News Added Nov 21, 2017 Xenoula is Romy Xeno. Romy spent her early years in South Africa where she was influenced by the elemental songs of nearby villagers and the (tranquil) rhythms of nature. Here she developed an introspective affinity with flora and fauna rather than with man and machines. When Romy moved to the […]

Xenoula Xenoula

Album download leak

SITE: Kingdom Leaks
REPORTED BY: Kingdom Leaks



Xenoula is Romy Xeno. Romy spent her early years in South Africa where she was influenced by the elemental songs of nearby villagers and the (tranquil) rhythms of nature. Here she developed an introspective affinity with flora and fauna rather than with man and machines.

When Romy moved to the UK at the age of 16, the culture shock and collision of two contrasting worlds inspired her to make music as a way of communicating her feelings about her new surroundings to the crowds of people she instinctively shied away from.

For Romy, Xenoula is an exploration of nature and human contradictions. The music is infused with memories of her childhood in South Africa, her experiences in the sprawling cities of Europe and with the realm of the ethereal and mysterious.

Recently retreating to the quieter climes of north Wales, Romy has forged the sounds of Xenoula. Her self-titled debut album, which will be released on November 24th ranges from the brooding electric clouds of ‘Chief of Tin’, to the sun-warped bassline pop of ‘Caramello’.

Teaming up with producer Sam Dust aka LA Priest whose recent work includes his own debut solo album as well as Connan Mockasin collaboration Soft Hair, Xenoula’s songs are adorned in a chameleon-like coat of shape shifting sonic textures, and glide over an energetic core of ground shaking rhythm.

Track list:


1.Chief Of Tin
2. Luna Man
3. Cyan Water
4. Caramello
5. Dawn Bunny
6. She Ghosts
7. Honey Priest
8. Alauda
9. Deer Ron
10. Leyline Ogres
11. Tororoi

Chief of Tin

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Luna Man

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order:

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