![Five Finger Death Punch : The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 News Added May 13, 2013 Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/albume-artwork.jpg)
Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, “We came off the road after a couple of great years of touring and were really amped up to write the 4th record. Everybody was in the right headspace and the band tighter than ever so it was a perfect storm. We jumped in head first and found ourselves 12-13 songs deep fairly quick but were still coming up with better and better material so we looked at each other and said…. ok why stop there? Let’s keep going. Once we passed the 24th song we knew we’re going to have to do two albums. We had this massive amount of music that’s very dear to us, possibly the best material this band has ever created. At that point there was no way to decide which songs to leave off one album. So we made the decision to release them all.”
By the time 2000 comments hit the album will be leaked just try not to have 1 person spam lol
I swore in a recent interview Ivan said it would be out today in Sweden!
I think that interview was before they pushed the release date, so I’m guessing they pushed it in Sweden too
I guess one can’t say they are “The Shit” now without admitting they are in fact Brad now can they? XD
wow no leak yet. are you kidding me. this is a load of brad
It still hasn’t leaked?! WHAT THE BRAD!!! Im getting really fucking annoyed really fucking fast!
Are we allowed to post websites that can leak albums but not the actual download right?
I’ll be up all night so im going to find this god forsaken album and tell you all if it’s legit or not. Im not Brad dont worry i suck at trolling. :)
just incase anyones curious new AA song just leaked
Moving On? Like it
yea i have it better good
I cant find the full song. All I found was a preview
I’m very excited to hear more of “Dot Your Eyes (feat. Jamey Jasta)” The preview just isn’t enough! FFDP+Jamey Jasta=PERFECT.
where is the new song from AA
i have the link just idk how to post it
It’s on youtube, called Moving On
Hmmmmmm…..interesting. Did they release Dot Your Eyes as a single?
Nope, “Lift Me Up (feat. Rob Halford)” has been the only single for this album thus far. I can’t explain my excitement for this album!
well, at least I can rock out to Ruthless from Devildriver off their new album coming out soon
Im gonna do terrible things to people once this album finally leaks! Ive been waiting TOO LONG!!!!
Well, for starters, come here to Michigan and take care of the big wasp nest my wife found this morning hanging from the tree close to our deck. Please and thank you
FUCK NO! I hate Wasps!
Well, in the words of Dez from Devildriver – I am going to fuck them up RUTHLESS
How is that doing terrible things? :)
Thats more of a good thing
and I dont think I would go to michigan just for that reason lol
I wouldn’t either! I like it just fine in Washington
Yeah, not much in Michigan these days. Hell, Detroit is declaring bankruptcy
Ya. Which is why Im gonna stay in Seattle
Guys, I have an idea. Maybe if we make a human sacrifice to the metal gods they will leak the album for us! I volunteer Brad! Any objections?
Hell, I volunteer for you all. It would take care of my chronic pain issues I have from my really messed up back
Ya but you haven’t done anything wrong and deserve to hear this album! Brad is just well a Brad and deserves to die
Thus the reason I asked for everyone’s vote on brad being visited by the ghost of dahmer
Ughh….guess i’ll go play payday 2 for a bit & check back later. Damn you music industry security bastards!!
Haha! No fucking kidding! Im sitting here playing League of Legends trying to take my mind off of everything!
Well I been really lookin forward to August 13th to get here for PD2, but the beta leaked today so this will hold me over till the 13th.
Ya I heard about the beta leaking. I played the first Payday and its a good ass game! Im excited for the 2nd one as well
Shit, I forgot bout that. Gonna have to go get it :) Thanks for reminding me
Seriously guys… stop with all the damn Brad and Charlie comments. I have to keep scrolling thru all the bullshit being said only to find no updates. What the hell is taking this so long for this to leak?! At this rate I’ll have my newbury order before a scene release hits the web
Finally someone else agrees with me about that nonsense. I’m here for kick ass 5FDP, not Brad and Charlie.
Then don’t read the comments, WTF?
People are passing the time, you don’t have to scroll down, you can look at see it hasn’t leaked yet by the big NO
Well this is about the most unamerican thing ive seen on this thread . Would u like to control what more people say on the internet? Maybe you and our congress can go take a brad and charlie around the constitution. Till then the rest of the “real” knuckle heads will say and do as we please.
“real” knuckleheads? what exactly is that?! I helped promote this band since they were first conceived, my friend. My 5FDP stuff would make most of you knuckleheads wet your pants with excitement
Ok, here’s the thing. The whole Brad and Charlie thing was just a joke to help take our minds off the wait! It was funny and made waiting easier. We all grabbed a few beers, kicked back, and just had a laugh about it. That’s all it was.
Why can’t everyone just be friends? D:
So why arent AA using the old version of Run Free that is leaked? Why are they doing a new one……from what I hear, the old version is good
omg i been checkin every hour on the hour and still nothing. ima cut a brad in about 5 seconds here
This will be leaked very soon. I work in HMV and a bunch of albums releasing next week came through the door. FFDP’s new one was one of them. Only problem is the security in there is intense, we dont even get to touch the boxes that the albums are in until the day before, the managers have the only keys to the security cage. Bastard managers :D so other stores will be getting this now aswell. I also havent been working there long, so cant even take a shit without being frisked :D
watch this shit not even leak after it comes out in stores…that would be fucked up!
So, what’s the verdict? Do we think this album will leak on the 25th? Should I even bother coming back to this page if it doesn’t leak soon? Like honestly, I just wanna give up
I think it’s going to leak within the next 12 hours, that’s my prediction and I’m gonna stick to it
I hope so. I mean like the album isn’t gonna be in anyones hands officially until Friday! If the album leaks in 12 hours great. If not oh well., I just want it
I think comments from now on should be “HEY, IT LEAKED, HERE’S THE DOWNLOAD LINK GUYS” and no more “WHY HASN’T THIS LEAKED, MY VAGINA IS ALL DRY AND THE SAND IS SCRATCHING THE WALLS!”. I really hate seeing all these comments and it’s the same things “why hasn’t it leaked yet” well no one knows the answer to that, but when it leaks it’s not like someone is going to post it. It comes out the 26th, so it’ll be tomorrow for anyone in the states for them to download it.
Well the website is called “Has It Leaked?” so that makes it wrong to ask why an album hasn’t leaked yet?
His Vagina must be leaking
Hes on his period
i think some good vagina is the only thing that can keep my mind off of this release lol
sad thing is all the good music i have to listen to just sucks right now after waiting all this time for this
Right? Like I’ve been listening to like super chill music like Bon Iver, Ed Sheeran, Of Monsters and Men, etc. just trying to relax and take my mind off things
exactly, then your like fuck this i want some ffdp!!!!
Right, like, I don’t want to listen to any super heavy stuff right now because I need to save my ears for the epic brutality that is 5FDP. Like I listened to the new Texas in July last night and was like its alright but now im done with heavy music until I get my Death Punch
i just checked them out last, they are good. but yeah i got the new tech n9ne and that only keeps you mind off of it for a few mins lol
The new Tech N9ne is really good! I fucking love it. I think I listened to it too much yesterday cause now it just bores me
lol yeah i agree. well back to the itunes samples…
LOL! Ive listened to the iTunes samples too much too! Like, they are awesome but I just want the actual album. I just downloaded the iTunes Sessions EP from Jimmy Eat World and thats helping
lol yeah i have them blasted my neighbors probably hate but oh well…and is it any good?
Its pretty much just classic Jimmy Eat World. Has a super slow and chill Taylor Swift cover on it that I’m actually enjoying. It’s so different from the original that it just draws my attention
ill have to check it out, sounds like something i would like.
Its mellow. Its, well, Jimmy Eat World. They’ve always been one of my favorite bands. If you want some just chill mellow rock then I would definitely check out the Sessions EP for sure
only at 1625 comments, why we slacking guys?
Everyone has just given up honestly.
no way bro. knuckelheads are the most persistent and dedicated fans out there, WE SHALL OVER COME
I mean like I havent given up but like Idk. People are just sad that it hasnt leaked and also frustrated that its taking this long