![Asking Alexandria : From Death To Destiny News Added Mar 03, 2013 the long awaited third studio album of the British metal band, Asking Alexandria. (I got the tracklist from Danny's Instagram.) -3/3/13 Submitted By Colton Musselman Track list: Added Mar 03, 2013 1) Sick And tired (3:24) 2) Am I Insane? (4:25) 3) White Line Fever (3:38) 4) All You Got […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/fromdeathtodestiny.png)
the long awaited third studio album of the British metal band, Asking Alexandria.
(I got the tracklist from Danny's Instagram.) -3/3/13
the long awaited third studio album of the British metal band, Asking Alexandria.
(I got the tracklist from Danny's Instagram.) -3/3/13
1) Sick And tired (3:24)
2) Am I Insane? (4:25)
3) White Line Fever (3:38)
4) All You Got To Do (3:23)
5) Dead (3:45)
6) Creature (3:14)
7) The Road (3:27)
8) Burn It To The Ground (3:28)
9) Killing Me (3:14)
10) Run Free (4:14)
11 Moving On (4:01)
12 Don't Pray For Me (3:05)
13 Six (3:03)
14 Am I Insane? (Radio Edit) (3:37)
Leaked on Realm of Metal / All Leaks and Alterportal.
anyone know where i can ACTUALLY find it
Same problem here
yeah and of course pirate bay is down so i cant check there
Google Realm of Metal, it’s on the 2nd row.
found it on all leaks seems to still be up
Kickass Torrents has it.
try kingdomleaks they have it and many others
just need bonus tracks now :)
such an amazing album
Wakes up to the leak and bonus track previews… EPIC/PERFECT DAY!!! Thanks everybody for joining me in waiting for this masterpiece! :D
its on KAT
I got mine from Realm Of Metal I like the zippyshare they use it downloads fast.
this album is horrible! album of the year? lol…not even close! Try Defeater or letlive.
What did you expect lead singer Danny said the lyrics will be more uplifting and happier and different than previous albums that were about drugs/alcohol problems. Usually when a band is good when the lyrics are written drunk and high. Ya it sounds bad to say but most part its true LOL
Eh, I didn’t even listen to the lyrics and I feel the same way. The unique things of this band are gone and the vocals just sound like A7X now.
What’s wrong with A7X here?? I didn’t listen to the AA’s album for now, but M. Shadows has a f*cking amazing voice. Well, as far as I’m concerned…
Nothing wrong with A7X at all, however AA is NOT A7X…
Album sounds like retarded shit. Looks like another band has pulled an A7X and gone hard rock. Soon we will all here AA on radios and I will have to explain how I only like the first 2 albums just like A7X…so sad to see them sell out and go to shit.
This album sucks. Looks like another band pulled an A7x and went Hard Rock on us. Such a same to see them go to crap. Soon we will all hear AA on the radios and old fans will change the station in shame for ever listening to them. They will all have to explain that they liked up to the second album and the rest sucked. Just like A7X
they allways sucked
haters gonna hate
AAs new direction is great. Danny even said that stand up and scream was a joke album. They have matured and have created a great album
It has officially leaked and it’s perfection.
it sucks…. all the songs sounds the same, the best one is run free..
I’m in love with The Death of Me, but am not too sure about the rest of the album.
It’s a shame. FFDP’s new album has it beat.
poison is sooo good.
perfection my ass. the drumming bores the shit out of me. the riffs
could of been done from 12 year old emo kids raving over bullet for my
valentine. singing is without any passion. lyrics are full of
douchebaggery and stupidity. i couldnt believe AA is so hated all over serious metalcore acts so i listened to this. big waste of time.
use a torrent duh. Thats how i get all music, including this album. type in google: “from death to destiny tpb” and the pirate bay should be the first two links. get the 320 version and badaboom.
I uploaded the whole album in youtube, here you have one song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92bjF7VYex0
You are welcome :)
The song is not called “Am I Insane?”. It is actually called the Death of Me and was the second single released.
Going off of the Album Preview released by Sumerian Records, I believe the track listing is
1:Don’t Pray for Me
2:Killing You
3:The Death of Me
4: Run Free
5: Break Down The Walls
6: Poison
7: Believe
8: Creature
9: White Line Fever
10: Moving On
11: The Road
12: Until The End
13: The Death of Me(Radio Edit)
14: Dead
15: Someone, Somewhere (Ben Bruce acoustic)
i have it already, such a suck album…
it’s great.. :D