Damn right we are!
Going to sleep – 500 comments
Wake up – 1465 comments
Conclusion – nobody loves Brad :D
And nobody still didn’t leak this album.. sadly
Maybe this night someone will leak. Someone from Sweden or Germany.
If we hit 2k the album will leak! I feel it people! Lets make it happen!
Get Metal is back up everyone!
Yep and so is alterportal but still nothing on them
Doesn’t the album drop in Sweden today?
Alright ive literally said this every day for the past week or so but.. Its gotta leak today guys!
I’ve a strong feeling that I’ll be today, but, I’m really sure it’s going to be tomorrow, 100% sure of that
If we give this album 100 hype then they’ll have no choice but to leak!
[Mod edit: Links not allowed, plus its fake]