Poll: New Front Page

There’s a lot of albums being updated with new content, such as news and music, all throughout the day. The problem is that it goes unnoticed, simply because we don’t have a way to alert you guys. We only list albums being added, and albums being leaked – But thanks to our very own site programmer Prakhar, we’re going to introduce a news stream which covers everything happening regarding albums.
Introducing The News Feed
Check out this early News Feed test which prints not only new albums and leaks – But also includes albums being updated with news, quotes, release dates, songs and videos! While it lacks pagination and a few layout tweaks, I think you’ll get the idea.
To get this integrated into the front page, we might want to move things around and not just paste this beauty at the footer. We will always prioritize leak news, but what about the retail release calendar, do we need to keep it? How about the Trending albums section, is this something you use on a regular basis? Or does the new feed cover it all? Or did we forget something?
Vote below, comment and we’ll try and make the best front page possible. I should note that yes, we need to keep the ads, promote our social accounts and have the slider visible in order to alert you of fun things like this poll (fun is subjective).
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would be nice to know when albums get updated with new songs, release dates, ect…maybe the front page doesn’t need to be changed but instead add a new tab under albums (i.e. “Latest Added Albums, Latest Leaked Albums, Latest Upsdated Albums”)
That’s what the new News feed includes!
Release calendar is huge for me. All the information I need contained in a great sidebar.
@deltrigger so the retail release list is useful to you? And not just the leak list, that is.
I think in conjunction they work very well, both letting people know of recently released leaks and what to look out for in the near future. Everything else HiL has to offer is almost superfluous (though I’m happy there’s other content to keep me occupied). Basing the front page off of these two items and then building off that would be the best course to take, in my opinion.
@deltrigger I just don’t get the retail release dates – But it looks like we’re not going to touch it.
Has it Leaked will always be leak news first and foremost, but it’s no fun if I get to try and do other stuff as well – Hence the groups, podcast, news etc. Even if just a small percentage finds it interesting.
@mojib I can only speak from experience, but the calendar does a variety of things including reminding me of albums announced long ago and even letting me discover new music coming out. Like I said, it works well with the actual release info.
I do agree about the other content, it’s very important to have. Most of HiL’s traffic will be from people taking a mental snapshot of leak info that’s relevant to them and leaving but for HiL to expand beyond that, has to have deeper features (I loved the first podcast).
If you’re looking to incorporate the newsfeed into the front page, I’d think maybe a three column feed (Album leaked column, Album updated, Album added) underneath the featured and calendar area (where popular albums is now). To me, popular albums should be on a different page altogether. It’s a good addition, but not entirely relevant to leak info.
Just some thoughts, overall I think the site could benefit from first displaying leak info but enticing visitors to delve into the site with different pages like the popular albums, podcast, and forums.
Same. What I may have missed and then hyped things I peep.
Could we add a tab after “Podcast?” Newsfeed just giving you the down and dirty on new things apart from the front page which already rocks.
I’d like the update to newly added albums but the calendar is key for me, if I am expecting an album to drop around a certain time I always check the calendar at the top to see if its out. If you were to replace that imo you would need to express that somehow.
@pepesilvia And you’re talking about retail drop, not a leak?
This whole site needs a redesign, it is awful for UX
In my opinion the combination of the Newsfeed and the calendar side bar (Both retail release and leak date) would be a better front page than either/or. Like most people have said, the calendar side bar is the thing that is most utilized from a daily check-in process so getting rid of that will only make the main page clunky and more obscure than it needs to be.
Retail and Leak together!
Retail calendar should stay! Leak dates can only be predicted whereas release dates are fixed. And there have been instances when a leak followed the release or didn’t happen at all. That meant that the information about the album got buried, even though the album itself was already out.
It’d also be great if the newsfeed could be filtered to contain the new information just regarding the releases I’ve hyped/shown interest in. Or have a filter of some kind. Otherwise there’s just too much information to go through!
Although, I must say, I like the newsfeed. it’s been long overdue!
The release tab is great, super useful. My only complaint is that it is not long enough to fit all the releases for one day, so you have to keep refreshing the site to mix up the releases and then file through them. I would like it to be able to include all release dates for a single day (it’s usually the Fridays where the list is long, because it’s a major release day.)