Apple Music: Your First Impressions

Apple Music and its radio station “Beats 1” is launching today, June 30th. It’s going to be available on the iPhone (requires iOS 8.4) as well as Mac and PC using iTunes. Unfortunately Android users have to wait a bit longer.
Apple have already dealt with artists and labels concern not being compensated when people are using the 3 month trial. Taylor Swift’s open letter, criticizing the deal, made a huge impact in the media, and while Apple did a complete u-turn and changed it policies, they noted it wasn’t all due to Swift’s response. The important thing is that they seem very keen on listening to public opinion.
Did Apple just make Internet Radio cool again?
While Jay Z’s Tidal is struggling to convince both fans and artists, Apple Music seem to have taken advantage of the situation – Making it the first serious Spotify alternative. When I asked you which streaming service you’re most likely to use, Apple’s service ended up second with 26% of your votes. Spotify is still your number one choice, but it might not be.
Is the user interface, the curated playlists, some exclusive music and a radio station, enough to make you switch from your current set-up? If you’ve had the chance to try out Apple Music, share your thoughts below.
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And for those who are craving more, me and my co-host Louise will be reviewing Apple Music on The Only Music Podcast!
No Beatles, some weird foreign bonus tracks are also left off… its not the entire iTunes Music library. I have yet to see how its much better than Spotify. I do not think that their radio stations curated by music (industry) experts and talent will be the difference but I’m very skeptical.
Tidal is better than spotify in my opinion .
What did you like about Tidal that you think spotify does not offer?
Honestly isn’t it just apple forcing people who update to have an app the exact same as spotify? I don’t see much difference.
Hello everyone , fellow music fans:
I have got to be honest , i love it , i know its cool to hate apple but i have been an apple fan since the early 90s when i learnt computers as a child on mac classics and lcsi, so i have iPad air , apple tv , iPhone 6 plus 128gb and my macbook i7 16gb ram and everything is synced up nicely . YES I am an apple nut and love what they make and produce . So i have been using Spotify premium for over a year and already much prefer apple music , i will be paying 9.99 a month , as i easily spend more than that on albums every week , as i am a big music fan ,so I listen to albums online and if i really like i go and buy it on vinyl as they are pieces of art.
There are a few bugs here and there but over all it is a fantastic start , highly recommend it to anyone whose thinking of trying it . with 3 months free what have you got loose ?
bugs noted so far
add to my music , not showing up but is theres somewhere
add to playlist not showing up .
these bugs might be due to iTunes match but that has gone from iTunes now , but i really love it , the more you tell it what you love the more likely you are to discover your new favourite band,
Apple will do well with this service and it can only get better , sorry spotify , but it will bye bye from me once subscription runs out .
BTW this is my favourite music site , always use this :)
Kindest Regards
@artrocker17 Thanks for your input – We (me and Louise) discussed Apple Music on our latest podcast, and I think we’re on the same page as you – Without calling ourselves Apple fanboys, although it’s nothing wrong with that.
I still see the Radio portion of the app having issues with liking/adding things to our playlist, and the fact that some tunes seem to come pre-liked – Which is weird.
I’m still holding back since I think the free Google Music in combination with Spotify premium is holding me back, since I got all my friends there. But the Spotify UI is still making me crazy ;)
Yeah they should link apple music with Facebook and twitter be great , the connect thing is good , however not had music pre liked. Whats google music like ? never tried that . But i am loving apple music just wish play lists would work properly but it will get there.
I think the big difference for me is that Spotify has a free format. So when I create playlists to be shared on facebook anyone can listen to it. With apple is does not have the connectivity that I want though it is still early. The errors were annoying from the start but that disappeared and it seems I have everything I want to listen to except the beatles but lets blame the license holders for that one.
Also, I think I won’t decide whether to switch to apple until they come out with their android app. If the app is really good then I might consider switching.