![Enter Shikari : The Mindsweep News Added Oct 08, 2014 Enter Shikari will release their 4th album "The Mindsweep" on January 19. Submitted By Matthew Source hasitleaked.com Track list: Added Oct 08, 2014 1. The Appeal & The Mindsweep I 2. The One True Colour 3. Anaesthetist 4. The Last Garrison 5. Never Let Go Of The Microscope 6. Myopia […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Enter-ShikariS_The-Mindsweep_5x5_300-1000px-320x320.jpg)
Enter Shikari will release their 4th album "The Mindsweep" on January 19.
Enter Shikari will release their 4th album "The Mindsweep" on January 19.
1. The Appeal & The Mindsweep I
2. The One True Colour
3. Anaesthetist
4. The Last Garrison
5. Never Let Go Of The Microscope
6. Myopia
7. Torn Apart
8. Interlude
9. The Bank Of England
10. There’s A Price On Your Head
11. Dear Future Historians…
12. The Appeal & The Mindsweep II
"We pushed ourselves vocally with some of the rawest angriest vocals we’ve ever done as well as some of the most dulcet and delicate."
"We pushed ourselves vocally with some of the rawest angriest vocals we’ve ever done as well as some of the most dulcet and delicate. It’s even more diverse than normal as we’ve built more confidence and fearlessness to widen our influences further. Melody and aggression will always be an important side of what we do, but with this album there was also a concerted effort to concentrate on texture too. Alongside the core of our guitar, bass, drums, electronics set-up, there’s so much new instrumentation and orchestration. Writing for and recording woodwind, brass and strings was so rewarding and really felt like it brought a new dimension to the music.
Just can’t wait to play these songs live now!" - Rou Reynolds
Kingdom leaks are a bees dick away from leaking it
Going by that hashtag, hopefully.
finally leaked <3
Just finished listening to the whole album, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. It is very different from what I was expecting but as a fan since TTTS I have always enjoyed Enter Shikari’s movement in sound. There are some very heavy songs, some chilled songs and a mixture of both, I just fear that those looking for AFFOC will not find what they’re after. My favourites so far: Myopia, There Is A Price On Your Head (OH MAN) and Anaesthetist. What does everyone else think?
Holy shit that was amazing. Just finished listening and I was blown away. I was disappointed with AFFOC and thought their best days may have been behind them, The Mindsweep just slapped me in the face and proved me oh so wrong.
omg it has leaked. best thing to find out about after a hard day’s work
Anyone else hearing the “This is not too leak” at 0:18 in Dear Future Historians? Is that meant to be there O.o
myopia and torn apart together are amazing. holy balls this album is my life rn
i am in love with this album. it’s like a mature take to the skies, so proud of shikari
Such a good album to start the year.
I didn’t expect this album to be THIS AMAZING! They grew up, and I love their music even more!
After three listens my favorites are The Appeal & The Mindsweep I and The One True Colour (apart from The Last Garrison, which we all heard a while back). Curious how I’ll feel about the album after more thorough listening, very happy with it so far ^^
Album Stream http://www.musicglue.com/entershikari/products/embed/the-mindsweep-mp3-digital-download-2/
Really liking the album, it even made me appreciate AFFOC more. I think The Mindsweep is my favourite album of Enter Shikari