News Added Aug 25, 2017 Beach Slang leader James Alex has been doing some solo shows under the name Quiet Slang, and today he announced he’ll also release an EP of reworked Beach Slang songs under that moniker. It’s called We Were Babies & We Were Dirtbags, and its first single is an orchestrally infused […]

Beach Slang We Were Babies & We Were Dirtbags [Quiet Slang] EP



Beach Slang leader James Alex has been doing some solo shows under the name Quiet Slang, and today he announced he’ll also release an EP of reworked Beach Slang songs under that moniker. It’s called We Were Babies & We Were Dirtbags, and its first single is an orchestrally infused piano version of “Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas” from 2015’s The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us. It’s pretty! Listen below.

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Track list:


Future Mixtape For The Art Kids [Quiet Slang]
Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas [Quiet Slang]
Androgynous [Quiet Slang]
Thirteen [Quiet Slang]

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: It has not leaked yet.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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