![A Day To Remember : Common Courtesy News Added May 15, 2012 A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th. An album which […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ADTR-CC.jpg)
A Day to Remember from Florida formed in 2003 and are being described as a metalcore/pop-punk/rock band. The bands current line-up include Jeremy McKinnon, Neil Westfall, Josh Woodard, Alex Shelnutt and Kevin Skaff. The band is set to release their new album "Common Courtesy" October the 8th.
An album which have seen a lot of delays. Common Courtesy was announced by the band with a countdown included. Once the countdown hit zero, first single "Violence (Enough Is Enough)" was released. This was back in December and since there's been a lot of speculation when the album actually will be released. On March 18th, Jeremy McKinnon, announced on Twitter that "Common Courtesy is officially tracked! Now, onward to mixing.". Still no official track list.
The band announced Friday night at a show in Michigan that the judge ruled that they could release their album October 8, without Victory. Here is the live video of that announcement.
It’s been over 7 months since Violence was released. 4 months since the recording of Right Back At It Again was released. I’ve been waiting very patiently up until right about now. I’m not upset with the band though. Just kind of disappointed in the situation. I’m sure it can’t be easy for ADTR either because their fans are turning on them and it’s out of their control. As many people have said, if we could only get the studio version of RBAIA, that would be enough to hold me over a few more months. At this point I still think we have a couple of months before we hear anything. Maybe I just feel that way because I thought the album was coming out soon when I heard Jeremy reveal the name of the album early in 2012.
Doing a little searching through pacer and the original case filed between ADTR and Victory has been closed. Still searching.
I realize this is kinda fucked up on my behalf but public records are public records. The case was transferred to the Northern District of Illinois. The last court activity was this past Tuesday. I have to be honest i’m not really familiar with a ton of the court lingo, so i’m not entirely sure what exactly is going on but the case is still open.
You should link where you found the public records and maybe someone can translate the court lingo for everyone.
I can’t link it because you have to have a PACER username and password. In order to get that you have to register with the US Court sytems. I can screen shot them and post them on here? There are like 170 entries since 2011 for the court case.
Yes please do screenshot them so maybe someone who understands the court systems can explain what exactly it means, does anyone know what it means when a case has been transferred?
All they did was transfer it from Tennessee to Illinois. Since those court documents leaked back in 2011, I don’t think anyone has heard anything so I wanted to do some digging and figure out if there is even a close resolution.
Could you post some screenshots of the most recent court cases? What do the most recent ones say, do they show any progress in the lawsuit nearly being over?
Took some screen shots earlier but was a little reluctant to post them. Screw it, they probably can’t say anything but we can def look and see what is going on.
I wish I knew what that meant lol
Although I find it kinda weird that you guys have dug this all up, I’m pretty impressed, haha.
“The parties are to meet and confer in an effort to come to an agreement as to these issues no later than 12/28/12”
Meaning, if the case went as it should, the album would have been out in time for the Right Back at it Again Tour earlier this year. Clearly it didn’t work out like that.
Are you some kind of wizard lmao
Can’t wait for this album! I don’t care how long it take.
If anyone hasn’t yet see check the newest comments and Adam_K has some screenshots of info on the current lawsuit I and nobody else so far can really understand it so if you have some knowledge on that kind of stuff be sure to let us know. Though one interesting thing to note is that on one screenshot it says “Fact discovery will close on the 8/30/13” so does that mean the final verdict could be made on that date? I think it’s possible but I’m not sure if that means what I think it might.
Both parties have until that date to obtain evidence from the opposing party (such as requests for production of documents) If the closing date for providing evidence is the 30th a final verdict is close.
That’s interesting so, perhaps by September this will all finally be over and ADTR will be free to put out new music, here’s hoping they don’t have to put out the album through Victory.
This is a mess, that’s the best way to describe it…
I would love to see the album chart very high on the billboard 200. I’d be so happy if it debuted at #1 but that would take a lot and a good release date where no major pop artists are releasing an album.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlqO1uSCXRo FINALLY THE COMMON COURTESY SERIEEEEEES
FINALLY IT BEGINS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlqO1uSCXRo
They posted a teaser on their Twitter for the Common Courtesy web series
If you pause the new commericial at 0:54 you can see the song names for the album,
Ones I can make out are in order are:
– Where I Came From
– Right Back At It Again
– I’m a ____
– Take it _____
– Dead & Buried (Though I’ve known this one for about a year now”
– I’m Already Gone
– I surrender (I have also known this one for about a year)
If anyone’s wondering how i knew of two of those songs It’s because Tom posted the song chart on his instagram when they were recording last year but he blurred the song names but those two I could make out.
There are more songs on the list than that though they cant be made out.
I was actually just gonna write about that, good job man haha
Wait on what site did Tom post it?
He posted it on his personal instagram back in either September or October of last year
Was about to write the same thing, but you beat me to it. By the way, I’m pretty sure the fourth title track is called “Take It Away.” No idea on the third track though.
I think another track will be called ‘I Remember.’ I’ve seen some pictures (including the one Tom posted) and I believe that’s one on there. Don’t quote me on that one though!
Yup it will be but I didn’t see it on the board so I didn’t write it down but your right the I remember was been seen before on two separate pictures. :)
I believe this is part of “Where I Came From”
A reminder that these may not necessarily be full titles. On the signed setlists they’re giving away on Facebook from their London show, the song from Homesick- “You Already Know What You Are” is called “Sidekick” for some unknown reason. They also shorten “I’m Made Of Wax Larry, What Are You Made Of?” to just “Wax Larry” sometimes. They may just be ‘easy titles’ for the songs that is easier to write on the board.
That’s true but I was thinking that though in this case I think they might not have shortened the song titles seeing as they bothered to write such long names on the board like “Where I came from” and “Right back at it again”
The reason You Already Know What You Are is called Sidekick is because they sampled the sound of a T-Mobile Sidekick’s battery dying right before the breakdown in the song at like 50 seconds in.
***The More You Know***
But that’s exactly my point, they don’t always use full titles for these things haha
So I noticed in the teaser for the Video series, the last three clips were events that take place on Sunday, church, football etc. These clips directly come after they cut the announcer off saying “catch the new episodes, debuting this…” I think we’re getting news tomorrow guys.
Some guy on YouTube took a guess at the release date, and it makes a lot of sense to me.
Basically, he said that it’ll probably come out September 10… here’s why.
To begin, the tenth is a Tuesday. All albums come out on Tuesdays. The tenth is also one day before the House Party Tour begins. Like I said a while ago, they are going to play new songs there whether or not the album is out. Lastly, there are five weeks from now until September 10th. That means that there will probably be five episodes in the Common Courtesy series.
Props to this guy, his name is Collin Chandler and he is on this video – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiN8JeeAi-c
The 10th is just around the corner, perfect date for release.
I’m still waiting :D
I think thats wayy to little of a time frame for an album release. I’m expecting a mid October early November date seeing as they are just wrapping up the lawsuit with victory. By the 30th we’ll know for sure IMO
I’m saying either the 10th, or sometime late October. They did say they want to get the album ASAP though..
Hey I think it could happen! Thanks for the the credit! lol i check this every day didnt think I would run into my own info!!
First episode will be out on August 21st…I think. and, it makes sense with the whole 21st thing if they’re going along with it.
an episode per week, (if we’re saying that albums come out on Tuesdays) the House Party tour starts on the 11th so it makes sense to come out on the 10th. (Even though im not seeing the house party tour since im in AUS).
SO! That makes a total of 3 episodes in the next 3 weeks before the tour starts…I really hope im right, just a theory though, hehe
I agree with everything, but I think the 21 thing is long gone
I’m wondering if that image with the aliens,ying yang,hot dog and cheetah inside the ADTR has anything to do with the album artwork.
Here’s that song chart that Phillip was talking about from Tom’s Instagram
I can see that “I surrender” is the 5th down, but what’s the 2nd one? Looks like “I remember” which is a cool sounding thing. “I Remember” and “I Surrender”. IDK, it’s complete guesswork for now.
I’m pretty sure it’s I remember
Hear me out… So the Common Courtesy Sneak peak video came out on August 17th and there first clip in the top right corner flashes “44” then goes to the next clip. Looked at calendar and about 44 days from August 17th, is October 1st….a Tuesday.
Just a theory guys.
44 is the number that apparently curses them, so that’s the reason for that. But you could still be right.
Just figured I’d throw a court update in here. Little bit of activity, case is still open
This costs me every time I view documents so i’m trying not to go too crazy looking at all the stuff.
Jeremy is having people ask questions on his Tumblr account, and here’s a fan’s question:
archuro asked: Let me be the first to ask the most demanded question you’ll get on here. When is ‘Common Courtesy’ coming out?!
Jeremy: “You mean our new tv series? ;) #CC #CommonCourtesy”
Sounds like he’s really trying to dodge the question. :/
asked: Jeremy seriously when is Common Courtesy coming out? Last May @
Starland Ballroom, NJ you said it would be prob be out by the beginning
of the year and now it’s August and I’m dying in anticipation
We should know a release date very soon, and when we have it, we will let you know!
“”Remember way back when they said this life was a dream? Well, it still is, and I never wanna wake. Standing in my back yard, at our old practice space, hard to hold back the tears from streaming down my face.”
Those are some new lyrics to one of their new songs. Somebody asked for a lyrical preview, and that’s what Jeremy wrote.
“Remember way back when they said this life was a dream? Well, it still is, and I never wanna wake. Standing in my back yard, at our old practice space, hard to hold back the tears from streaming down my face.”
New lyrics from a new song. Digs deep, bros. ;(
Those are official lyrics from the sound check video. I believe the song is called “Where I Came From.”
Actually, scratch that. The sound check video had different lyrics. I’m a little confused.. Jeremy does say “remember way back when” in the sound check, but not the rest of the lyrics here. This could either be part of “Where I Came From,” or a totally different song. Anyways, I really like how this record is gonna tell a story about what these guys have been through.
Could be a different verse. The verses start with “remember way back when” but the rest of the words are different each verse, know what I mean?
Yeah, I know what you mean. That’s actually what I meant.
Idk if it’s a hoax, but Drew Russ commented on the ADtR Commercial-Video 5 hours ago.
That’s what he wrote:
“HEY HEY HEY!! Kids Chill out! Just because their album release has had some delays about stuff they can’t control, doesn’t mean you can’t take a second, breathe, and enjoy some quality ADTR programming. High class television that we all worked really hard on and in no way delayed the album. Just have some fun already, everything is coming soon. Love, Drew (The guy who directed,shot, and edited all of the episodes ever.) Russ”
Here’s a picture:
I can’t find the comment on youtube now though. So it might have been removed as a hoax.
it’s on ADTRs facebook page
Ah thanks, looks like it’s the real deal cos I went to the page and Jeremy and Josh were on his friends list!
Sure we have all seen this by now, but for those who haven’t…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlqO1uSCXRo