![Five Finger Death Punch : The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 News Added May 13, 2013 Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/albume-artwork.jpg)
Five Finger Death Punch will release The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1 on July 30, while Volume 2 is scheduled for later this fall. Eleven Seven will release the albums outside of North America. Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory recently shared, “We came off the road after a couple of great years of touring and were really amped up to write the 4th record. Everybody was in the right headspace and the band tighter than ever so it was a perfect storm. We jumped in head first and found ourselves 12-13 songs deep fairly quick but were still coming up with better and better material so we looked at each other and said…. ok why stop there? Let’s keep going. Once we passed the 24th song we knew we’re going to have to do two albums. We had this massive amount of music that’s very dear to us, possibly the best material this band has ever created. At that point there was no way to decide which songs to leave off one album. So we made the decision to release them all.”
im gonna see them on the 28th at mayhem detriot!!! saw slipknot lst year FFDP is gona be the shit!!!!
any other bands your excited for? i cant wait to see cob and rob zombie also
definitely rob zombie, COB and amon amarth will be cool slipknot last year was the shit I was hoping they would go with FFDP this year :(
I’m currently downloading it… If it’s legit I will reply back saying it’s good.
Uggh I have 12 minutes and im almost shaking….
It’s fake. You need a password in order to “access” the songs.
password is hearit
how do you know
says in the instructions he provided. i got errors tho when i tried to extract
files are corrupt. its fake
Really? I told you that… haha
lol. well, a man can only hope right?
haha Yeah, I guess. :D
Dont worry all. I use other reputable sites to get my tunes from, so believe me, like I did with the Skillet album Rise, once I receive the 5FDP album, I will have it and will post it as leaked.
You sir, deserve a medal!
Nah….I just cannot stand idiots out there who try and pass off fake files as real, but like I said, once I get a copy of it via the other sites I use, once it leaks, even if its 128kbps, I will let you all know and plus, it only takes me a few minutes to upload stuff due to my 30mbps+ internet connection
Fucking DO IT! Im tired of waiting! D:
But maybe for Brad, I will send him a link to the censored version of it once that version leaks
I think the album is too inappropriate for his you ears so that sounds like a good idea
Don’t offer any downloads via PMs please.
Uh oh! Mod is here!
Um I just tried that and it didn’t work…
worked for me
downloading right now! If this is legit then you have made my fucking night!
If this is legit I’ll apologize.
It’s not you need a password.
password is hearit. says in instructions
It doesn’t work… It’s fake.
the password worked for me but then i got nothing but corrupt file errors
LOL! he deleted the link! funny shit brad
HAHAHAHAHAHA that is hilarious!!!!
Yeah, I saw that. He is like, I got the file, uploading it, but its taking me 8 hrs to do it and then posts a link but then takes it back. Sounds like to me that Brad indeed may be a 15 yr old or so but has the mind of a 7 yr old. Christ, my cats are more mature than that dumb fuck
Good thing I didn’t cancel the download, so there is still hope. 15 min left on my DL.
Edit: Supposed to be in response to Hunter.
ya so i entered password and got nothing but errors
Yeah, I’m letting my DL finish, I have a feeling he’s full of shit though, it took him like 10 hours to upload this and to share a link but I will let this DL finish and try the instructions and return with my results as well.
It’s fake bro… Cancel the download.
ya i got the password to work but then when i tried to actually extract the files i got corruption errors
Fake bro….
Can Brad get banned already? He’s obviously trolling… I vote we ban him! Who’s with me?
Yep I’ve had enough let downs.
Agreed! HE gets me all excited and then me all sad and stuff! We don’t like to be fucked with Brad and that is literally all you have been doing!
Brad is now banned permanently. Remember, trust the site – If it’s not reported as leaked, don’t trust any download links.
Thank you so much! Dude was really startin to get on everyones nerves!
So, anyone know if the album is actually gonna be streamed today or not?
I’ve herd rumors about it and i think it comes out in like Sweden or somewhere on the 24th
if it comes out in sweden on the 24th then wouldn’t it be on the interwebs by now?
I dont know i think that they said it in an interview but don’t quote me on it
huh. alright. I would just think it would have leaked already if that were the case.
They probably have people working 25/8 on keeping links down so..
Ya, this is true. Ugh, I just want this shit to leak already.
You have No Idea I’ve seen them 15 times and I just can’t sleep lol.
They are my favorite band and I have yet to see them live. I don’t have the money for it but they are coming to Seattle on the 20th of September
Im seeing them the 24th at mayhem fest in va
Im jelly! My friend made me feel all bad and shit when he posted pictures of Mayhem in Seattle
wow lol. Is black sabbath comming near you cuz im going to see them august 2nd
I dont think Sabbath is coming to Seattle. I could be wrong tho. Im not really interested in seeing Sabbath tho
Personaly im just going to see ozzy :P
see and thats the thing. Im not a huge Ozzy fan either. Never have been
I know I know.
Metalica Korn megadeth GnR?
love korn and GnR. Not a huge fan of Metallica but a fan none the less. and I dont really like Megadeth. too thrashy
True True I just thought it went along with the other bands lol, and are you a a7x or asking alexandria fan?
HUGE fan of both! Ive actually met Asking Alexandria and seen them live! Stood next to the guy that caught the bra they threw out into the growd and bruised my leg in a wall of death. Havent seen A7x live yet but I want to
Ok now im jelly can you believe only like 15 days till from death to destiny releases?
Ya and Im lovin the new single!
Im lovin all 3 lol
Oh hell ya! Def gonna be good
Did you download the new ep?
Lmao its amazing they did all the right songs
They did
I say as im listing to the whole ep
Lol! There is one album that I have been waiting years for and have yet to hear anything about. Fucking A Day to Remember just needs to fucking tell us when that album is gonna be released!
Man i havent listened to them in a while…
Saw them live too! Same year I saw AA. That, was one hell of a show
niccee im am super jelly ive seen motly crue poison def leppard, lynard skynard bad company areosmith cheep trick journy and a few more i cant think of in concert :P
Ive seen TDWP, Asking Alexandria (met them), ADTR, Blessthefall (Met them too), August Burns red Twice, Chelsea Grin (met them also), We Came As Romans twice, Dance Gavin Dance, Sleeping With Sirens twice, Of Mice and Men, Attack Attack, Upon a Burning Body (met them too), The Black Dahlia Murder, Woe is Me, Chiodos, Pierce the Veil, Memphis Mayfire, Miss May I, Born of Osiris, Iwrestledabearonce, Man Overboard twice, Tonight Alive, Prince, Hollywood Undead and a bunch of others that I cant remember right now. xD
0_0 I am super jelly, did you go to warped?
Gone to warped 3 times now I think
I thought so… with all those bands you named
Yup, 2011 and 2013 were definetly the best years! I saw Prince with my dad in 2011 cause he has always been a big part in our house when it comes to music plus hes who i grew up listening to thanks to my dad and saw Hollywood Undead on June 26th with Pop Evil, 3 Pill Morning, and All Hail the Yeti. That, was the greatest fucking show I have ever been to
I kinda wanted to see Hollywood undead with fir but they didnt come around me
Such a good show. I have some vids on my facebook of it. The lights were fucking insane. I can try and post a linnk of it if you want
Ive seen many on youtube lol
It was a pretty good show. Got signatures and everything! OH!!!! I just remembered another band I saw live! Fucking Atilla. That show at Warped was brutal, everyone was smoking weed and fucking just partying!
-_- omfg was this with about that life or earlyer
This was like a week earlier but they opened with Middle Fingers Up and then finished with Payback! They said it was the first time anyone got to see About That Life and Middle Fingers Up performed live! IT. WAS. INCREDIBLE.
Did they play party with the devil?
Yep. Everyone went nuts during the final verse. They were all like oh shit oh shit oh shit here it comes. And then hes just lets out the whole final verse and people fucking lost their minds
That is prob my favorite song by them
Ya, its one of mine! Payback is my favorite tho
For me its either Party with the devil payback about that life callout or holler at ya boy
Yup, those are my favorites too
what do you think of sws new album
I like it. It still has that great SWS sound! Little different from their previous albums but still great none the less. They were fucking terrible live at Warped this year which was odd. Idk, Kellin just didn’t seem prepared
Hmm i’ve never herd anything bad about them live? prob family issues
Ya, idk. They are normally really good live. Ive seen them twice and the first time was incredible. It could be the fact that it was the first day of Warped this year and his voice just wasnt warmed up or something. Idk, it was weird tho
I love the song he did with the fronz
I do too! I just love Fronz and Kellin in general but that song was amazing
GUYS, FFDP! Not those other bands, stop getting off topic of how this album isn’t out and keep complaining! NEED MORE PEOPLE TO CRY WITH ME!
YA! You’ve got a fucking point! Sorry, we were trying to take our fucking minds off of it! Waiting is painful!
I’ve been trying to get this shit and the last album was leaked over a week before it was released, this is making me sad
Ya, they got this one under fucking lock and key this time! Im surprised it hasn’t leaked yet honestly! Most albums leak by this time
Gotta find some way to waist the time waiting for this album man…
YA! Fuck it! Time to listen to my entire 5FDP discography!
Have yet to go to a Mayhem fest tho. Plan on going to it next year for sure
Ive seen TDWP, Asking Alexandria (met them), ADTR, Blessthefall (Met them too), August Burns red Twice, Chelsea Grin (met them also), We Came As Romans twice, Dance Gavin Dance, Sleeping With Sirens twice, Of Mice and Men, Attack Attack, Upon a Burning Body (met them too), The Black Dahlia Murder, Woe is Me, Chiodos, Pierce the Veil, Memphis Mayfire, Miss May I, Born of Osiris, Iwrestledabearonce, Man Overboard twice, Tonight Alive, Prince, Hollywood Undead and a bunch of others that I cant remember right now. xD
weird….im not a guest…
Whoa… Hate to chime in here. But why did Asking Alexandria throw a bra out into the crowd? haha
You know. No one really knows
I guess that’s one way to put it. haha
They were just like, “Which one of you perverted motherfuckers wants this fucking bra?!” and then they threw it and was like “That motherfucker right there is gonna go home and cross dress while touching himself” and then they went into Not the American Average
LMFAO thats one way to start a song
Oh, and after that they were told they had to cut their show short…which made everyone sad.
I have been monitoring this site sence the first day it was posted on here… I feel like I’m going to die if it doesnt leak soon
I have checked the site probably like 600 times since it was announced on the site. Ive checked it at least 8 times today
I have been on here since 7pm and its 4:21 now :/
LOL! I know how it feels! Im hoping I can see them live soon
It just HAS to leak within 12 hours from now, cos then i can still hear it when im flying to italy haha by the way Brad, nobody thinks youre funny posting fake stuff. Just fuck off of this website if you dont have anything useful.
Guys I strongly suggest checking out “All Leaks” and “Hardcore Leaks V2” over the next 24 hours. I have a very strong feeling that it will leak between today and tomorrow. :)
Why thank you good sir, I now have 2 more site to obsessively click refresh on!
I have been on those sites and this one for 4 hours waiting…..NOTHING… :(
I know right
I’m sitting here…listening to the Death Punch discography and refreshing multiple pages to make sure I get the album the minute it drops! The wait….is painful
You have to post it on here lol!
Dude, if I find it before I go to bed I sure as hell will! Its like 3 AM and I’m impatiently waiting and hoping it leaks within the hour! But, if it doesn’t then I hope it’s there waiting for me when I awake
5am here I’ve ben up all night searching man!
Well, if you find it post it and make us all happy!
Will do haha
Good to know there are other people out there who are as obsessed as i am lol. If this shit dont leak soon i might go crazy.
Dude, favorite band! I did this for American Capitalist too!
Amen Brothers!
We are what you call the hardcore Knuckleheads! xD
Damn Straight!
I have 5 tabs open and random youtube videos playing whilst obsessively refreshing the other tabs…
xD A niggas gotta do what a niggas gotta do
Any of you knuckleheads found it yet?! I have yet to find a single thing and it’s getting exhausting!
im refreshing getmetal every couple of minutes… feel like a sonic junkie
HA! I know how you feel! I’ve had like 4 websites open for like 5 hours now or some shit! Its almost 4 AM and I will not rest until I have this album in my hands!
yeah… my brains gone numb looking and im sure google gave me a search reply of “not fuckin’ you again” for the album
LOL! Im sure its done that to me as well!
But, Is it supposed to leak today or something?
Ok ok. I know I’m posting a lot but I think it’s time for me to go to sleep! All this waiting and searching is exhausting! Hopin its here, waiting for me when I wake up! Night knuckleheads. See you all later!
Good thing its just past noon where im at so ive got all day to search :)
I guess I have found it as a Torrent. But I can’t download torrents here (I am at work) any Idea how I can give you the link to check?
Prob fake, man… I monitor the torrent sites non stop lol
Most torrents are fake, but send the link to me in an PM. Ill check it out, but i highly doubt if its real
Stupid Question, how can I PM in Disqus?
Click on my profile, you can send it there ;)
I’m sorry, I don’t see any possibility to write an PM. Can you send me a PM please? I’m in now way a internet noob but I can’t see to find it
Hmm as soon as i try to message you an error pops up. Damnit.
Seriously…where is this album?
In all reality FFDP must be quite happy it has taken this long to leak
true…I don’t think it would have matter much if they had fired Ivan last month like they wanted to
If anyone has found this album please dont hesitate to post it as a torrent or on mediafire or anything it will make everyone on this page very happy including myself :D
unless your name is brad… brad can fuck right off…
I just saw, release date for germany is this Friday, the 26th.
The new Nine Inch Nails album leaked… Where is Five Finger Death Punch!?!?!!?
When I tried to download the NIN album, it asked me to do some survey or download things and install them on my computer… fail leak….
Yeah sorry about that. I didn’t have to do the survey or anything and when it finished downloading it asked me for a password and stuff. I usually get my leaks from that site so I thought it was the real deal. Once again I apologize.
I say this might leak either tonight or later today. I have faith! :D
Same here man
Fingers crossed! :)
Hey guys im going to help keep an eye out for the album as well and let you know if i manage to find it
So far i already know that anything that is from that albumleakdownload or mp3face is mostly just bullshit
along with anything torrent based thus far
Yeah mostly I’m getting torrent’s that are fake right now it annoys me :(
I hate mp3face so much I keep looking on youtube as well and i get that annoying bullshit all the time. :
I already had my experience of bullshit websites with the killswitch album a few months back
Oh yeah i know dude thank god mostly every album leaks a week before they come out.
It’s out tomoz in Sweden….if I remember correctly from video I watched with Ivan being interviewed on some swedish rock show on you tube.
If that’s true then it must leak tonight!
I think they changed the release date… I think the interview was done before the date was changed from the 23RD to the 30TH
You mean the one from Sweden that they changed the date?
Been refreshing this page constantly… i have no life lol then again i did just wake up so it gives me something to do :)