![Five Finger Death Punch : The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 News Added May 13, 2013 Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/albume-artwork.jpg)
Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, “We came off the road after a couple of great years of touring and were really amped up to write the 4th record. Everybody was in the right headspace and the band tighter than ever so it was a perfect storm. We jumped in head first and found ourselves 12-13 songs deep fairly quick but were still coming up with better and better material so we looked at each other and said…. ok why stop there? Let’s keep going. Once we passed the 24th song we knew we’re going to have to do two albums. We had this massive amount of music that’s very dear to us, possibly the best material this band has ever created. At that point there was no way to decide which songs to leave off one album. So we made the decision to release them all.”
Im surprised no one can find You and the full version of it since people who purchased the platinum package was sent the link to download it 7/19/2013
i have looked everywhere for it
Same here
Me too
It’s times like these that make me realize how little of a life I have.
http://www.youtube DOT com/watch?v=3vqXz7tGdO0 for those that need a 2 min fix while we wait for the album lol
Dis shit better leak today.
Have you seen a link on ArgentinianWarez? Is it fake or not?
downloading will let you know
Ok, I will be waiting
Five Finger Death Punch – The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side Of Hell.zip49.8 KB/s – 16.4 MB of 169 MB, 52 mins left
lol slowest fucking download ever
guess they are fakes matt above says so
I’ve got 57 min left. I wish I still had my Rapidgator premium account. It would’ve finished downloading by now.
Shit..hope it is legit…
If this is legit you are my new best friend.
It helps to kill some time anyway :)
The file size on it is 169.08 MB…my god this might be it. Gonna download it and find out.
im doing the same as well
[Link removed]
Sad to break the bad news, this is fake. I downloaded it earlier, and it makes you download a password from this site, and the site makes you do one of those surverys for it. I got “Lift me up” off of this free somehow, it gave me an error when trying to play. Plus the cover, as you can see from the blog, is from Elton John’s album.
ah darn good lookin out
Yeah, I was gonna let you guys know if it was legit, but it was full of Brad.
Well that’s depressing, because I’m pretty sure it’s the same download that’s on ArgentinianWarez.
That’s where I downloaded it from. This is the exact same thing. I was so excited when I found it, I waited the hour to find out it was fake.
Well, may be I can find something legit later but I really need it. I can’t listen to something else exactly.
Sorry, guys. I didn’t know that it is another fake coz I can’t try it myself…
It’s alright man. We’re all just anticipating the album so much we jump all over any link that’s shown to us lmao.
i am sad to see there are no new changes :(
yup this is so charlie
What. The. Fuck. Leak. Already.
can we get this to 2000 comments?
Of course, we can!
I see its rather dead atm
Just because most of all went to sleep. I’m still tryin’ to find something but I haven’t yet.
We could probably get it to 3,000 before the freaking album leaks. haha
true that
:'( still no leak. Oh well, I will just sleep and hope it’s here in the morning
Today is the day.
Then if not today then tomorrow for sure since its getting released in germany!
This shit better leak before i personally break into a recordstore and still a hard copy!
Yeah, you still that copy, still one for everyone too
Ha. Ha. ha, that type of joke was absolutely unheard of before you just made it! You sir are a genius!
No but seriously, where did you still it from?
stilled it from you of course
149 more!
So i just saw on facebook that a store i usually frequent will be stocking the album tomorrow, so it should probably be out there on the interwebs by tomorrow sometime guys. I’m from Australia just if anyone is wondering.
Which shop? I’m in Aus as well :)
Cool. I saw the same for Germany area as well. The Amazon storefront that people in Germany can use state its coming out 7/26/13 as well as other online stores for the Germany area but, you never know, we may get a leak today or tonight…you never know
Utopia Records, Sydney.
Guys, I may have found a leak, currently downloading, if it’s legit, only time will tell.
Where did you find it?
Torrent Reactor.
They are all fake on that site.
Are they? Damn. I wasn’t aware, figured I may as well have a crack at it.
Yeah, it’s a bullshit download. My mistake, but to anybody wondering, the Torrent Reactor download is a wank torrent.
I hate the torrent sites now their all fake :(
Jesus the wait for this album has been way too intense… LEAK MOTHER FUCKER LEAK
Burn motherfucker BURN! :P
Listening to the preview to hold me over. SOO GODLY!
Cant even listen to samples where i am :( In Australia, Nothing comes up for sample
Cant listen to iTune’s previews? That sucks.
Nope :( used to be able to but they took the samplesdown for us
go to “freemusbox”.com and download the samples….
http://www.rdio.com/artist/Five_Finger_Death_Punch/album/The_Wrong_Side_of_Heaven_and_the_Righteous_Side_of_Hell%2C_Vol._1/track/You/ guys once it leaks here’s where you can stream it.
Guy’s I found a website that you can stream the album once it leak’s. Go on Allmusic google it because i cant give you the specific link they will get rid of it.
Now i’m going mad!! Gotta lock me up soon in a room with soft walls and a straitjacket so i can jump around like Gummi Bear!! I want this album, i NEED this album! Give it to me!!
Just take a deep breath turn off the computer and knock yourself out the album will be leaked in no time :P
Can’t turn it off xD I’m watching Bones =P And every 30 minutes i watch this damn site to see if anything has changed xD I’m addicted now xD
im trying to stream the album on rdio dot com and im getting a geo-block… could this be??? could this really be??? somebody try out this fucker!!!!
cant get it open even with a vpn
cant even open with a vpn… wtf?!?!
It’s not available to stream yet iv’e checked
all good… cheers for the heads up
Stream on Rdio – 2nd august.
That Brad guy pisses me off …hes answering yahoo questions and telling people it has leaked but no website info….what a fucking douche….anyways i could go on but im so excited for the ffdp album….i check this site 50 times a day lmao….cant wait
hopefully someone gets a leak soon that would be awesome….i know for sure ill buy it also ,it would just great to have now
I’m gunna knock you out! Mama said knock you out!!! :D
Can’t wait until i here the whole song!!
Search for mama said knock you out five finger death punch on YouTube theres a 2 min video preview with tech nine
Does anyone know if Here To Die will be on Vol. 2? To me it sounds a lot more like a song from American Capitlist than the songs from this album, so it might be a leftover track from American Capitalist. And also when they released the clip, they hadn’t finished this album yet.
itll be on vol 2 as its not on the tracklist for vol 1