![A Day To Remember : Common Courtesy News Added May 15, 2012 A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th. An album which […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ADTR-CC.jpg)
A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th.
An album which have seen a lot of delays. Common Courtesy was announced by the band with a countdown included. Once the countdown hit zero, first single "Violence (Enough Is Enough)" was released. This was back in December and since there's been a lot of speculation when the album actually will be released. On March 18th, Jeremy McKinnon, announced on Twitter that "Common Courtesy is officially tracked! Now, onward to mixing.". Still no official track list.
The band announced Friday night at a show in Michigan that the judge ruled that they could release their album October 8, without Victory. Here is the live video of that announcement.
All I want is the album version of Right Back At It Again. If they give us that, then I will be happy to wait a bit longer. Or at least the This Is Where I Came From song. I check in here everyday for news, and am disappointed almost every time :/
I am equally as frustrated as everyone else, but we also have to keep in mind that they’re working with Victory Records. Victory is a load of shit that constantly screws different bands over, such as ADTR, Thursday, and Streetlight Manifesto. Bands make music because they enjoy it, so I can assure you if ADTR could get it out, they would. Now, in the most polite way possible, calm your tits, learn some patience, and go listen to something else for the time being. Whining about it won’t make the album come out any sooner than Victory wants.
they are not working with Victory, they have already stated this album is made and funded entirely by themselves.
unless they state otherwise since then, anyawy.
I don’t think it’s their fault. They aren’t allowed to release it because they are on contract with Victory Records, however, they tracked without Victory’s permission. If they were to release it, they would get sued so hard.
The album is recorded and mastered the reason it is taking so long to be released is to build suspense and hype
Yes….suspense and hype…after SIX MONTHS of nothing. I think we are way too hyped up. lol
They are also in dispute. With victory over their current contract. So another delay would be the pending negotiations .
You’re right bro.
Anyway, Victory sucks dicks. Just sayin’
Blame Victory Records its their fault the record hasn’t come out. ADTR and Victory are in a legal dispute and Victory is being fuckwads about it
I have a theory. Their last Right Back At It Again show is August 21st in Canada. I think they’ll release more info or the album on that date. It’s just a theory though.
It isn’t…when you’re ready to download it requests a fucking survey.
My God, I’m dying, I want Common Courtesy NOW
I think it’s becuase they have no money due to being between labels, I honestly think they have fully mastered 1 song, right back at it again and are now touring on it to make some easy cash to pay for the mastering of their album. I doubt we’ll get anything until they right back at it again tour is over :/ but I could be way off, it just sounds logical..
They have Violence as well. So that makes 2 songs
And they’d have heaps of money due to touring and festivals. It’s because of record label stuff, it has to be.
if they had heaps of money due to touring and festivals, they wouldn’t need a record label
It’s not because they have no money, it’s because of a lawsuit that happened between victory and ADTR
reading all these comments, expecially one from a little while back. really makes me wonder, if we are going to get the album on time. or much later then planned, someone said on here that mixing and mastering only takes about a month to 5 weeks however that depends on who does it, the bottom line is this. This album was hyped almost over a year ago depending on when it releases, fans are getting frustrated with lack of news or information. and other people think thats perfectly fine, and there’s no excuse for that,
Get the reference? :3
….which reference? lol
“Can’t wait for this album!” said me a year ago. Still waiting ;_;
Well, Andrew Wade did kind of say something about the record on Twitter. Some asshole kid tweeted at him saying that he needs to hurry up with the mixing, etc. Wade said that it’s not his fault ; he wasn’t saying why, however. Another kid who was in the argument between Wade and the asshole (this kid is cool), made a speculation that all of the delays are because of Victory, and not Wade (who would’ve guessed). Of course it’s just a speculation, but I think it’s kind of obvious. Wade then responded saying that he wasn’t going to say yes or no, but he did say that he was onto something.
I think that last tweet basically gave it away. Victory has something to do with it – 100% confirmed. The dispute must not be settled yet, if it ever will be.
Waaaait a minute..
Is that a sloth on a segway? :DDD
We meet again good fellow!
lol, that was ME!!!! (the cool kid, not the douchey one) Although i don’t know how much of a ‘kid’ i am at age 26, lol. Thats probably why i had the insight about victory . . . cuz i’m not retarded, lol.
it started as me asking if we could just get the two songs that everyone has heard already as a single for like $2 cuz i’m tired of streaming them off of YouTube and he said they’re not ready yet. Of course, Violence had been streaming for over 6 months and anyone that participated in the VIP experience earlier this spring heard the mastered version of Right Back at it Again over the PA, so clearly THOSE two were done. Then that fucking dipshit decided to call Wade our on taking so long and Wade got pissed off and threatened to block. Having already pissed of Kyle Crawford/Electric Zombie over some NFG design he did back in October, i didn’t want Wade to be pissed off at me too so i backed him up with the Victory Speculation which he indirectly confirmed – as seen on twitter.
oooh I saw that. welldone lol
You have earned your title as a man. Haha.
so i just got home from a day to remember in Australia birsbane and they said the new album common courtesy will be out soon very soon and all they played was violence and right back at it again
Fantastic!! Happy they said something. I’m seeing them tomorrow night in Melbourne, really excited!!!
I saw them last night in Melbourne an it was amazing!! I loved how when Right Back At It Again came on, everyone knew the lyrics hehe
Um Jeremy also said that the album will be out very soon. So I’m going to say within the next month. For sure
If it was within the next month, a release date would have been announced. They wouldn’t release an album that soon with no release date.
I think the album will either be out between July 18th and August 10th OR August 24th and September 15th. If you look on the official ADTR website, you can see that they have extended time off between those tour dates. This means that they could possibly release the album and premiere new music for the 2013 Canada Tour or for Aftershock Festival ’13. This is just my theory so I’m probably completely wrong! Haha
Btw, I saw ADTR when they came to Orlando, FL a few months ago. That show made my month! Best part was when they began to play Right Back At It Again mid-show. The entire crowd went insane!
Ouch, I’m here everyday to check for release day at least. What the f**k is this? This remind me infinite waiting for Diablo III.
Two of their big albums (Homesick and What Separates Me From You) have both come out on October 1st. Possible release date.
I hate to be the guy to ruin it for you lol, but Homesick was released February 3, 2009. And What Separates Me From You was released November 16, 2010.
Look at the Itunes release dates
So Jeremy said that Common Courtesy is coming out soon. The only thing is.. how soon?
I have a feeling that it’ll be coming out soon. They just finished their tour in Europe, and they have some time off. Their next tour starts August 10th in Canada (Right Back At It Again). I would assume that we would get at least a single or at least some information on the album being that they have around 20 days off. Of course I want the whole thing to come out. It’s either going to be over this break here, or anywhere from Novemeber-December since they are taking that time off from touring.
Oh yeah, and Jeremy did also say at a show in Australia that it is coming out soon.. but I wonder what he considers soon. haha.
I reckon over this 20 day break period we will 100 percent get something and then when the Canadian tour is done they will roll out the CC episodes leading up to the albums release which I’m believing to be on the last week of September maybe first week of October and almost would put money on how sure I am of this. I have a feeling Josh and Jeremy will be flying out to Chicago over this 20 day break to sort out the victory lawsuit hopefully once and for all at this point. The last time they were in Chicago they made it sound as if they were in the final stages of the lawsuit.
So long story short I’m really confident when I say it will be at in the next 2-3 months which is exciting I’ve been waiting over a year at this point.
I’m so excited, I’ve actually stopped listening to Violence and Right Back At It Again. I am getting bored of the two songs because I’ve listened to them so much, so I’m just going to wait for the whole album to come out so I am not bored of the songs when it comes out :D
Jeremy just tweeted “Nashville for a few days w @joshuawoodard and Mark Mercado. Always workin! http://instagram.com/p/cFoE0XPqr_/ “
Jeremy replied to a fan on July 22nd.
jeremy mckinnon @jeremymckinnon
22 Jul
@Deebeaaar its still being mixed actually. You’d prefer we don’t finish it? Just trying to make sure its worth the wait.
So it is not done yet, but I’m pretty sure like at least 2-4 songs are left. so yeah, speculation, mid Sep til start Oct.
I really like the way he handled that.. I would have been a total asshole to that kid
It’s not Chicago, but I thought about what you said when he tweeted that
I really wouldn’t mind the wait if we just had at least a fugging release date! aha
According to this interview with Kevin, the album is almost done being mixed and is going to start getting mastered soon. Expect it very soon.
New interview here and Kevin talks a little bit about the new album. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3I5s2tHnmE
Jeremy Replied to some punk kid on twitter this morning saying the album is still being mixed
Anyone else see the rumored leaks of ADTR doing an american tour starting in September with All Time Low? That’s a really good sign I think towards the release of the album seeing as they already did an american tour 4 months ago so why tour America again if they have nothing new to do it with? So the likelihood of Common Courtesy being out by the time that tour starts are really good i think
He wouldn’t say who it’s with but Kevin said there’s gonna be a big American headlining tour again in the fall in that interview that was just posted. Yeah I doubt they’d do two big U.S tours in a row without the album actually being out for this next one.
They just announced a US tour running Sept-Oct. Hopefully this means we’ll get some more info on Common Courtesy…http://www.adtr.com/
ADTR will tour with Pierce The Veil and All Time Low, it’s an official thing. The first show is on September 11th. So, i think that Common Courtesy will be out before that date. What do you think guys?