Kanye West Performs All Day At Brit Awards

While we’ve gotten a taste of Kanye’s upcoming single All Day before, he finally performed the song live. At the Brit Awards tonight he entered the stage with a flame thrower, throwing down what could be the third official track we’ve heard from his upcoming album. Kanye has previously stated that the album will be a surprise release. Listen to the live performance below. The Soundcloud version has been removed. There’s a video version now instead.
Performs “All Day.” Read that as a 20+ hour performance originally. A flamethrower though?! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1458492_10152703730828404_168053654631010877_n.jpg?oh=66b62cbb02ad9718ca102df4ff23570a&oe=557D3652&__gda__=1435299982_eeb4b51383c83382eccea73deb8c037f
Get ready.