![A Day To Remember : Common Courtesy News Added May 15, 2012 A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th. An album which […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ADTR-CC.jpg)
A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th.
An album which have seen a lot of delays. Common Courtesy was announced by the band with a countdown included. Once the countdown hit zero, first single "Violence (Enough Is Enough)" was released. This was back in December and since there's been a lot of speculation when the album actually will be released. On March 18th, Jeremy McKinnon, announced on Twitter that "Common Courtesy is officially tracked! Now, onward to mixing.". Still no official track list.
The band announced Friday night at a show in Michigan that the judge ruled that they could release their album October 8, without Victory. Here is the live video of that announcement.
Did anyone get their hopes up for a release date when this appeared on the main page?
any new single?
Nope just the 2 we know of nor any leaks of any new songs.
It’s coming out in august I believe. They performed new songs at S&S and it sounds like its gonna be amazing.
Skate and Surf? They didn’t perform new songs there.. I was there.
This album will never get released.
I’m starting to actually get really fucking pissed because they aren’t even hinting anything towards the release of this album.
I’m so tired of waiting! This album needs to come out soon!
Okay what the fuck its june. NOT ONE WORD FROM THEM. i quit
Can’t quit what never started LOL
Why is everyone whining??? You realize that they are fronting all money for this album. No record label. All albums take about the same time to release. Difference these days is social media. They use free advertising to get extra hype out to sell more records. Im sure it will be worth the wait.
Who said they were independently releasing this? They might have funded the studio and album equipment on their own, but as far as I’m aware they’re still on Victory. Everyone thinks that lawsuit made them leave, while they appear to still be signed to them.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Everyone is on here acting like ADTR owes us ANYTHING as a band. Grow the fuck up. They released a single, went on a tour, and played two songs from the album for us. Who cares when it’s coming out? All that matters is if it does. If it doesn’t, so fucking what? It’s not like they promised us a release date. Quit acting like you’re all being personally victimized by them taking their time. Jesus fucking christ.
So you are saying that if it does not come out, so what? That makes no sense. I agree with you, but you have to calm down.
1) This is the internet, people bitch a lot.
2) You act like you wouldn’t be upset if they didn’t release the record.
3) If you don’t care if they release it or not, then that means that you are not a fan of them.
So what you’re saying is;
A person who whines and gets angry and threatens never to listen to ADTR again if they don’t release this album is a better fan than someone who decides to be happy with what they’ve given us so far without griping and acting as if they owe us anything but gratitude for our continued support?
Like any fan, I would be sad if they never released any new content at all. But I’m not going to stop listening to what we already have from them just because they took forever to release an album they never promised would be here in the first place. That’s just ridiculous.
I don’t think you understand, honestly, I’m fine with waiting, but I can see why some people are upset with the way things were handled.
They said they were done tracking ages ago, and that doesn’t actually seem the case, lying to your fans in any situation isn’t exactly the best route to take, which is why you see some people being negative on a release date being sooner than later.
The band gave their fans the expectation that they would be releasing an album, usually when a single is released, it means that the upcoming album will be released within a couple months, it’s been 7 months since Violence was released.
You give off the impression that a band can do whatever they want in terms of releasing their own music. When they actually can’t. They have an obligation to the fans, THE PEOPLE WHO SUPPORTED THEIR LIVING AND CAREER, a lot of fans and bands consider themselves family, they’ve left a large amount of their fans about this album, they released a single and just went quiet. That’s not the most respectful thing to do, especially considering that this band is some people’s lives.
Again, this isn’t necessarily my stance on things, but I do think people have the right to be angry and they have no need to ‘grow the fuck up’.
P.S. you talk like a fourteen year old girl, using that overused phrase of ‘grow the fuck up’ and talking like every other naive, idiotic teen, oblivious and uncaring towards other people’s opinions. I’m 17 and I find that whole charade hilarious. Either way, don’t forget that this is the Internet and you have no power over what people say, so getting butthurt isn’t going to do you any good.
All these people bitching about how it isn’t out yet. Yeah it sucks, i wish it was out as well. But at the same time, i don’t see how a band has to pander to you guys, i’d rather have a product they’re happy with than something that’s rushed.
As upset as I am, I’m happy they didn’t do what SWS did with their latest album which seemed very rushed and highly generic.
So true
So its rumored that ADTR already sent the album to someone to add some finishing touches and that’s whats taking so long. If you remember, they said they were already done tracking it like two months ago. I agree with everyone else though. I’ve been waiting on this damn album to come out since last May!
Where did you read/hear that? :)
Hi guys, the wait for CC is killing me, and I’m not the only one ‘suffering’ LOL so, if anyone knows anything, even if its a rumour or something, please tell us. :]
Hype down. fuck it. I’ll hype up when they get their shit straight.
Just saw ADTR at KOKO, London and they said it shouldn’t be too long… but you never know
at least give us the studio version of right back at it again…I’ve been listening to crappy youtube vids for long enough.
It’s a bad song with awful lyrics anyway. Sure to be the worst off the album when it’s released.
Bitch, just get off this page already. All you do is bitch and complain. Do you have PMS?
That’s cute. A woman states her opinion and you immediately blame it on the fact that she might have her period?
And PS: Just because I disagreed with you assholes freaking out over the fact that this album has taken a long time to come out doesn’t mean that I was bitching and complaining…I was doing the exact opposite by being humble and not really caring ~when~ it comes out. You guys are the ones bitching and complaining; saying it’s taking way too long to come out for YOUR personal liking, threatening not to listen to the band anymore, or whining that it’s probably not going to be worth the wait anyway. All I said was that one of the songs they’ve pseudo-released so far isn’t really something I’m interested in. I fail to see how that puts me in the category of “always bitching and complaining.”
Can everyone just agree and say enough is enough?
Yeah, we all need to know when enough is enough..
People can’t understand the reasons that we fight, somethings gotta give..
Well you are bitching and complaining because you are complaining about how the song is bad, and also complaining about other people who are complaining.. so therefore, you are complaining. And now, you are the one freaking out, as well. I didn’t complain for shit.
I’m with you on this one.
Did you just describe yourself as being humble? Are you serious?
I’m seeing them July 14th in Melbourne…I really hope the album comes out before then. :)
Im seeing them in Brisbane on July 12th. We Will Either Get A New Song Or Information About CC
Okay. A friend of mine went to the ADTR concert in Italy, and Jeremy told him that Common Courtesy will be out at the end of August. :]
Thats the release date as of right now. That will change really quick.
Are you sure?
why would it change?
As in sooner? or later?
Just people being negative. Don’t listen to them.
what do you mean by that? It’ll change really quick? whats that supposed to mean and how you know? Right now I am pretty much guessing either end of August or sometime in September
Sorry if it came off kinda negative. Its just they have given us a release date once and it changed then they hyped it up and then it was nothing. So this is just another possible release date. Its just gotten hard to believe something that might change instantly. Until i really see a release date (month/day/year) i cant really believe something lol. Once again sorry if its coming off negative.
I have to agree, we can’t be certain until they actually announce a release date. Most bands that have albums coming out in August have announced dates, so I don’t know.
Thanks for agreeing. I still remeber a band was releasing an album gave a date and all then some where in the month of waiting they changed the date and i didnt know it was changed when to get the cd and it wasnt there lol.
Yeah, I hate it when things like that happen, though that’s usually due to label issues.
Really? That’s actually not that bad. I was thinking like December or something like that. That’s good news, but bad news. I want it sooner! Haha.
Hey guys! Look what I’ve gottttt!! (high pitched voice)
They have played a new song during a sound check in which some kids looked between the cracks, larry. So we have what sounds like the intro to a new song/single.
Enjoy kiddies.
Sounding like some Homesick type of stuff!
Sounds like My Life For Hire at the high parts
We call that “jamming”
For all those who cannot wait for a new song.. I know it’s not the same, but at least it is something, eventhough this song already existed for years, I did not know about it until now :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZVYOriINwc Please feel free to answere with more Songs with Jeremys awesome voice ;)
Got antoher VERY VERY old one. It might already have been released on the old record album, but I am not sure about that…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8jZssdBgOg
Just found out, the songs are from a demo from 2004.. Still I think they sweeten the waiting :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_nl4AiMI1Y
Someone recorded them warming up with a brand new song.
Sounds sooooooo cool !
Removed by ADTR Band LLC
I think another delay in the album production is that they may have left Victory. Think about it, they have not officially release Violence or Right Back At It Again, have they? It would have been on iTunes if they had a label, most likely. Plus, they said they were self funding their record. They took a step back and are probably really trying to make the album perfect, just how The Wonder Years did. They wrote their album in an abandoned shop, and it’s one of the best I’ve heard in the last decade. We can expect a lot of great things, it should definitely be out by September, only a year late.. haha
Didn’t they wrote it in Jeremy’s Home?
Yeah, Jeremy self funded it in his own studio
Well did they officially leave Victory? Cause I cannot find any statement or something like that..
They never said they officially left. I think it’s likely that they did, though. Their merch goes on THEIR site only, never on Victory’s anymore. And like I said, it would have been on iTunes already.
Eventhough those are wild guessings, it all sounds plausible.. Well if they really left, I hope they will sound like they did in FTWHH and in Violence lately..
They had legal difficulties with Victory, Victory is famous for those. Victory is probably the worst label out there. By the looks of it, it doesn’t look like their self releasing. So they’re either figuring out things with Victory, dropping out of Victory and searching for a new label, or they just haven’t finished the album yet. All of the above is a possibility.
Have a feeling we may hear a new song at Download. Just saying.
here’s to hoping your right!
I also had the feeling that we would have heared a new song at RAR, but it did not turn out that way…
Did they play something new? I decided to stay near to Main stage for a better spot for Rammstein (who fucking smashed it!)
No they didn’t unfortunately. Didn’t even play right back at it again. I really thought we’d hear something new.
So much anger on here, Im sure they will bring out the album when they are happy its good enough to be released.
Its why we love the band as each album has the best songs possible on it.
Patience people, im sure its going to be worth the wait and im not surprised its taking this long as they are always on tour.
Busiest band in the world at the moment….
You’re right man and I’m sure that it’ll be amazing when it comes out and worth the wait. However, it’s just annoying because of their choices they’ve made with the album. Such as announce the title at a show a year and 2 months ago, and then consistently say “it’ll be out by the end of the year.” Now, they knew about the ‘court case’ yet they still made the comment as if they were so sure it’d be ready. They released Violence, which is a great song, but part of me now thinks they did it out of fear because it was coming to the end of the year and, no record. The time off they had between violence and Right Back At It Again tour, which they used to finish tracking was the smartest thing they’ve done to date. They played the new song on tour, it’s great, everyone loves it.
Now, everyone around the band have mucked up and pushed people to be annoyed. That being, Kerrang said it would come out in summer. Well they have a month in order for that comment to be real. Their videographer said on twitter “working on audio for CC episodes”. If your working on audio, that means the video is done and audio does no take this long. And finally. Mixing and mastering. Does not take this long to do. It takes a month, 5 weeks max. So can you sort of understand why people are angry, annoyed
Took the words right out of my mouth lol. I really am more annoyed then anything. I am not even mad or even lost in hope. I know this album will be amazing when it gets done and u understand its all self funded which shows real dedication to fans from a band. I just hate how they keep setting false release dates and giving info way to early like the lead single they have and this new one they’ve been playing live. On top of these studio videos (which i love they are awesome to watch especially there comedy ones like Homesick and For Those Who Have Heart) But i just want it to be out soon thats all.
Yeah i agree, it is taking a stupid amount of time and its annoying that other people like Kerrang have said it will be out by the summer although we dont know where they got that source from it could be they assummed.
I just bought tickets to the Cardiff show in Feb 2014, Hopefully it will be out by then.
I really dont understand comments such as “i will never listen to this album in spite” makes no sense ofcourse you will. In a legal sense or not lol.
But i will say this album better be awesome for it to take this long to get to my ears lol.
Quote from Victory’s website:
“Back for more, A DAY TO REMEMBER plans to release Common Courtesy this
year, promising to be their most dynamic, powerful album to date. Not
ones to disappoint, the band will be on the road with OF MICE & MEN
for the Right Back At It Again North American tour, starting
March 20th. With a constantly growing fan base, larger than life
performances, and unmatched energy, A DAY TO REMEMBER are geared up for a very exciting 2013.”
They release the album on victory, victory steals all the money from them.
A very good possibility it’ll be out on Victory IMO. I ordered some gym shorts and they have tons of new merch for ADTR. Pretty upsetting, but who knows, maybe they settled their dispute or are making some sort of agreements.
Give the guys a break; they’ve been hard at work on this album for a long time, now it is just the legal hold up for the most part. i got to go backstage and hear it at their show a few months ago (The NYC show during the “Right Back at it Again” tour) and trust me when i say that the wait will be worth it. Also, the songs that were on the harder side, which i heard alot of, were AMAZING even un-mixed.