![A Day To Remember : Common Courtesy News Added May 15, 2012 A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th. An album which […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ADTR-CC.jpg)
A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th.
An album which have seen a lot of delays. Common Courtesy was announced by the band with a countdown included. Once the countdown hit zero, first single "Violence (Enough Is Enough)" was released. This was back in December and since there's been a lot of speculation when the album actually will be released. On March 18th, Jeremy McKinnon, announced on Twitter that "Common Courtesy is officially tracked! Now, onward to mixing.". Still no official track list.
The band announced Friday night at a show in Michigan that the judge ruled that they could release their album October 8, without Victory. Here is the live video of that announcement.
KingdomLeaks’ server is crashing! Maybe a leak there?
Kingdom doesn’t have it, I got through.
You got in as soon as I did.
So much for your nap haha
Yep. Basically.
Everyone go on ADTRs website and click frequently asked questions
Curious why
1. How do I download my album?
Click the download link above to receive a zip file containing the Common Courtesy album. The album will be in MP3 format and can be imported into most devices. The download link will only work on a computer, it will not download to phones or tablets.
They either have given it out or about to give it out. Just thought it would be nice to post something from their official website
Why? I already checked. Nothing’s changed.
7,077,888 or more trying to access Kingdom right now..
Maybe they’re just releasing them in waves every half an hour just to avoid the Violence fiasco from happening again.
This is the most logical answer.
Yeah, because I mean, if they have their entire fanbase going in all at once.. forget that, man. Even the best servers can’t withstand that traffic.
I could see that being very reasonable.
I’ve been listening to RBAIA on repeat. it’s played 8 times already and I still wanna listen to more of that shit.
I can’t believe the suspense and tension for this album right now. Great fans, man.
We will find out if she’s lying or not.. I’m gonna force her to send it to me and no that’s not rape
“1. How do I download my album?Click the download link above to receive a zip file containing the Common Courtesy album. The album will be in MP3 format and can be imported into most devices. The download link will only work on a computer, it will not download to phones or tablets.”
meaning they already have sent it out of they are getting ready to
Unless you have a Microsoft Surface. That’s technically a tablet but it runs Windows 8. I’m Apple all the way though.
believe me i’m trying
all these posers on tumblr talking bout fuckin all that shit bitches don’t know has it leaked it where all the true fans are loitering
Before we all go hogwild, does anybody here have a tumblr or twitter I can follow them on? I’d love to stay in touch with some of y’all
@BioshockSplice my twit, Ill follow back.
and add1e for tumblr.
my tumblr is really personal, so it’s not for everyone. I understand. :D
followed you on tumblr
Tumblr is inthewake0fpigs
following on tumblr
@mattyhaag on twitter
@packerfan121021 is twitter. If i figure out you’re from here i’ll follow back
wearefearless24 is tumblr
am26hewi on Tumblr or Sunday Left us Thinking on Tumble. one or the other lol
It’s probably gonna be another 3 hours guys. FUCK
Definitely more like 2
Just ordered the album and immediately sent me a link to download. I live East Coast Florida.
Alright squad let’s all go attack this woman on twitter and get the album
What’s her account name?
@herkingdom, don’t tell her I sent you. We can get this album if enough people go.. that’s if she really has it.. but I think she does.
asked her as well :)
adtrsquad roll out
Reporting in.
Checking in and ready to go
soldier myfuckingmonkey reporting in!
poor girl, she’s gonna get attacked by a hundred random people lmao
is it my mom
Fuck it, I’m taking my shower for work tomorrow NOW.
If you guys wanna stay in touch look up Sunday Left Us Thinking or WGIB on facebook (WGIB with the comic as profile pic) we always talk about music and shit on both of them lol. more than happy to get more people to like us.
It’s 22:18 in Ocala… I think that we should wait for another 2 hours!
I live in Florida, and can comfirm the download link is out there.
Shes got the lyrics to one of the songs
How the fuck..
If anybody gets the album from @herkingdom, find a way to leak it somewhere.
The way we are coming together like a military militia is actually kinda terrifying, but i have to say this girl “wont make it out alive” if we have anything to do with it!!!!
She has a screenshot of lyrics to Sometimes You’re the Hammer!
share link if you get it
People are claiming they got their links!!! WTF is mine! AHHHH
they could be lying little one