![The Flaming Lips : Onboard The International Space Station – Concert For Peace News Added Apr 23, 2017 Among the most anticipated Record Store Day releases are the new records from the day’s annual unofficial ambassadors: The Flaming Lips. I say “unofficial ambassadors” because although they’ve never been formally granted the status, no other artist has matched the Lips’ history of first class releases on Record Store Day […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/flll-320x320.jpg)
Among the most anticipated Record Store Day releases are the new records from the day’s annual unofficial ambassadors: The Flaming Lips. I say “unofficial ambassadors” because although they’ve never been formally granted the status, no other artist has matched the Lips’ history of first class releases on Record Store Day and its Black Friday kid brother. While many acts offer low hanging fruit (say, the umpeenth reissue of the most popular item from their catalog), year after year the Lips whip up something special just for these days. Suffice to say: The Flaming Lips love Christmas, The Flaming Lips love Halloween, but it’s perhaps Record Store Day that Flaming Lips fans love the most. 2017 is no exception. But before we get to that, let’s first revisit some quotes from an interview Wayne Coyne gave earlier this year to nastygal.com when asked about his dream concert:
“Well, we have a record that’s gonna come out. Nobody knows this yet, but I guess we can probably talk about it now. So, for the past five years, we’ve run in circles that are connected to the Virgin Records guy, Richard Branson. He’s very set on being part of the team behind the first musicians to go into space, and I’m always around these people a few times a year, and we keep asking each other, ‘So who’s it gonna be?’ We all know that Lady Gaga wants to be, and I think that’s very possible because she could simply go up there with a microphone, play a track, not take a shit for a day or two, and then fly back down. We always have this big road crew, these big amps, and all these things that rock groups still have, so it seems very unlikely.”
“So this next record we have coming out is like a fantasy record of us performing on an international space station. We have so many recordings of us playing live, and we’ve taken some of the most insane audience sound bites, like the chants in between songs and stuff–we’ve taken these and put them to some demos we have in our studio. We made this fantasy thing where we’re just up there, performing on the space station, but this space station doesn’t actually exist the way we think of space stations now; it’s like the space station that existed in my childhood perception of what a space station would be. I was born in 1961, and when I was eight years old, they were just landing on the moon. So I remember it being on TV and going outside to look at the moon with my dad’s binoculars and seeing the flag.”
“When you’re eight, you’re convinced that these are pretty fuckin’ powerful binoculars, dude. And thinking that there would be a space station in ten years that would be giant, and we could go there to just do whatever–that’s how I’m putting the record forth. Like Space Odyssey; it’s just this giant, beautiful space station, not one of those dumb little capsules just floating around out there.”
“But see, we have to think about these things. Like, how do you shit in outer space? It’s a real thing, and we’ve done research on it. We know that you go into a little vacuum-sealed thing that freezes it, and they don’t even throw it out into space, they reuse it. They reuse everything because weight in space is such a premium. Everything gets recycled. Your food must taste so horrible, but you know, there are sacrifices we have to make to travel in space. That’s probably why Lady Gaga won’t do it, she’s like, ‘I am not eating someone else’s shit for dinner.’”
I need this