![A Day To Remember : Common Courtesy News Added May 15, 2012 A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th. An album which […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ADTR-CC.jpg)
A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th.
An album which have seen a lot of delays. Common Courtesy was announced by the band with a countdown included. Once the countdown hit zero, first single "Violence (Enough Is Enough)" was released. This was back in December and since there's been a lot of speculation when the album actually will be released. On March 18th, Jeremy McKinnon, announced on Twitter that "Common Courtesy is officially tracked! Now, onward to mixing.". Still no official track list.
The band announced Friday night at a show in Michigan that the judge ruled that they could release their album October 8, without Victory. Here is the live video of that announcement.
I remember hearing Jeremy say that they have a couple “different sounding songs” on this record so that tells me that there is a good chance that acoustic bit is part of a new song. He also recently posted that the heavy songs are “HEAVVVEEYYY” so I am very excited to see just how diverse this record is.
Can’t fucking wait for this album. Sure as hell, I’ll buy it. Even if I will have to order it from USA merch sites (I’m italian). I will wait. I’m just so, so happy! Long live ADTR!
Same here, but in France !
Check mate !
Don’t think it’ll be 17 songs on the album. 15 songs for the standard issue of the album. Cover not on the album, probably bonus track on special editions and stuff and other song will be a bonus track (i.e. Why Walk on Water…-style)
Makes sense to me
I think Jeremy said something along the lines of “More than 15 tracks on an album is overkill” so it would add up. I’m sure he definitely said that 15 songs is about the most you can get away with a while back.
Does anybody know what acoustic Skaff uses? It looks like a Gibson, but I’m not sure. I am sure that it is a very sexy guitar though.. haha
I really hope we get a new song by the start of House Party which is in like 8 days
We more than likely will. This week will be exciting for sure.
We will, no doubt about it.
Really could use a new song right now. This last month of waiting is gonna dragggggg so much.
We’ve finally got a music video, but not what I was expecting.
On their Youtube channel
What music video? Are you talking about the webisodes or something else?
The full length Golden Eagle rap video
Yeah saw it before, I actually downloaded it lmao
The album hasnt been released because of their legal battle with victory over their contract
Patience young padawan. October 8th…
From the Property of Zack website:
A Day To Remember “Golden Eagle” Rap Music Video
This is obviously not going to be on Common Courtesy. The question is, is Common Courtesy
real in the way we expect it to be? We are now just about one month
away from the album’s release with no pre-order, artwork, track listing,
or label information (most likely because there is none).
Sleeping With Sirens sold over 60,000 copies of Feel in its
first week – the album has now sold over 117,000 copies. A Day To
Remember are a bigger band than Sleeping With Sirens, but will look
pathetic next to them if they do not get a true marketing plan out
there, if they do not let fans buy their apparent album, etc.
The mindset must be that the band needs to have a new album released
before going on an arena tour, which they do. But if the band actually
goes through with releasing this album on October 8th with no marketing,
it’s a waste. Might as well let Victory Records win.
Just remember that this isn’t towards you in any way.. only towards Zack :
“We are now just about one month away from the album’s release with no pre-order, artwork, track listing, or label information.”
The album is coming out on October 8th, label or no label. For me personally, a pre-order, a track listing, and artwork are not important at all. As long as I get new music from them, I’m happy. It could be just a plain black background with all the tracks called “untitled” and I wouldn’t care. It’s about the music.
What is Sleeping With Sirens? I thought it was a solo artist band called Kellin Quinn! Seriously though, I would say 90% of the people who bought “Feel” are teenage girls who think they will get to feel Kellin Quinn in their asshole. I am also pretty sure that SWS (Kellin Quinn) is almost as big as ADTR, mainly because of all the fan girls they attract. I’m not saying ADTR doesn’t have fan girls, but seriously, I’d rather chop a finger off than sit at a SWS show with 5000 girls screaming in my ears. That is literally the only reason why SWS (Kellin Quinn) sold that many copies of “Feel.” There is nothing special about that album at all, it’s the most generic album I’ve heard all year. That’s just me though.
To say that releasing the album on the eighth without marketing is a “waste”… you gotta be kidding me right? They have self funded the album and Jeremy built a studio in the back of his house. Does he even know how much it costs to build a studio? If they release this album without a record label I’ll be extremely proud of them, no matter how good or how bad the album is. (Then again, I’ll definitely be proud of them if they do it with a label as well, considering that this record will KICK ASS)!
Self releasing the album shows that they are still doing what they love, for their fans, and not for the money. They’re gonna lose a shit ton of money if they do this without a label.. and I’m assuming they are gonna lose a shit ton of money from Victory too. Of course a self release isn’t likely, but my point is that either way, the release of this album is not a WASTE. Are you really going to call it a waste after all the hard work that they’ve put into this album?
Watch your words, Zack. Remember, this is all directed towards him.. not you. I could send this to him, but that will just lead to a bunch of drama, so I’m not doing it. Can’t wait for this album.
You are 100% right here Sloth.
I think marketing is about to begin they have Adam Elmakias flying out to them now I bet it’s to take some promo photos for the album before he goes on the road with them but also Alex just uploaded a picture of there old tour van maybe the pictures will be themed about were they came from or maybe the van is gonna be used for a music video of some sorts seems like it would be fitting for a music video for Right back at it again or Where I came from.
Yeah, I saw that before. Didn’t really think of that, but that does make sense. We got a new episode coming tomorrow also, if I remember correctly, it’s every Friday now?
Drew posted photos of him in a house party kind of set just now too and he’s with ADTR. Probably just promo photos for the house party tour. Yup should be one tomorrow, looking forward too it!
The album was delayed due to lawsuit issues plus they have funded the album themselves so give them a break if you was a true fan you would not care
Okay, I analyzed the release hour of the first two episodes of the CC Series. And I think that the third episode will be out at 17 (west coast time) – 20.00 PM (east coast time) for the american adtr fans and at 1.00 AM (of september 7th) for the european fans.
Yes, I have nothing to do, lol
It’s the thought that counts
So, Victory posted this for their fall catalog and this is obviously the new and upcoming releases page… notice who’s missing…
YES a million times. So happy about this.
So it’s definitely a self-release. Undoubtedly.
Album details? music video?
music video?
Hmm…then I wonder why they would address SoCal specifically with this news and not everyone.
Yeah, I’m wondering that too.
I know this is kind of way out of line, but Rockstar made Grand Theft Auto V. GTA V also takes place in Los Angeles, which is in Southern California. Just a random thought, maybe they’ll release a new song for GTA V?
Rockstar Energy and Rockstar Games are completely different things though I would love ADTR in GTA. Maybe it’s another tour date added to house party tour or a rockstar type festival that ADTR will play? Wish it was a new song but they only targeted SoCAL
Well I feel retarded. I was actually thinking that they would do a tour considering the amount of cans Andrew Wade drank in the first episode lmao
The House Party tour is already sponsored by Rockstar Energy.
Yeah. The only thing I’m confused about is what Socal has to do with this. Maybe there will be a Rockstar Energy tour.. maybe they will play a free show in California? I have no idea.
While they share the same name, Rockstar Energy and Rock star Games are very different, haha. I think they are also based in the same area.
http ://www. youtube. com/watch? v=aWPYhgjzmW4 I KNEW IT! Ahahahaha
You think the album will leak before release?
and if it will, when?
Probably late September-October 5
Some albums leak like 3 weeks before release, some leak like a day or two before release, and some release like 5 days before release. They usually release around five days before the actual release. So I think October 2-5 is most likely.
If it’s a self release like speculated then maybe 5 days before its initial release I can’t see it being earlier but I really wanna hear it! I have a feeling they might stream the album in its full before the 8th on there site anyways.
I might just take the 8th off to celebrate this release
Anyone notice the music playing in the background of the latest episode? It was the same music used for the ADTR21 video. Think it could be an intro for a song, maybe the opener?
I dunno if it will be on the record, but I was bugging Andrew Wade to get it on the record somehow.. it’s such an epic intro
They walk onto stage to this music. I’m guessing this will be the intro or interlude that goes into violence (enough is enough)
ADTR’s twitter retweeted about something big happening, along with Neil Westfall’s tweet saying ‘tomorrow will be a great day’. Expect something today.
YES! I hope its more info on CC or a new song or a date for a new song.
Yeah there is 100 percent ADTR news today, just not sure If it’s news we wanna hear or not. Definitely ADTR news none the less.
I hope this isn’t the only “big” news we get today, but ADTR just came out and said they’re having a concert this Saturday in California, promoted by Rockstar Energy…
I hope not either. Less than a month away, can’t they at LEAST give us the studio version of Right Back At It Again? I think we’ve been waiting long enough.
Seems like it is the “big news”… Disappointed
Possibly a curve ball til something released later tonight?
We better get something else. It was my first day back to school today, and I was expecting something to cheer me up…
Anyone else think there is a chance the album will be delayed? :(
I love this band more than anything but it’s starting to get confusing with the lack of pre order info and no new single yet. I really have faith they can get it out by Oct 8th but maybe something not in there control could change that because of Victory.
Nah, won’t be delayed. Album is finished and it’ll be a self-release so there’s no real reason for it to be delayed. In the next week or so we’ll get a single, pre-orders and new merch and stuff.
Well I don’t think they would have been announcing the release date as October 8th unless they were sure of it.
There last album was delayed after they announced a date for it too though.
I agree…
I swear @ warped tour 2014 I’m gonna go to the victory records booth destroy that shit
Kill the liars and start the fires!! :P
Be careful, there’s a Danger In Starting a Fire.
But it creates a Monument and The Price We Pay is Common Courtesy, the end of the Victory booth and then we’ll all be Better Off This Way.
There’s no need for more Violence- Enough is Enough!! It’ll be The Downfall of Us All. Patience is a virtue For Those Who Have Heart, and Heart Means Everything, so don’t be Heartless. Where I Came From, we were more civilised than this! Have Faith in Me, and Breathe Hope in Me, for now they’ll be just fine, now that they’re back on their own. They were just another promise that Victory couldn’t keep.
If it comes out on Victory, we can just pirate the album and send them the money in the post. I’m alright with being a thief.
But…. If It Means A Lot to You, then START THE SHOOTING!
I love how they did this sort of thing in the intro to the House Party Tour…Kind of makes me feel like they saw it and said…we’ll do that.b :)
Well today they were announced as part of the annual 97X’s Next Big Thing concert in Tampa, Florida which is on December 7th. Big news if you’re in Tampa area like I am
Definitely going. :D
Check out the new TDWP album. God damn is that thing good. It leaked yesterday.
Ehh Im not liking it too much. The screamer is losing his voice and you can sort of tell. I mean the lyrics are great and all and I’ve loved all the albums before that but a self release wasn’t a great thing to do for their new album idk just my thoughts
A lot of people are saying that. I really don’t think that’s the case.. I feel like there is just more emotion in his voice in this one, and that’s gonna make him lose some of his vocal power. Just my thoughts as well. I can understand if you don’t like it for other reasons though, they took a big step outside of their original sound.
According to the court documents, today at 10am there is a status hearing. Potentially an agreement could be made and the entire lawsuit could be over, or they won’t be able to reach an agreement and the case will drag on for longer, which may cause another delay in common courtesy.
(see entry 154)
I swear, if this thing gets delayed any more, I may actually cry.
Maybe I’m looking wrong but were does it say on that picture a hearing was today? I cant see today’s date on it?
I fucked up, check out entry 152 not 154
Sorry no problem reading it now. :) Thank you!
are there any newer court updates?
Unfortunately the picture I posted was one that somebody else posted in this page earlier. They had access to the court website to look at the documents. I tried to get on the website and look at them but it costs money and I can’t justify spending that right now especially since I just blew a bunch on house party tour tickets lol
Hey guys! I was wondering…do you think that they will play a new song on the House Party Tour?
yup more than likely the next single :)