News Added Jul 31, 2012 A 5-piece indie pop band from Cologne, Germany. Sunburns are: David Müller - vocals, piano Timo Wiesner - rhythm guitar Marc Thoma - lead guitar Johannes Friedrich - trumpet Jannis Kordt - drums Submitted By Stein Track list: Added Jul 31, 2012 No official track list available. The 'Expeditions EP' […]

Sunburns Expeditions EP



A 5-piece indie pop band from Cologne, Germany.

Sunburns are:

David Müller - vocals, piano

Timo Wiesner - rhythm guitar

Marc Thoma - lead guitar

Johannes Friedrich - trumpet

Jannis Kordt - drums

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Track list:


No official track list available.

The 'Expeditions EP' will be released around August, 2012

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: It has not leaked yet.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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