Album download leak

SITE: Exystence



“I THOUGHT I’D retired!” laughs Roy Harper, talking about the 13 years that have elapsed since his last album and his fresh offering, Man & Myth.

Assisted by Californian musician/producer Jonathan Wilson, the 72-year-old Harper has created seven tracks that encapsulate a number of different moods, recalling facets from his storied career that now reaches back over five decades and which has inspired artists as diverse as Led Zeppelin, Johnny Marr and Joanna Newsom.

Time Is Temporary is the sound of a man who is capable of contemplating his mortality as well as musing on coincidence, convergence and circumstance.

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Track list:


"The Enemy"
"Time Is Temporary"
"January Man"
"The Stranger"
"Cloud Cuckooland"
"Heaven Is Here"
"The Exile"

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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