Album download leak

SITE: Getmetal
REPORTED BY: humanfly



Mask The Wretch formed in the fall of 2008. We released our first full length album "EXALT" with producer Anthony Lunn at Rising Tide Recordings and was independently released on March 13th, 2010. We are proud to announce the release of our second full length record "Age of Deception" recorded, mixed and mastered by Bradd Schlosser at In Motion Recordings available for free right here on ReverbNation and We are releasing the new record "Age of Deception" absolutely FREE!!!!!! The album will still be available on iTunes for purchase and physical copies will be sold at shows in the near future. We want to give you guys the option to still support the band if that is what you choose to do of course, we are going to be grateful for the support. The bottom line is we understand we haven't been very active and haven't delivered any material in over 3 years so please if you wanna support buy the record if not download it either way support is support and we are more than thankful and more than happy to share this with you guys we have seriously put so much time and money into recording this album we just want everyone to at least give it a chance. It has never been about the money for us we just love making music and playing shows for you guys. We would like to start booking more shows and not only that but we want everyone to come out and share the passion for this music we all love so much. Just please keep in mind that we are giving out a full length album we have worked our asses off on completely free just to tell you guys thank you for your support over the past almost 5 years being in this band you guys deserve it. Please enjoy it and please spread the word and share this with everyone. We appreciate every single one of you that have came to shows and listened to this band. Thank you guys so much.

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Download & Stream

  • Album download leak: See leak report at the top of the page.
  • Album stream: There is no official stream reported.
  • Album pre-order: No pre-order link added.

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