![Queens Of The Stone Age : … Like Clockwork News Added Mar 23, 2013 The Queen of the Stone Age has been in the studio for quite some time, and have on numerous occasions teased both the fans and music publications about a forthcoming album. The album, titled ".. Like Clockwork" has now been confirmed and snippets from the upcoming release can be heard […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/QOTSA-like-clockwork-HIL4.png)
The Queen of the Stone Age has been in the studio for quite some time, and have on numerous occasions teased both the fans and music publications about a forthcoming album.
The album, titled ".. Like Clockwork" has now been confirmed and snippets from the upcoming release can be heard on the QOTSA's website.
A possible June release has been reported by Antiquiet. But no set date or tracklist as of yet. Foo Fighters Dave Grohl have recorded drums for the album as we await the announcement of a drummer for the forthcoming tour. Other guests apperances include Elton John, Trent Reznor, Mark Lanegan, Nick Oliveri and Jake Shears of Scissor Sisters
Read. I guess, if Elton John, why not the Scissor sisters as well?
We've also learnt that two other high-profile names have been added to the feature list, Alex Turner (from Arctic Monkeys) and James Lavelle (from UNKLE). The new drummer, Jon Theodore, is going on tour with the band. Theodore played for The Mars Volta, so I don't think we need to worry he wouldn't be up for the task.
Listen to the studio version of My God is The Sun below!
@matt doyle – maybe u should add all those “vine” – videos from em ,
i think they are worth seeing by every fan: these are 2 of those u can acces through browser.
I´ll see you real soon
Brainwashed or true believers?
there are 2 more when u´ve installed the vine app…
Can the release date be updated? All sources now show this album coming out June 4th, instead of the previously announced June 9th.
Can’t wait! I Appear Missing sounds amazing! If the rest of the album is anywhere as good it’s gonna fantastic
The album was reported as being leaked by a Level 2 HIL member. The report was incorrect and the user has been stripped of his points and ranking.
NOT A FAKE – boerse has got it listed!!
I was referring to an old report, this new one is legit.
there is a new teaser!
no era vulgaris is and always will be there best album, because it defies the true soud of the band
The german Itunes store has a an expeted release date for 31st may –
might be because most albums are released on fridays in germany.
It has leaked, I got it over Soulseek. I thought the first album is going to be their best, followed by Era Vulgaris; but ‘…Like Clockwork’ is just unreal. Way darker, yet somehow mellower. Definitely Album of the Year.
Any chance you could dropbox me the album? Cant seem to get it on soulseek. Cheers
They’re full of shit. They don’t have it…
realmofmetal. easiest leak download ever
It’s forbidden to ask for links. Your comments are and will be removed.
Sorry man just read your comment, I guess you may find it somewhere else by now.
happy guy!
Rgold717 I’ve searched for it and can’t find it. How did you search for it on soulseek? Cheers.
New song released on the youtube channel!
What’s the reaction so far? Leave your initial album comments!
i feel dirty
It is currently making my nether-regions all tingly, if that’s any idea of the quality. Definitely an improvement from “Era Vulgaris” (which I loved). It’s like all of the best attributes of their last three albums fucked into one beautiful entity.
incredible. loving it. we are not worthy
Smooth Sailing!!!!!
fuck yeah I love Smooth Sailing, but every song is good.. a bit different from what they did before but a true QOTSA fan will love all of them.
and listening for the 3rd time.. (a bit more stoned this time lol) The Vampyre of time and memory is really awesome too
Smooth sailing kicks serious ass. I’ve had it stuck in my head all day. If I had a tail, Kalopsia, I appear missing, Keep Your Eyes Peeled… My God Is the Sun is also better in context too. This is a great album.
Best album of the year. I wasn’t expecting EVERY SONG to be this good.
Just brilliant. I’m expecting a following B-Sides, like the way Chili Peppers did.
from 1 to 10 a creepy new mix style , like u put sftd , ltp and era together in a blunderbuss and shoot it in your face! – i cant go to bed …. finally i can stop listening to RAM… xD
By far, one of the best albums I’ve heard this year. I was certainly not disappointed.
Songs 2-4 have been on repeat for me – I can’t get deeper into the album because I crave going back. Those 3 songs, instant favorites…
It’s the first album they’ve had without any skip-able songs. Simply outstanding work.
I freaking love it, but am I the only one who is mostly enthralled with Fairweather Friends??? I love that song, but yeah, every single song is absolutely awesome. Cannot stop listening to it. Will Buy it when it’s actually out.
this song reminds me so much of Rated R.
I can confirm the leak at Realm of Metal mentioned by Goncaloshred
guys you can find it on kickasstorrents now
Holy fucking shit. This is the best album I’ve heard this year (and I’ve heard many), and the best album QOTSA have ever done.
yeah it’s leaked
what do i do if it says the file does not exist on this server?
This album is pretty good and after the rather disappointing and lazy “era vulgaris” a welcome return to form from the gods of stoner rock. It doesn’t reaches the heigths of a “Songs for the Deaf” or “Rated R” but it’s a very pleasant and varied experience. It’s most comparable to “lullabies to paralyze” in my opinion but has influences from all of qotsa’s albums. So far im giving it a decent 8 out of 10 points.
oh gwod, is this a bit of jizz i my pants?
new qotsa logo as sticker on ebay
This album is incredible! What to say…we were expecting something great…but this? this is tremendous!!!! this is something else!!! thank you QOTSA! ALBUM OF THE YEAR BY FAR.