News Added Oct 06, 2014 "We are EXTREMELY excited to announce the release of our upcoming album Guilty Pleasure. We've been working on this album for over a year and I am 100 percent confident that this is the best album we've ever created. Whether you were a fan of About That Life or a […]

Attila Guilty Pleasure

Album download leak

SITE: Kingdom Leaks
REPORTED BY: ihasmudkipz



"We are EXTREMELY excited to announce the release of our upcoming album Guilty Pleasure. We've been working on this album for over a year and I am 100 percent confident that this is the best album we've ever created. Whether you were a fan of About That Life or a fan of Outlawed, this album will appeal to everyone. Even if you pretend to hate our music, you will love this album. It will be your guilty pleasure.

Musically, this is the heaviest album we've ever written. It still has our signature sound but it's a new refreshing twist. Lyrically, I really expanded my horizons. I wrote the most personal song I've ever written on this album. I still have some ignorant party hits, but I also drop some serious knowledge on this album. Open up your ears and take it all in; we're about to drop the best album of 2014."

Track list:


1. "Pizza, Sex and Trolls"
2. "Hate Me"
3. "Rebel"
4. "Guilty Pleasure"
5. "I've Got Your Back"
6. "Proving Grounds"
7. "I Am Satan"
8. "Break My Addiction"
9. "Horsepig"
10. "Dirty Dirty"
11. "Fake Friends"
12. "Don't Be Basic"
13. "The Cure"

Attila - Horsepig (audio)

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An official album stream has been reported at
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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: Yes, see stream link above.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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