News Added Sep 27, 2018 New Album from Agrypnie will be available in October 12th. In words of Torsten Hirsch : "Grenzgænger is so far the most personal Release I have ever written. In the last years I had to deal with the most darkest hours and personal demons. A lot of them are bond […]

Agrypnie Grenzgænger

Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: getmetal



New Album from Agrypnie will be available in October 12th.

In words of Torsten Hirsch :

"Grenzgænger is so far the most personal Release I have ever written. In the last years I had to deal with the most darkest hours and personal demons. A lot of them are bond into this album. On the other hand, I went through all this shit and made it. This is an important part of this Release as well"

== Tracklist "Grenzgænger" ==

1. Auferstehung

2. In die Tiefe

3. Aus Zeit erhebt sich Ewigkeit

4. Nychthemeron

5. Grenzgænger

6. Die Waisen des Daidalos

7. Die längste Nacht

8. Zu Grabe

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Track list:


1. Auferstehung
2. In die Tiefe
3. Aus Zeit erhebt sich Ewigkeit
4. Nychthemeron
5. Grenzgænger
6. Die Waisen des Daidalos
7. Die längste Nacht
8. Zu Grabe

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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