![Five Finger Death Punch : The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 News Added May 13, 2013 Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/albume-artwork.jpg)
Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, “We came off the road after a couple of great years of touring and were really amped up to write the 4th record. Everybody was in the right headspace and the band tighter than ever so it was a perfect storm. We jumped in head first and found ourselves 12-13 songs deep fairly quick but were still coming up with better and better material so we looked at each other and said…. ok why stop there? Let’s keep going. Once we passed the 24th song we knew we’re going to have to do two albums. We had this massive amount of music that’s very dear to us, possibly the best material this band has ever created. At that point there was no way to decide which songs to leave off one album. So we made the decision to release them all.”
It kills me inside to know that this album could have been released yesterday!!!
Ya, It makes me all sad and stuff
Exactly, it’s called “has it leaked” not “bitch that it hasn’t leaked” and 1200 of these comments are from that Hunter queer posting about retarded shit, should probably get outside/some friends too.
Bro, you mad?
Bro you’re a bitch
I’ll dot your eyes and cross your fuckin teeth, bring it
you guys get it? huh? did ya?
Heres $10, go out and buy yourself a bag of Tampons. I would hate for your Vagina to just spew all over your fucking seat
I’d really love to see some of you outside of this site because theres quite a bit of people here that get their internet muscles all jacked when, and I think from your profile pic, you’re some skinny ass little bitch
You are one of those people you describe. You sound like a hypocritical cocksucker….
I can back any of this so not really being a hypocrite at all
Oh, can you, internet tough guy? People who are tough, they don’t “talk tough”
go toot your own horn somewhere else.
lol and people who aren’t tough shouldn’t talk tough, I making that present because people that wouldn’t say shit to someones face shouldn’t talk over the internet in the same way
Actually, it’s quite the opposite. People who can’t whoop somebodies ass, they will talk tough on the internet. Is that how it should be? No, but that’s the way it is.
I’d gladly take time to whoop yours
I am a skinny ass little bitch, that doesn’t hurt my feelings at all. How bout you actually come up with something that will hurt my feelings instead of using the fucking exact same insult I hear from multiple people EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY! You won’t break me, no matter how hard you try, you can’t shake me down, im fucking bulletproof. Nice talk
Think is you’re not bulletproof, you’d blow over in a strong gust of wind
HAHAHA! That one was funny! I hear that all the time too. Nice try
Then maybe you’d hear it less if you actually got off your ass instead of posting/replying to everyone’s comments and do something with yourself?
I am earning a Masters Degree in computer Science and 3 minor degrees in Animation, Graphic Design, and Audio Production. I think I’m doing something with myself
Bull larkey got off of work and nothing HORSECRAP I’m going to loose it
Most of us already have man. I woke up all happy and stuff cause I thought it was gonna leak and then I was like well damn.
O well il check later
the good news is we are only getting closer no matter how you look at it :)
YAY! I say we throw a party when it leaks!
i say we do that then we all get vip for the next ffdp show and party with the band, iv only done that once with one band and it was mind blowing lol
Yeah I mean like I have the money to get VIP tickets to see them in September but I just don’t want to drive 3 hours to see them and then drive home at like 2 AM
thats the bad part, and hotels are way too much anymore for something decent anyway.
Right, like I live in Issaquah and the show is in Kennewick which is like 3 hours and some odd minutes away. I figure I get there early to get a good spot and then the opening bands go for like maybe what? 45 minutes each? And then 5FDP comes on and they play for maybe 2 and a half hours and then the show ends at like 1:30-2 and then like hotels are like $100+ a night and gas for the drive home is almost close to that since its like $4 a gallon up here. So like there really isn’t even a point in me going when the show is that far away. I would love to tho
the closest one to me is about 6 hrs or more away so i might have to miss it this time around. i made it to mayhem fest but there set was short. that is a hell of a drive though. usually i go to Baltimore or Pittsburgh for most shows which is only a 2 hr drive. plus getting out of this area is refreshing lol
Ya, I didn’t get the chance to see them at Mayhem Fest. For their own tour though they chose the weirdest cities. Idk. Like In washington, the cities bands usually hold concerts in are either Seattle, Tacoma, George, or Auburn. Kennewick is such a weird location that is literally in the middle of no where. It makes no sense to me
Hes also full of Charlie
I got a long drive ahead of me tomorrow, I was really hoping this would leak so I could listen too it on the way to my interview. Brad-Balls.
Ya man, I think we can all agree with you. We all want this album to leak
Congress just passed a law that allowed the nsa to collect your personal info with no warrant.
WHAT? Where did you read this?
The liberitarian republic
Pretty sure that happened months ago right around the time Boston bombings happened….
Oh I didnt know this
Yea as far as I know seems like congress always tries to pass some kind of bill during national tragedies
Ya, I read something today about a bill they are voting on that involves the NSA and Section 215 of the Patriot Act that makes it look like they are lowering the funding of said act but other then that that law was made back during the time of the Boston Bombings and hell, they’ve most likely been doing that since 9/11
Always have to have something to cover their asses….
Yup, but lets face it. As terrible and corrupt the government of this country is we do get a lot more freedom then some of the other countries. Now, Im not saying that what the government is doing is right but I mean they do kind of have the right to do what they are doing. Yes, it does take away some of our freedom but we don;t want this country to suffer from anymore more “Disasters” I am a believer in some of the conspiracy theories that are thrown out there but most of them are bullshit. I do a lot of research to back up conspiracy theories tho to make sure there is in fact some sort of actual proof. Some of them do have proof to back them up and I like that
The amendment, proposed by Rep. Justin Amash, R-MI, and supported by several Democrats and Republicans, would cut funds to Section 215 of the Patriot Act. The law allows the NSA to collect an unlimited amount of the American public’s call records without a warrant.
So wow have followed this site for awhile but damn quite off topic I say? So from what we’ve heard from previews what would you say is gonna be the best song on the cd? I’m going with “anywhere but here ft. Maria Brink”
I’m liking the sound of the title track!
Burn MF!
Either the title track or You
“You” definitely sounded decent
You and Dot Your Eyes just has that 5FDP Brutality too them. Ivan just sounds so angry in both of the songs and that why I like them
ive got the full version of dot your eyes, just dont know how to post it, or if anyone else even has it.
-_______________________________- you’re not one of the Brad guys again are you?
no, lol, just lemme know where or how to post it somewhere, or even if theres a way i can send it
do you have a mediafire? and are you sure it isnt just an extended preview? cause I have the extended preview that someone on Youtube made
Yes we need the real shit if not post it on YouTube or something
I wouldn’t post it on Youtube. They are tracking people that do that harder then I’ve seen before. Just upload it to mediafire if it is in fact the real thing
True didnt think of that and if it’s the real deal someone let me know I’m at work ill dl that shit as I walk in the door haha
sounds pretty legit, cuts off the last few seconds. you could very well, be right, but im content to listen to it haha. and no i don’t have mediafire, gimme a sec and i will look into it
it very well good be real. I dont think it is but it could be
is it real
ok mediafire is created
upload it and then post a link but take out the . and put a DOT instead
bare with me here, but what do you mean
like you cant put .com
http://www.mediafiredotcom/#e6g4my305js8p give that a shot
ya…um it just took me to the mediafire home page
Not the actual song, someone just edited both itunes previews into one file.
oh well still. its legit enough for me
thought the exact same thing haha
That doesn’t work
you have to replace the . with the word DOT
Where’d you get it?
i actually forget the name of the site, i would post it if i remembered
its legit
ITS LEGIT!!!!!!!
anyone seen a decent copy of this is the end yet?
Nope. Not yet. I keep looking for one tho.
same here, im going to watch grown ups here in a bit it looks good for just coming out,
Grown Ups 2 is terrible and all the decent versions of it only have half the movie
i kind of expected that which is bad but it kills time lol i found the whole one on kickass tor
tell me how the A/V is
it kind of reminds you of watching a vhs honestly
i just had to check it before i watched it lol
LOL! That bad?
its watchable if you want to see it bad enough lol
Ok guys, so Corey Taylor of Slipknot, and Roadrunner Records have started a campaign to get the band on SNL as the musical guest. Thoughts on this? I personally would just watch the episode (if it happened) just for Slipknot
In a heartbeat that would be badass Corey Taylor is incredible with either band
I agree! I love both bands and either one on SNL would be sweet
that man is talented on so many levels!
He is.
people=brad! haha worst cover ever
LOL! It actually took me a minute. I was like People=Brad? Idk that song and then I was like OOOOOOOO I get it. Ya, it was eh
lol boredom sets in and thats what comes out
yup! I know, I think we can all agree that we are bored as fuck
yes, but its still fun to a degree lol i been stuck in the house because my car took a brad so blogging on here and beer have became my best friend this week lol
haha ya. Ive had a few confrontations on here with people saying im an annoying queer when in all honesty ya, i am but its cause im bored
Hey at least your car took a brad and you didn’t get hit head on by a drunk driver like I did on Monday
damn man, i had an a girl i was kind of talking too that stole my car and was drinking and hit someone and killed them about a yr ago. if i drink i make sure im not going anywhere fuck all that mess.
lol well wtf are they doing on here then ? they are just jealous and want ya.
And then telling me to do something with myself? Like okl, Im not going to college for a masters and 3 minors. No, thats not doing something with myself at all
lol yeah, what do you have your masters in?
Im going for a Masters degree in Computer Science.
thats awesome, i work for ibm right now which is a whole new world for me. i started school in the health field but that shit burns you out lol
Nice. How is it at IBM? And my dad has his medical assisting degree and does like life insurance exams and stuff
i been there for over a month and its been the best place i worked at so far, everyone is just nice which is rare at a job anymore. that probably wouldnt be too bad, i worked at institutions and stuff like that which made everyday fun but never know what the hell kind of shit you were walking into lol.
Ya. Technology places are incredible to work at. The top companies in the country to work at are all Technology based
And then Minors in Animation, Graphic Design and maybe Audio Production. Im not sure on that one yet. I want to develop video games and stuff so ya
i know there not on road runner but ffdp i would like to see korn trivium who is on road runner or hell even devil driver with some grin fucked
Ya idk. SNL doesnt normally get bands like that as musical guests so I’m surprised that Slipknot is even looking into it
Great idea…. To help pass the time till it leaks, start reading the forum posts Oldest to Newest. It should leak by the time you are finished. :D
F that tooooooooo many
Guys, Devin did in fact have the full version of Dot Your Eyes! THIS SONG IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!
I needs it send it to me pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeee
Ditto, tell us!
just access his account and get it that way
No clue how to use media fire lol I’m more of a piratebay person can you email the mp3?
Cant. Account has been restricted for too many log ins in a certain amount of short time it stated
ahhh. well…um…its not the full version I was mistaken. its just a pieced together version…Idk if you want it anymore.
Too many people logged in, can’t access now :(
someone just post a download link of it
Account has been restricted for too many log ins in a certain amount of short time it stated
me as well?
It’s probably just the pieced together one. Does it just fade out at the end?
ya but whoe cares
Then it’s not the full version…..
close enough fucking 3 minutes of Dot Your Eyes. I really could care less
smell like a brad in here fuck
It’s not the real version of the song but the two previews together.
Guys, I was mistaken, I apologize. Sounded real but it is just the 2 previews pieced together. I can post a link if you want but ya…
I think your punishment should be to have your eyes dotted. It only seems fair.
I got excited! I was like Hey, this sounds legit but then after another listen I was like oh…ya….this isn’t the whole song. Its good enough for me tho
i would like the link i just need a fix lol i thought i had the real cd last night was i spent an hr just to make sure it was legit and it was a fake i had mp3 files and everything but it said it couldnt read the file so i was like fuck
and again…it isnt the full song. just previews smashed together
i got an error
what kind of error? like it wont let you download it?
yea says it may be availible on amazon
Weird. I didnt get that problem. I dont know whats wrong then.
Everything I have found that comes close to full version of a song is on “freemusbox”.com
Phones gonna die guys be back in a few hours lol
ok, I think I have the full version of Dot your Eyes…
:Freemusbox”.com and search for it, it’s the 3:14 time
I’m almost positive its the full version
same version I have. Its just the 2 previews put together
damn, it sounds so good whoever did it lol
it is a really good fuse of the 2 previews i will give them that
yes it is
Oh did you get it?
5 effings days left and no leak…well damn..ima bout to snap out lol
Ive already snapped
i thnk some poor random person is about to feel my warth!!!
haha. I let mine go a while ago
whats really gonna suck..is if this album doesnt leak at all..there will be a alot of effed people
itll leak friday if anything
o man almost to 2000 just about 203 after this comment
This album has to be sitting at stores right now, it goes on sale on the 26th… It has to be within hours of leaking
i feel like there should be a facebook page created. I survived the five finger leak wait should be the title. Thats assuming we all make it.
And we will have a special memorial for those who dont
i got extended versons of i am sin and dot yours eyes im getting a slow fix lol
199 more comments
This is almost as bad as Hollywood Undead’s Notes From the Underground leak…. that was unbearable.
can you imagine vol 2
Well NFTU didn’t leak till like 3 days before release, so I sure hope it’s not that bad!
thats whats goin to happen most likely this has been the longest i have waited for a leak
The best leak I was able to get was Love and Death – Between Here and Lost. Got it way before it came out it was available retail. If I remember correctly, was about 2 months before the release date of 01/2013
dot your eyes is making me want to beat the hell out of some one lol