News Added May 27, 2013 4th album from Ronny and his MAGNOLIA. So where have they been ? Well, Ronny joined forces with MY BROTHER THE WIND for 2 albums. For those of us who heard MAGNOLIA before, it is heavy 70's based hardrock in the vein of NOVEMBER, but also CREAM. Supersharp lyrics, blending […]

Magnolia Tänk Själv



4th album from Ronny and his MAGNOLIA. So where have they been ? Well, Ronny joined forces with MY BROTHER THE WIND for 2 albums. For those of us who heard MAGNOLIA before, it is heavy 70's based hardrock in the vein of NOVEMBER, but also CREAM. Supersharp lyrics, blending wah wah guitars and superheavy rhythm section. It cannot be said as best ever album ever by MAGNOLIA, as the previous 3 are already classics, and so will this one be as well ! "Tänk Själv" will also be released on vinyl later this summer!

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Track list:


Duell med djävulen
Mr. Hårding
Idag så bad du mig att dra
Oväntat finbesök
Svara Mig
Tänk själv
Jag finns här
Dit vi går
Rötterna går djupt

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: It has not leaked yet.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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