![A Day To Remember : Common Courtesy News Added May 15, 2012 A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th. An album which […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ADTR-CC.jpg)
A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th.
An album which have seen a lot of delays. Common Courtesy was announced by the band with a countdown included. Once the countdown hit zero, first single "Violence (Enough Is Enough)" was released. This was back in December and since there's been a lot of speculation when the album actually will be released. On March 18th, Jeremy McKinnon, announced on Twitter that "Common Courtesy is officially tracked! Now, onward to mixing.". Still no official track list.
The band announced Friday night at a show in Michigan that the judge ruled that they could release their album October 8, without Victory. Here is the live video of that announcement.
I have VIP passes!
Going on past examples, they are most likely pulling a Parkway. Release 1 or 2 songs a month apart or so, release tour info and then the’ll release the album info (presale, bundles, dates etc) and then from there, the album will come out roughly a month or two before the tour so people can get to know the album long enough before the tour starts…which is roughly around the 20th/21st of March.
I will seriously listen to this album on repeat for months when it comes out. So pumped.
The album will most likely be released on March 21st. A Day To Remember was trending #ADTR21. The tour starts on the 20th, and the biggest clue of all.. If you google march 21st, it’s national “Common Courtesy Day”.
The website counts down to the 21st of March – when the tour starts. You are correct about “Common Courtesy Day” and it makes sense why they’re starting the tour on that particular day. However, releasing the album on the day of the tour is quite strange. Perhaps the 21st of Feb? Makes more sense at least, and, it fits with the whole ’21st’ theme. haha. It also (obviously) gives an exact month for people to familerise themselves with the new album. :) Still excited for it!!
well, bands frequently start touring the day before they release an album, and you know, “common courtesy day”, march 21st, its pretty obvious…
Maybe on the 21st of February it’ll be a new song, then the full album on the 21st of March? For some reason I do not believe they will release the full album without releasing another single.
I’m sure this album will be out may 21st. Kerrang said it will be out in the summer and the 21st may is a Tuesday so it is completely plausible
Do you really think they will tour withotu releasing the new album?
@ amnesik
I do not know for for certain but I do not believe this album can be out in march. Firstly, in kerrang they have said this is not coming out till the summer, secondly the 21st of march is not a Tuesday when albums are released but the 21st may is a Tuesday and finally albums are usually announced at least 10 weeks before release so this really doesn’t seem possible although they could surprise us all and I could be wrong.
When i went to see A Day To Remember in 2010 i saw the November 19th, just a few days after they released What Separates Me From You. They were on tour for about 5 concerts before mine. Its completely plausible they will release the album on MArch 21st. It’s too much of a coincidence to not release it!
I’ll go with that.. you win my vote sir!! 21st of march it is, but when will it be leaked is the question?
March 21st is National Common Courtesy Day. March when the tour starts and the 21 is from #ADTR21. Possible release date?
I’m pretty sure this is the release date , someone mentioned it to Neil on Twitter and he favorited it.
i am pretty sure it is march 21st as well and its only a little more then a month away, it makes more sense then feb 21st because well whats the point? if it was out that early people here would already have it. i believe this sight leaks 2 weeks or a week before the album hits stores. get ready for next month, because that album will be on my ipod on repeat for months maybe a year on end.
This album isn’t even finished yet they are still working on it. Read 3 days ago on Jeremy’s twitter and you will know there is no way this will be out next month
Yeah but March 21 is common courtesy day you mlght be wrong.
There not gonna go on tour without releasing it there’s.no way
We’ll see…
it kinda makes me mad that it’s been three months with really no new news on their album.
There has been, Jeremy said on Twitter they’re all working hard on finishing it.
i mean like real news, man! like besides just studio updates and stuff. like how far they are coming and stuff like that. instead they just say, “Working hard” etc, etc.
…Funny how they said it’d be out before the end of last year.
Come on March 21st!!!
when the hell is this happening theres 14 days left on the countdown who thinks it could be the album? i freaking hope so
Are you stupid? it says right on the website that’s the countdown until the tour starts. It should be out on marsh 21st, because march 21st is national COMMON COURTESY day.
Still no release date. The timer on their website is only counting down to the start of their tour. Hopefully it releases before then otherwise we’ll be waiting until the end of may after the tour ends to give them time to do a full release.
No the countdown end in thirteen days which is a Tuesday so most likely it’s releasing
That’s for the start of the tour. Read to the left a little bit more -__-.
Well march 21 2013 is supposedly common courtesy day so im guessing thats what there going for
If you look, the countdown is to the 19th and the tour starts on the 20th, so it’s very possible that it drops in the 19th which means maybe even a leak this week!
the countdown is for the 20th, you forgot to take into consideration the hours and minutes as well.
its true i knew That it could most likely be coming out with the timer because
why go on a tour with no album
I highly doubt the album will be released march 21st, something will be released on that date though for sure. I think it’ll just be another single, with the official artwork and release date. That’s just my opinion though.
March 21 (a tuesday) is “Common courtesy day” http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/common-courtesy-day/
Pretty clever of ADTR.
ALSO, its probably coming out that day since the FREAKING TOUR starts the day before =_=
I freaking hope not I just want this album to be released. why would they go on tour without releasing it.
There’s no way the album will be releasing in one week from now with us not knowing that for sure, if it was it would have to have been announced already. Albums don’t just come out with no notice. I do expect on the 21st of march hopefully we will get the release date announced then. I’m kinda expecting it to be may 21st. I don’t think it’s going to be out until after this tour which really sucks
have been saying this ages ago it just cant be out in a few days. i totally agree it will prob be may 21st
In an interview with radio.com that was released on Feb 28, (you can google it if you just type ADTR Common Courtesy), Jeremy said:
“We’re not really sure the release date yet, we’re working that out. We’re in the last few weeks of tracking. After this we’re going to head into mixing and mastering and then we’re done. Then we’re going to put it out as soon as we possibly can.”
If this was done the week of the 28th, to be honest, I cant see the album coming out on the 21st because they were still tracking and mixing and mastering takes ages. Then, they need to find a record company that will help mass produce it and send it worldwide…so, I cant see it coming out in a week exactly…
I would love to be proven wrong and it actually does hit stores the day the tour starts. :)
They aren’t going to get help mass producing it. They’re doing everything themselves, after what Victory did they don’t trust record companies.
if anything they’ll just do what Blink did with Dogs Eating Dogs and make it download only
if it is released on the 21st of this month that would be amazing, why because its national common courtesy day. a day to remember have always released a album the day after the tour starts. people just assume that its going to be next month because thats all they can do.
Some place called new vintage amps tweeted on twitter that they heard the new adtr album Common Courtesy in its entirety (and they said its incredible), Kevin from adtr retweeted it. That sounds to me like they are done with it now then at least.
Perhaps they have legit finished it and they might release the release date on the 21st…aswell as start the tour. Then it might come out 1-2 weeks after the tour starts.
Who knows, they might only sell Common Courtesy at their shows, since they’re doing everything themselves. hehe
There’s been rumors going around saying it’s leaked already? I’m currently searching around and trying to verify it, but it is a possibility since that amp company got it apparently..
Sure being released on the 21st would be INSANELY awesome, especially considering since March 21st is national common courtesy day. but i mean, no pre orders, no reserves. i dont think its gonna happen. especially releasing a cd MID TOUR when they are only playing ONE new song live for the set list.
I agree with you that it won’t be out in time for any of the tour too, but how do you know anything about the setlist?
So Addie have you found anything. Also I agree with Tom they might do what blink did. I just want this album out now seeing As it is finished and that the amp company has hear it we might expect it this month or early next. But fingers crossed its this month.