German power metal legends Helloween will be releasing their latest album "Straight Out Of Hell" on January 18th, 2013 and January 22nd, 2013 in Europe and North America.
Guitarist Michael Weikath mentions that ""Straight Out Of Hell" is the consequent development of the two albums before. The new songs are a continuation of the "7 Sinners" directives, only less doom-bound and noticeably more positive. These songs will kick even the laziest listener’s ass.”
Aside from the standard edition, there will also be a limited edition featuring special packing as well as two bonus tracks: "Another Shot Of Life" and hammond version of "Burning Sun" which is dedicated to Jon Lord of Deep Purple fame, who passed away in July of this year.
Oh my god. Can’t wait for this! Go listen to the daily previews on Halloween’s Facebook. So fucking great.
Why hasn’t this leaked yet? Grrr
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Come on! LEAK ALREADY!!
Chuck Norris must be protecting this album. Oh my god, please leak it!
Ok, so it says on the Metal Archives that this album is released today in Europe (as a double LP edition) and also in Japan today. Now there’s only one thing bothering me… Where the HELL is the godamn album? What’s happening to the leaking? No albums leak anymore. Fucking stupid is what it is. I’ve been waiting for this for too godamn long, and I WILL HAVE THIS!
I guess you should wait a couple of days and buy it
Europe gets album on friday. Japan today.
Yeah, I saw that just now. I thought it would come out on Vinyl in Europe today, but other sources prooved me wrong. But still though. Japan gets it today, so somebody has got to be able to upload it.
Look, there is somenthing VERY wrong. The album was released in Japan TODAY. Ok. A lot of japanese and others that live in japan are putting photos of the album on the internet but they can’t upload the album for us? They must be joking with us. If the album was first released in BRAZIL (where i live), everyone would be listening to this album since last week. Really, i don’t understand why they can’t just simply go to a cyber cafe and upload that. That pisses me off A LOT.
Exactly! What the hell is going on? I just do not understand this. I’ve even got SoulSeek and nobody shares the thing there either.
Japaneses, please, SHARE THE ALBUM WITH US.
Finally leaked!!