![Five Finger Death Punch : The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 News Added May 13, 2013 Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/albume-artwork.jpg)
Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, “We came off the road after a couple of great years of touring and were really amped up to write the 4th record. Everybody was in the right headspace and the band tighter than ever so it was a perfect storm. We jumped in head first and found ourselves 12-13 songs deep fairly quick but were still coming up with better and better material so we looked at each other and said…. ok why stop there? Let’s keep going. Once we passed the 24th song we knew we’re going to have to do two albums. We had this massive amount of music that’s very dear to us, possibly the best material this band has ever created. At that point there was no way to decide which songs to leave off one album. So we made the decision to release them all.”
Not sure if anyone else likes this artist, but has anyone in here besides me listened to the new Michale Graves album The Lost Skeleton Returns?
I really do not think it will leak today. I know domestically, at least in the US, it will not ship until the 26th, so who knows about other areas. Time will tell and then we will see
In Germany it will be in for sale on the 26th. A salesman told me they get the copies 1-2 days before so it’ll be today or tomorrow.
…and you’re going to buy it/leak it for us, right? Haha.
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….I found some tunes I was looking for :)
All of the above?
Alright….so what track is everybody looking forward to the most? For me it’s “Mama Said Knock You Out”
Dot Your Eyes and Wrong Side of Heaven.
wrong side of heaven
Hey guys, what do you think of “Prodigal Sons” (a band of my town)?
NEED A LEAK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a few friends that says they have the album, but i haven’t gotten any links or heard any of the songs… So i don’t think it’s out yet. And we get the album the 26th here in sweden too =)
In at work so if this leaks I think I may have to go home sick lol
It won’t be leaked until 25 of July in Sweden, I think
For me, it says it has been reported leaked by one level 1 user…Brad has been banned sooo…
It’s not leaked…that has been there since yesterday
Is hardcoreleaksv2 down?
I’m not sure if it is but try hardcoreleaksv3
Changed the name to the more sophisticated hardcoreleaksv3
I already checked but the chat isnt up which means their not running it yet.
A few friends of mine says they have the album, but haven’t gotten any links, so they probably just lie to screw with me. And someone wondered if Sweden gets the album earlier, nope we get it the 26th like everyone else =)
For example, in Russia we will get it only 29th via iTunes with official date of 30th. Maybe Sweden will get it 25th, the day before official release or not?
I know that the stores will have it in stocks right about now, but it doesn’t seem like they will leak this damn album xD I’m going insane here xD
The same story there, huh xD
Sweden gets it the 26th America gets it the 30th so actually yes, Sweden does in fact get it earlier
This album comes out worldwide in 6 days and in Germany on the 26th, and it still hasn’t leaked…. quite impressive
Luckily Mercenary’s new one has. Amazing stuff! :)
i checked with the sources and it is not leaked it was a fake .rar. file only contained cover and snippet’s ripped from youtube but i will certainly keep looking
I have 3 other sites open waiting for this album to leak that’s how desperate i am lol
Honestly, all of the waiting will make it that much more worth it :)
I can’t listen to the previews anymore, I deleted them lol I wish this thing would leak right about NOW
the infection of Brad has spread to other places
Brad is famous troll now
Hey wait a minute that’s me! Damnit Brad i didnt even realize it was you.
sorry but who is Brad because it seems everybody knows him here
He’s a troll who got banned for saying that the album was leaked but it wasnt multiple times.
Thanks Kevin. I hate that type of trolls more than the fake password protected rar files
Np :P and yeah i know it sucks and it pisses me off
The new Tech N9ne album isn’t going to hold me off much longer. I need some new Death Punch.
I say it leaks tonight at 3am and if i’m wrong you can smack me in the face. ^^
*Rubs my palms together* I’m gettin’ my slapper ready.
Lol! *Get’s face ready for position* do it quick.
Brad is even trolling on yahoo answers roflrofl he is a scrub
Lol yeah and it was my question :P
I saw that last night and I bout fell out of my chair laughing so hard
Lol your like god damnit BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!
Naw….not a fan at all of FFDP, but a few of my sites I use have been asking for it, so I thought once it drops, I will hook them all up
If you do that i will love you for ever.
Who’s a guy gotta put a beaten on around here to get this damn album!?!
Patience grasshopper…..it will leak soon. Maybe if we all just use the force it will leak quicker………..or not. Until it does, check out Ghost Machine and Motograter (their first 2003 one) to get your Ivan fix
The force of a…..five…finger…death punch??
Make yourself pass out and by the time you wake up the album would have leaked :)
It hasn’t happen the first dozen times
Get drunk and troll people that’s my only option that’s probably what Brad did
Birthday is tomorrow I hope god hears this and let’s this album releases that will be a great present! :D
Lol my birthday is tomorrow too, been waiting for this album forever now.
No way really? Nice man! July ftw!
Yep lol, really hoping for new five finger as an early present.
Same, and once it has been streamed online im going to buy the deluxe edition and this would be the first time actually buying an album in a long time :)
Just think, we get to do this all over again in November for Volume 2….
Lol oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! KILL ME NOW
Gotta do it in August(Avenged Sevenfold + DevilDriver) & September(KoЯn)
I’ll be there for Korn, no Avenged Sevenfold for me though
Avenged Sevenfold I am very pumped for and Korn also dont forget about Triviums new album as well :)
I have never liked Avenged Sevenfold for some reason. I know a lot of people who do, though
does anyone know what the heck, if you listen to Eminem, what Lincoln The Rapper Hunter is
Just one of those little mixtapes
Ahhhh, ok….yeah, thanks. cannot stand him but was just curious on what it was
to each their own
exactly lol
I suppose it’s a half and an hour before album may be leaked :)
He said supposed calm down lol
Just counting minutes to midnight in Germany in Sweden :)