![A Day To Remember : Common Courtesy News Added May 15, 2012 A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th. An album which […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ADTR-CC.jpg)
A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th.
An album which have seen a lot of delays. Common Courtesy was announced by the band with a countdown included. Once the countdown hit zero, first single "Violence (Enough Is Enough)" was released. This was back in December and since there's been a lot of speculation when the album actually will be released. On March 18th, Jeremy McKinnon, announced on Twitter that "Common Courtesy is officially tracked! Now, onward to mixing.". Still no official track list.
The band announced Friday night at a show in Michigan that the judge ruled that they could release their album October 8, without Victory. Here is the live video of that announcement.
Someone messaged me on steam and ruined my recording :(
just upload it youtube now
That sucks
hopefully the album is better than that one song. very stock. and minimal.
anybody else thinking the.. uhm.. that phone recording we had until now sounded a bit better? or or maybe its just the sound on this radio station
just thought the SAME THING here
It’s just what we were used to after listening to for 20 odd times but seriously no..
maybe but i’m afraid now lol
It’ll sound better when we hear it in like 4 hours :D
I hope. I think the sound effect on this station is not set for the adtr tune
lol at gary getting all the dislikes
meh, its how i feel about that song.
oK listen up piss-ants we need that sound file
who recorded it? mine got ruined by shitty internet…
mine got ruined by someone messaging me on steam :(
I couldn’t even listen to the whole song!!! but well I guess I will wait
I muted steam ;) haha
King will have the recording up soon.
I have 100% quality recording done digitally but I can’t post links can I? :/
youtube it
youtube homie
No don’t go youtube, get a zippy share and make a tiny link url and just give us the last half of the url. Easy.
Yeah YouTube brother, we can get there really quick and get it before it gets taken down I think
Go to pastebin (dot) com, and search for a Public Paste called rightbackatitagain.
OK create a file on paste bin and label the title ACCORDINGLY so we’ll know what it is
play it again you shit
He said he will
I meant now haha
go and tweet it too him! play it again!
Lets make them play it again, meanwhile im gonna enjoy this bless the fall!
blessthefall better :)
Bit of blessthefall <3
Blessthefall woop
The rest of their songs better go hard in the paint. Thats all im saying
I’m really looking forward to the heavy side of Common Courtesy
Jeremy said it’s their heaviest album to date
I need to hear it again!
Im here big daddy.
“right back at it again” leaked a while ago. not amazing quality but good enough. if you really NEED to listen to it, here.
He just said hell play it again :D
Give it a few more hours don’t worry
its not like they can add breakdowns when the albums already finished
So… we’ve been waiting forever for this album… And it never gets leaked either. ;( I can’t wait another fucking day for this!!!!! I’m going to buy the shit out of the physical copy when it’s available.
Its not out because its a independent release and they haven’t made physical copies yet, its only digital right now.
I need to listen to it again. I think the tuning on this station is fucked.
Music sounds heavy but it feels light. go listen to that cheeky 10 sec of Dead and Buried see how your headphones pump.
Completely agree
I agree with you especially seeing as how Violence and Dead And buried sounded way more chunky rather than light like this radio version. Still sounds awesome though I think it will sound different on the album :)