News Added Jun 20, 2013 Bloodattack with their 3rd album "alphakiller" - after their last split 7inch "lazarus" with "alcatraz"- 9 brandnew songs recorded in january @ the Noiseschmiede Studios. Harsh, cold, brutal sound filled with angry Punk-Rock-Energy and a snotty, hammerblasting sound. this kind of music hasn´t been there before in this kind of […]

Bloodattack Alphakiller



Bloodattack with their 3rd album "alphakiller" - after their last split 7inch "lazarus" with "alcatraz"- 9 brandnew songs recorded in january @ the Noiseschmiede Studios. Harsh, cold, brutal sound filled with angry Punk-Rock-Energy and a snotty, hammerblasting sound. this kind of music hasn´t been there before in this kind of style - Bloodattack shows us what it means to be pissed off and puke it out straight in your face. fast fucked-up hardcore-action that remains us on Integrity, Ringworm or Eatharsis with englisch and german lyrics. this is more than music - this is the Embodyment of Shit - an ugly, raging, unaesthetic giant filled with pure waste and aggression. "ALPHAKILLER" is not made for fans of clean-produced Metalcore with empty lyrics and disco-suitable singalongs. "alphakiller" is ugly as sin.

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Track list:


01. My Inner Wasteland (3:25)
02. Aversion (4:48)
03. One Man Unity (4:35)
04. Not Like You (4:25)
05. Mastaffe (2:09)
06. Back 2 The Past (5:50)
07. Fall As One (4:23)
08. Gott Aus Dem Viereck (4:55)
09. Urin (4:06)

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: It has not leaked yet.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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