兀突骨 (pronounced "Gotsu Totsu Kotsu") is actually a name of an old samurai warrior, and the band themselves have samurai-related themes in their music. Rather than call themselves death metal, Gotsu Totsu Kotsu label themselves "Samurai Metal".
兀突骨 (pronounced "Gotsu Totsu Kotsu") is actually a name of an old samurai warrior, and the band themselves have samurai-related themes in their music. Rather than call themselves death metal, Gotsu Totsu Kotsu label themselves "Samurai Metal".
1. 狂気ノ戦野 (Insane Battlefield)
2. 因果応報 (Retributive Justice)
3. 地獄カラノ刺客 (Immortal Assassin)
4. 裏切ノ報イ (Treacherous Reward)
5. 天下無双 (Last Man Standing)
6. 獄門 (To Gibbet a Head)
7. 覇王伝 (Legend of Overlord)
8. 破軍星 (Benetnash)
9. 河越夜戦 (Kawagoe Night Battle)
10. 是非ニ及バズ (Zehi Ni Oyobazu)