![Il Tempio Delle Clessidre : AlieNatura News Added Aug 07, 2013 Il Tempio delle Clessidre is an Italian band whose conceptual and musical inspiration derives from the great season of symphonic rock - later redefined as progressive rock - of the 70s. The project originated in Genoa in 2006, thanks to the encounter of Elisa Montaldo (keyboards player and composer) and […]](https://hasitleaked.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/T40042.png)
Il Tempio delle Clessidre is an Italian band whose conceptual and musical inspiration derives from the great season of symphonic rock - later redefined as progressive rock - of the 70s. The project originated in Genoa in 2006, thanks to the encounter of Elisa Montaldo (keyboards player and composer) and Stefano "Lupo" Galifi, rock-blues singer of international fame thanks to his interpretation of Zarathustra in the masterpiece of the same name (1973) by Italian band Museo Rosenbach. Il Tempio delle ClessidreIl Tempio delle Clessidre is also the name of the instrumental section that closed the first part of the record: on February 8, 2007 Elisa and Lupo, together with a line-up that was still a work in progress, played that very piece in its entirety after 34 years in front of the enthusiastic crowd of Genoa's Teatro della Gioventù.
After a few months the band gains a new member, Fabio Gremo bass player and polyhedric composer with a rich background (including a diploma in classical guitar). Together with Giulio Canepa on the guitar (which he too has a diploma in) and drummer Paolo "Paolo" Tixi (who became a professional at the Accademia del Suono in Milan), the band find its perfect line-up and begin working on new ideas and original pieces.
A long three year process consisting of improvisations, scores and tonal research lies at the bottom of the homonymous work Il Tempio delle Clessidre, released both on CD and vinyl in September 2010 by Black Widow Records - ten tracks heterogeneously suspended between light and darkness, strength and sweetness, cultured music in a rock disguise. All five musicians are equally involved in the tracks, both stylistically and arrangement-wise with arrangements conceived and re-elaborated with extreme meticulousness in order to seduce even the most demanding audience while making the listening experience as simple as possible for those who are new to this genre. All tracks are signed Gremo/Montaldo.
Stefano "Lupo" Galifi tries his hand at singing new compositions 40 years after Zarathustra, his great energy and enthusiasm gives added strength to a voice which has remained unaltered over time, often powerful but also deep and intense whenever the performance requires a more intimate touch.
Music enthusiasts will easily identify throughout the record international influences such as King Crimson, Genesis, Gentle Giant but also a strong bond with the traditional Italian progressive rock (Orme, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Balletto di Bronzo, Museo Rosenbach). The end result is made ever more intriguing by the presence of musical instruments normally unusual in a rock environment such as half-size grand piano, concertina, cello and occasional percussions (sometimes of a bizarre nature) and even a church organ. Il Tempio delle Clessidre
Music, lyrics, images and graphics are strictly related to one another. The band's logo has been conceived by Elisa Montaldo as a symbol, a sort of esoteric seal where time, space and the idea of infinity merge into the same centre. The album's cover symbolically describes the eternal cyclic nature of nietzschean fame, and was developed through pencil sketches and a study of watercolours together with talented drawer Maurilio Tavormina.
The album is top of the 2010 chart on the famous musical portal progarchives.com, which also lists it among the first 20 Italian progressive rock albums of all time.
On live events, Il Tempio delle Clessidre try to recreate the sound and atmosphere of the 70s' concerts, paying attention to the look and sound of an era which is very difficult to imitate. Many of the live events they have already taken part of, sometimes supporting big acts such as Soft Machine Legacy, Goblin, Locanda delle Fate, and Arti&Mestieri. Acclaimed in Seoul (South Korea) on 8 October 2011, the band met with a roaring audience and critics success at one of the most important rock festivals in the world, the prestigious NEARfest in Pennsylvania (USA), that took place on June 24, 2012.
The recent history of the Band is typified by the new talented vocalist Francesco Ciapica who is emerging after the leaving of Stefano "Lupo" Galifi, who went back on a permanent basis with the Museo Rosenbach project. The new band line up had its first test taking part in the Spirit of 66's Prog Meeting held last November 10 in Verviers (Belgium).
In that occasion il Tempio was denoted as the revelation of the entire show edition.
The seven notes are a metaphor of life. For Il Tempio delle Clessidre progressive rock is the best way to reflect on human existence and give part of themselves to whoever is still able to close their eyes and daydream while listening to music.
Francesco Ciapica
Elisa Montaldo
vocals, keiboards, piano, organ, concertina
Fabio Gremo
Giulio Canepa
Paolo Tixi
their previous album – > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cphTEfJaPx0